Cicely Saunders International Annual Lecture 2020 ‘Palliative care in an era of COVID-19: Perspectives from three continents’ Thursday 5th November 4:00pm - 5:30pm BST Hosted virtually via Microsoft Teams
‘Perspectives on using telemedicine to support palliative care during the COVID-19 pandemic’ By Professor Steve Pantilat,
K a te s-Bu rn ard an d H ellm an
Dis tin gui sh ed Profes s or in Palli ativ e C are , I nau gural Chi ef of th e Divisi on of Pal lia tiv e M edici ne , UCS F
‘ The I mp ac t o f C OV ID - 1 9 o n pal l i ati ve c a re i n
Af ri c a: Ch al l e nge s, o ppo r tuni ti e s and e me rg i ng i nno vati o n s ’ B y Dr Eve Nam i s a ngo ,
P rog ramm es an d Res earch
M an ager, Af ric an Pal lia tiv e Ca re As s oci a ti on , H on orar y H eal th Sci en ti s t at th e C ol lege of M edici ne , M akerere Univ e rsi ty
‘ Ro l e and re spo n se o f p al l i ati ve c are : f i ndi ng s f ro m the mul ti na ti o nal C OVPALL stud y ’ B y Pro fe s so r Ire ne Hi g g in s on ,
Vice De an fo r Rese arch,
Flo rence N ightinga le Facu lty of Nurs ing, Midwifery and Pa ll iat ive Care and Director of Cicely Saunde rs Institute , K ing ’s Col lege London
This event will be held virtually and is FREE to attend, register your place online:
CPD (1 credit) approval pending Royal College of Physicians
@CSI_KCL #CSILecture2020