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ISSN 1684-9833 • Year 6 / No. 19 / October 31, 2014

The Executive Secretariat Informs CIAT, IMF, IOTA and OECD Sign “Letter of Intent to Establish a Common Platform for the Collection of Data Concerning Tax Administration”

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The Executive Secretariat Informs CIAT, IMF, IOTA and OECD Sign “Letter of Intent to Establish a Common Platform for the Collection of Data Concerning Tax Administration”

During their presence at the 9th Meeting of the OECD Forum on Tax Administration, in Dublin, Ireland, representatives from CIAT, IMF, IOTA and OECD signed a “Letter of Intent to Establish a Common Platform for the Collection of Data Concerning Tax Administration.” The Organisations have recognized that the development of a common platform for data collection offers many benefits to them and to their members. The Organisations have entered into discussions to establish the feasibility of a common platform and concluded that further work to adequately accommodate all four Organisations’ needs via a common platform offers the potential for real and tangible benefits. Specifically, it is noted that:

The CIAT participates in the Seminar - “Sharing Information and Resources for an Effective Mutual Assistance” organized by the European Community

The Tax Administrations Inform

Argentina - signed a cooperation agreement with the Grand Duchy of Lucemburg Argentina - AFIP control VAT online through electronic invoicing

The R/A-FIT tool developed by the IMF is capable of capturing the data set on which the FTA Series is based on-line and has valuable logic and error-prevention capabilities; There is significant overlap between the data needs of the Organisations and it will be feasible to develop a common set of questions to cover the majority of their data needs; and, Adopting R/A-FIT as a common data collection tool would reduce duplication of effort by the Organisations and significantly lower the cost of data provision for individual tax administration members.

The Organisations have agreed to a set of principles on which co-operation in the collection of data concerning tax administration would be based.

Bolivia – The online invoicing System will take effect on November 10, 2014 Brazil - Federal Revenue receives award for its innovative technology Guatemala - Tax Culture presents new educational tools on Children’s Day Mexico - and United States sign a memorandum of understanding for cooperation IBFD News Post of the Month New en la Web

The signatories, from left to right: Miklos Kok (IOTA); Pascal SaintAmans (OECD); Juan Toro (IMF) and Socorro Velázquez (CIAT).

Foto de los Participantes.




The letter is signed to record the intent of the Organisations to complete the remaining steps needed to realise the goal of participating fully in a functional system to provide members more current and useful information. Signatories for the organisations were: CIAT – Socorro Velazquez; IMF – Juan Toro; IOTA – Miklos Kok; and, OECD – Pascal Saint-Amans..

The CIAT participates in the Seminar - “Sharing Information and Resources for an Effective Mutual Assistance” organized by the European Community We invite you to CIATalks, the space provided by CIAT. Read the posts, give your opinion and actively participate

CIAT is a public international organization which groups the tax administrations of 38 countries, (31 Amarican countries, 5 European countries, 1 African countries and 1 Asian country. India is an associate members), for the purpose of providing an integral service for the modernization of those administrations, by promoting their evolution, social acceptance and consolidation through the exchange of knowledge, experiences and the rendering of specialized technical assistance.

Executive Council Executive Secretariat

El Secretario Ejecutivo del CIAT, Sr. Márcio Ferreira Verdi, atendiendo invitación de la Comisión Europea asistió a la reunión del grupo de trabajo (taller) “Fiscalis 2020” sobre el tema “Intercambio de Información y Recursos para una Asistencia Mutua Efectiva” EThe CIAT Executive Secretary, Mr. Marcio Ferreira Verdi, on invitation of the European Commission, attended the meeting of the “Fiscalis 2020” Workshop on the topic “Sharing Information and Resources for an Effective Mutual Assistance” which was held on October 15 to 17, 2014, in Oporto, Portugal. The event, organized by the European Commission, included the participation of the member countries of the European Union, officials of international organizations and special guests. During the event, Mr. Verdi made his presentation on “CIAT Public Database System” “Fiscalis 2020” is a cooperation program of the European Union that allows national tax administrations to exchange information and experiences and supports and implements the overall fiscal policy of the Union. The program aims to contribute successfully to the 2020 Europe Strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth by strengthening the functioning of the internal market.

The e-CIAT Newsletter is published and distributed electronically biweekly.


Contact us: CIAT Executive Secretariat / e-CIAT Newsletter P.O. Box 0834-02129 Panama, Republic of Panama. Phone (507) 265-2766 / 265-5994 Fax: (507) 264-4926 E mail:ciat@ciat.org Web Site: http://www.ciat.org

Group of participants



This is the first annual work program established by the European Parliament Regulation (EU) No. 1286/2013 and the Council, which establishes an action program to improve the operation of taxation systems in the European Union for the period 2014-2020 . The fiscal policy in the European Union substantially contributes to the fight against tax fraud and supports revenue collection for the European Union and the budgets of the Member States. It is a key element in the efforts to strengthen the internal market of the European Union, in which the co-existence of 28 national tax systems poses problems of double taxation and distortion of competition. The Fiscalis 2020 program helps the Tax Administrations of the Member States to be fully equipped for future challenges.

The Tax Administrations Inform

Argentina - signed a cooperation agreement with the Grand Duchy of Lucemburg The Head of Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP), Ricardo Echegaray, and Mr. Guy Heintz, head of the Direct tax office of the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg signed a Memorandum of Understanding to facilitate the implementation of the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters and improve the mutual administrative cooperation between both countries. “This agreement provides a clear message to the international community on the firm conviction of both states as regards the importance of greater bilateral cooperation, in line with the new global scenario that seeks to end fiscal opacity”, assessed the Argentine official. Echegaray, together with Luis María Capellano, Public Revenue Undersecretary of Argentina, said that “it is important for our country to keep on expanding the tools that will allow us identifying international schemes carried out by means of conduit companies, triangulations and aggressive tax planning manoeuvres”, and added that “an ally of such relevance in global financial centres as Luxembourg, is vital to accomplish this task”. The official also explained that information exchange will be effective as from the beginning of 2015. María Luisa Carbonell Correspondent

Argentina - AFIP control VAT online through electronic invoicing This new instrument provides immediacy in control processes and allows taxpayers to automatically send and receive documents, making management and collection more efficient. From the electronic invoicing regime, covering 128,116 active users, the Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP) managed to regularize inconsistencies in VAT returns of over 15,000 taxpayers. María Luisa Carbonell Correspondent



Bolivia – The online invoicing System will take effect on November 10, 2014 The Executive President of the SIN, Erik Ariñez Bazan informed that the Virtual Invoicing System (SFV) would be in force for all business transactions and buying and selling goods and services, as established by Normative Resolution No. 10-0025-14, of August 29, 2014. Mr. Ariñez explained that the full text of this Resolution Policy, which includes 9 chapters and 92 articles, with additional, transitional, derogations and final regulations, plus annexes with charts and examples for illustrative purposes, may be downloaded free from the SIN website on www.impuestos.gob.bo Juana Patricia Jiménez Soto Correspondent

Brazil - Federal Revenue receives award for its innovative technology


The Receita Federal Service is recognized again for its excellence in the field of Information Technology (IT). The general coordinator of Cotec (General Coordination of Information Technology), Cláudia Maria de Andrade, has received on 16 October 2014 the IT Leaders Award as outstanding executive in leading innovative projects aligned with the needs of the

The Receita Federal was awarded in the category of Government with Information Technology Project for Business. The project is based on the development of mobile applications to meet the citizens’ needs quickly and securely, anywhere and at any time. This award edition had 375 competitors and only 48 finalists, three in each category, who played the first place in 16 sectors of the economy, with the challenge of staying ahead in the areas of corporate IT, driving simultaneously the reinvention of IT and the digital transformation of the corporation.

Guatemala - Tax Culture presents new educational tools on Children’s Day On October 1, the Superintendency of Tax Administration (SAT) introduced the new mobile games “HeroTax” and “TaxForce” and the children’s musical series “Hand in hand with Nancy and Simon Tax”. Lic. Carlos Munoz, Superintendent of the SAT, dedicated the new materials of Tax Culture to all Guatemalan children, who, he said, “are depositaries of our hopes that they become good men and women, responsible citizens and taxpayers who make our country a better Guatemala”. Mario Rodolfo Riveiro Franco Correspondent



Mexico - and US Sign a Customs mutual recognition agreement unique in the world La firma del acuerdo, único a nivel internacional, representa un importante impulso al comercio ‎exterior, que permitirá engrandecer la región de Norteamérica, al hacerla más competitiva. A partir de 2015, las empresas manufactureras o productoras, los transportistas y los agentes aduanales, encontrarán beneficios como menores revisiones aduaneras, cruces más ágiles (al pasar de entre 3 o 4 horas para una importación a 25 minutos promedio), disminución de costos de transporte y manejo más eficiente en sus procesos‎, por mencionar solo algunos. Adrian Guarneros Correspondent

BFD News International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) Cooperation - CIAT - IBF This section includes a selection of the IBFD news about aspects of tax policies and tax administration. This information is available on the CIAT website and in Fridays Tax News alert.

Post of the month Monday, 20 October 2014

By: María Goenaga Ruiz de Zuazu The importance of how to communicate in Tax Administrations Nowadays, we are living in a 3.0 communication world where in addition to traditional mass media like radio or TV, social networks appeared.

New in the web Bibliographic News October, 2014

This document provides for reference purposes, the most recent documents produced by CIAT and other editorials in the month of October; either articles or other periodic publications, research works and studies of interest.

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