Your Voice Matters What you can do to help stop public school budget cuts Recently, the state government proposed budget cuts to public education that would slash Chicago International Charter School’s budget by $13 million, and would devastate the budgets of all Chicago public schools. Over the next few months, Illinois lawmakers will be deciding upon the state budget, and thus the fate of public schools across the state and throughout Chicago. As friends, family, students and staff of CICS, we are calling on you to reach out to your legislators to make a difference.
TOP: CICS proponents speaking with state legislator, Deborah Mell of the 40th District in Chicago, Illinois.
Here are some frequently asked questions (and answers) that can help you get involved: Q: I want to call, write, or email my legislator, but I don’t
know who my local state representative and senator are. How do I find their names and contact details? Visit and click on “Legislator Lookup.” Type in your home address and hit “search.”
Q: I don’t know exactly what to say to my lawmakers.
Q: Okay, I’m ready to reach out to my legislators.
A: First, state that you are a voting consituent in his/her district.
The main point we are trying to get across is that public school funding cannot be cut at the proposed levels, for the following reasons:
The proposed state and citywide public education budget cuts will severely hinder our public schools’ ability to provide the quality education that our kids deserve.
Then, state your relationship to public schools and explain why they are important to you. You can point out that you went to public school, have sent children to public school, or work at a public school—anything that makes it personal to you.
Q: Where can I find general information and updates about
What are the main talking points?
How should I introduce myself?
Chicago International’s legislative outreach efforts?
A: Visit our newly designed website at
and become a fan of “Chicago International Charter School” on Facebook.
• The proposed state and citywide cuts would directly affect teaching and learning, and would threaten to close high-performing public schools.