ISSN 1684-9833 • Año 7 / No. 4 / March 27, 2015
News from the Executive Secretariat Relación o Cumplimiento Cooperativo Tributario: Su realidad actual en países miembros del CIAT de América Latina, Caribe, África y Asia (Spanish Only) "Cooperative Tax Relationship or Cooperative Compliance: current situation in CIAT Member Countries of Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa and Asia " With the collaboration of 15 tax administrations from CIAT member countries, it has been possible to draft the working paper "Relación o Cumplimiento Cooperativo Tributario: Su realidad actual en países miembros del CIAT de América Latina, Caribe, África y Asia." (Spanish Only) The objective of this study is to make available to the international tax community, especially tax administrations of developing countries, the experiences that CIAT has identified among the tax administrations of a selection of its member countries in this field. Much has been written on this subject in recent years. However, the existing material does not focus on initiatives implemented by tax administrations in developing countries. It precisely this reason that motivated the preparation of this working paper. The working paper N°2 is free to download from the CIAT internet website. An English version of this paper will be available soon
Relación o Cumplimiento Cooperativo Tributario: Su realidad actual en países miembros del CIAT de América Latina, Caribe, África y Asia (Spanish Only)
Juan Francisco Redondo: New Head of the Spanish Mission to CIAT From March 20, 2015, Mr. Juan Francisco Redondo has joined the CIAT as Head of the Spanish Mission and Financial Officer of the Embassy of Spain in Panama. Before this new appointment, Mr. Redondo has served in Spain as Coordinator of the Director General Office of the Spanish Tax Agency since 2001. He has a Law Degree from the University of Salamanca and has completed Ph.D courses at the Central University of Barcelona, as well as various courses at the School of Public Finance of Madrid. Since 1991, he has served as State Inspector of Finance in various offices at the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration. He was coordinator of the Working Group for the first revision of the CIAT Tax Code Model in 2005-2006. V LAC Tax Policy Forum The fifth LAC (Latin America and Caribbean) Tax Policy Forum will take place on 16-17 June in Costa Rica. It will build on the dialogue launched in Panama in 2010, continued in Colombia in 2012, in Uruguay in 2013 and in Mexico this year on key tax policy issues for the region. The LAC Tax Policy Forum is one of the main streams of work under the LAC Fiscal Initiative (, a regional programme that aims to foster fiscal policy dialogue in the LAC region on mobilising domestic resources through improvements to taxation and public expenditure policies. This regional dialogue is supported by the development of internationally comparable data (e.g. Revenue Statistics in Latin America), capacity building workshops, and the preparation of analytical papers. Another stream of work consists of assisting countries with the design and implementation of fiscal reform measures. This work is carried out in close co-operation with strategic regional partners such as CIAT, ECLAC and IDB. For any further information or questions please contact Katherine Perkins []
Diplomas United Nations - IEFPA Exclusive call to officials from administrations member of the Inter-American Center of tax administrations (CIAT) Beginning - May 2015 It is a pleasure to inform all officials of CIAT member countries’ tax administrations that registration is open to apply for the "intensive tax training program" jointly implemented by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the Institute for Studies of Public Finances of Argentina (IEFPA), with the technical support of CIAT. Both institutions agreed to cooperate and implement courses, which will be taught under a combined or "blended" methodology, mainly through distance learning ("e-learning") and to a lesser extent through classes and onsite practices that will be carried out in different countries. The program aims to strengthen the expertise in economic, political, government administration, and tax and customs administration aspects, among other topics, which constitute training needs of public and private agents that work in the field of public finances; all with a special focus on Latin American countries. The program will start with the following course: THE TAX ADMINISTRATION FACING THE GLOBAL TAXPAYER Mentor and Tutor: Dr. Ricardo Echegaray. Federal Administrator of Public Revenue of Argentina Start date: Compulsory online stage - May 4, 2015 Duration: 6 weeks Availability: 40 vacancies Language: Spanish Optional onsite stage: from 21 to 25 September 2015, Madrid and Geneva. All the information related to the Study Program, its objectives and results; and in particular, the process of registration, conditions and requirements to apply is available on the following web sites: web: y en
In our member countries… Helena Maria José Alves Borges, new General Director of the Tax and Customs Authority (AT) Mrs. Helena Maria José Alves Borges has been named as General Director of the Tax and Customs Authority (AT) through Resolution No. 2961-C/2015.
New Posts Skills + High Degree of Innovation in Tax Administrations
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Member countries news Argentina Echegaray presented the international course "The tax administration facing the global taxpayer” The Federal Administrator inaugurated the XXIV International Meeting of Tax Administrators in Argentina, which was held in Bariloche from 22 to 26 March under the theme "Tax control without borders" and presented the course he will deliver, based on research from his book "The tax administration facing the global taxpayer”. María Luisa Carbonell Correspondent
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AFIP provides Technical Assistance to the DGI of Morocco The Tax General Direction of Morocco expressed his interest for the AFIP technical support on issues related to the functions of collection, during the first week of March were technical meetings took place at the headquarters of the DGI in Rabat, with the participation of experts from the federal administration, for the purpose of delineating a cooperation project that will be developed within the framework of the Argentine Fund for South-South Cooperation and Triangular Fund of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cults of the Republic of Argentina. María Luisa Carbonell Correspondent Bolivia The SIN celebrate its 96th anniversary with important collections and modern technology The National Tax Service (SIN) celebrate its 96 anniversary with significant achievements: Collections close to Bs 50 billion in 2014 tax revenues; fight against the evasion and tax fraud; enlargement of the tax base; generation of tax culture, technological innovations, new infrastructure, progress in the decentralization of services, among others. Juana Patricia Jiménez Soto Correspondent
Peru SUNAT implements strategy to reduce tax evasion by use of false invoices of the TIN Evasion in the VAT by issuing false invoices for false transactions could generate an annual loss in revenue of up to 5,000 million soles. This mode involves the participation of approximately 80,000 taxpayers. Clara Urteaga Correspondent Tax revenue of the Central Government increased by s/. 24 million in February 2015 In February 2015, the tax revenue of the Central Government reached a level of S/. 6 809 million. This result is explained by the increase in payments of the VAT and Total Consumption taxes, tempered by lower payment on income tax. Clara Urteaga Correspondent Dominican Republic Internal revenue collections grow by 10.4% in February The Directorate General of internal taxes (DGII) reported that during the first two months of the year (January and February 2015) the income collected reached a global amount of RD$ 55,805.9 billion, for an increase of RD$ 5,275.8 billion over the same period of the previous year, thus achieving a growth of 10.4%. Nieves Vargas Collado Correspondent
Uruguay The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes recognizes that Uruguay complies with international standards on transparency The Ministry of Economy and Finance reports that the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, multilateral agency which develops international standards concerning transparency and tax cooperation, unanimously approved the technical report referred to the Uruguayan case corresponding to phase 2. Margarita Faral Correspondent
Additional information Bibliographic News March, 2015 This document provides for reference purposes, the most recent documents produced by CIAT and other editorials in the month of March; either articles or other periodic publications, research works and studies of interest.