Access Quarterly| Winter 2022 Edition

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Access Quarterly Winter | 2022

In this Issue

01 A Year in Review:2021 02 03 Changing All ina lifefor the win! in just one day. 04

A great experience for some happy campers Winter Career Camp

05 JPPAS Program 06 Free Tax Filing Services

Free tax filing services for Deaf individuals

07 Ending 2021 on a

Upcoming Events March 14-17/ 21-24 Spring 2022 Career Camp email for more information March 25 Orlando Solar Bears Benefitting CIL Orlando visit for more info

Rampage 08 A Special Visit from the big man 2021 Annual Silent Night Event

09 Independence through Assistive Technology


A year in review. Was 2021 an easy year for anyone? Absolutely not. Yet, still in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, we were proud to (safely) continue our work and live up to the mission that we set for ourselves every day. No matter what challenge presented itself, we were ready to act quickly to not only keep our community safe and informed, but also independent.



Highlights 111

Deaf consumers got their taxes filed for free!


volunteers provided 984 hours worth of help.


consumers provided with 333 home modifications.


COVID-19 vaccines safely administered.


ramps built with community partners.

1,008 15 consumers assisted in 2021 through our programs and services.

Project SEARCH graduates.

$110k 68 raised through fundraising efforts

job seekers placed in jobs.

Want to see more of what we did last year?

Check out our full Annual Report online:


All-In for the Win! Changing a life in just one day.


here is no better feeling than being able to give someone their independence back after it has been lost due to a disability. That’s exactly what happened In December when staff from All-In Construction Services came to the home of Ms. Nora Valles to spend the morning building a new, safe aluminum ramp. Ms. Valles, who is 70 years old, never thought that leaving her own home would be something that she couldn’t do on her own. But after a stroke and other diseases affected her mobility and overall health, she learned that her front door would now keep her isolated in her home.

“I’ve been a prisoner in here for two years.” - Nora Valles In record-setting time, and with all hands on deck, the All-In Construction volunteer team completed the ramp and gave a very deserving person their independence and peace of mind back.

“I’ve been a prisoner in here for two years… this has got to be the best thing that anyone has done for me in my whole life.” Is your organization interested in sponsoring a ramp build like this one? Get in touch with us about upcoming opportunities! Contact Brittany Pilcher, Development Director, at

A great experience for some happy campers

Winter Career Camp helps youth with disabilities get job-ready


hen you think of camping what do you think of? Tents? camp fires? Maybe even s’mores? When we think of camp we think of one thing: Career Camp. In December, 18 young adults between the ages of 16-19 were given a unique experience to prepare themselves for the job world. The highlight of the week-long experience was a visit just down the street to the Winter Park Fire Department and Police Department. Campers got hands-on with both departments and got to ask questions to professionals in both career fields. From testing the police car siren to using the fire hose, these teens learned more about what it takes to be successful in whatever career they choose. Spring 2022 Career Camp is now accepting applications! Contact for more information, or call (407) 623-1070.


Need Assistance? JPPAS Program provides financial assistance to qualified floridians The James Patrick Memorial Work Incentive Personal Attendant Services and Employment Assistance (JP-PAS) Program was created by the Florida Legislature in 2002 as a pilot project. The pilot was a success – and in 2008, JPPAS was established as a permanent, statewide program in Chapter 413.402, Florida Statutes. JP-PAS provides monthly stipends to adult Floridians with significant disabilities who require personal assistance services to attain and maintain competitive and integrated employment.

Are you eligible? Persons who wish to apply must meet ALL of the following eligibility criteria: • Must be at least 18 years of age. • Must be a U.S. Citizen or Legal Permanent Resident of the United States. • Must be a Florida resident. • Must be employed in Florida or in a county contiguous with the Florida border. • Must earn an annual gross income of at least the Individual Federal Poverty Level, and not more than $150,000. • Must NOT receive cash benefits from Supplemental

How to apply Applications can be found online by visiting Completed applications can be mailed, faxed, or emailed to the addresses noted on the last page of the application.

For more information about the JP-PAS Program email


It’s It’s that thattime of year... Time of year Again ...Again.

Volunteer Spotlight


By Appointment ONLY

Get the refund you deserve.

Walk-ins will be given an appointment.

Get your taxes filed for FREE! Get your taxes filed by an IRS certified tax volunteer who is fluent in ASL.

Schedule your appointment TODAY! Services available February 1, 2022- April 15, 2022 Masks required for in-person appointments VP 321-280-2625 Virtual appointments are available by VP but clients must have the ability to fax and email tax documents prior to appointment. CIL Winter Park Office 720 N. Denning Drive Winter Park, FL 32789


Ending 2021 on a rampage

central florida organizations help four individuals rediscover their independence. The end of each year serves as an opporunity to look back at memories, accomplishments, and things to be thankful for. As the end of 2021 approached, we had some amazing Central Florida volunteer groups to be extremely thankful for. From November until the end of the year, volunteers from AdventHealth, All-In Construction, Oviedo City Church, and Turner Construction got to work building life-changing ramps for some of our community members with disabilities in need.

Is your organization interested in giving back to the community? Contact us for partnership opportunities: 407-961-5534


A special Visit from The big Man Annual Silent Night Event welcomes CIL Families for a holiday celebration On December 10, CIL once again transformed their Winter Park office into a whimsical winter wonderland for their Annual Silent Night holiday event. Originally, this holiday celebration was created solely for CIL’s Deaf community, but has since grown and opened up to all of the nonprofit organization’s clients and their families; an action taken to embody CIL’s mission to remove barriers of daily life activities in the community. Volunteers from AdventHealth and Altrusa International Orlando- Winter Park welcomed and led kids and their families through a variety of outdoor activities, crafts, and games. Each child was then led inside to meet an American Sign Language (ASL) fluent Santa and receive a wrapped present. Other ASL interpreters attended the event to ensure that all attendees had a memorable and inclusive night.This year also marked the fifth year that The Mayflower Retirement Community at Winter Park donated gifts, with additional presents donated by Lake Highland Preparatory School. For many of CIL’s clients and their families, this event provides a unique holiday experience that is inclusive and welcoming; which is hard to find at other public holiday events for children and their families.


Independence through Assistive Technology FAAST Inc. Enhances Inclusion Across Florida What is FAAST?

FAAST (Florida Alliance for Assistive Services & Technology) is the state of Florida’s assistive technology program. Assistive technology activities provided by FAAST include device loans, device demonstrations, device reutilization, device trainings, information and assistance, and a statewide financing program. FAAST serves Floridians who have disabilities and their family members, service providers, educators, therapists, employers, health and rehabilitation professionals, assistive technology vendors, procurement officials, and all other interested parties throughout the state of Florida.

What is Assistive Technology?

Assistive Technology helps people with disabilities live, work, learn and play as independently as possible. A.T. is any device, item, gadget, tool, hardware, or software used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of both individuals of all ages who have disabilities and older adults who may find a need for assistance. Assistive technology provides people who have disabilities the option to access education and the workplace, to live within their communities, and enjoy recreational activities.

Where Can I find FAAST SERVICES?

FAAST provides access to AT through multiple programs and locations. The state headquarters in Tallahassee provides the home base for the Statewide Device Loan Program and the New Horizon Financial Loan Program as well as coordinates and manages legislative activities for the advancement of AT related initiatives. Throughout the state, there is a network of twelve (12) Regional Demonstration Centers and five (5) Regional Reutilization Centers.There are two locations serving the Central Florida Area: Center for Independent Living in Central Florida Inc. (CIL Orlando) Regions Served – Hardee, Highlands, Osceola, Polk 720 N Denning Drive Winter Park Fl 32789. Tel: 407-623-1070 Video Relay: 711

University of Central Florida School of Communication Sciences and Disorders Regions Served: Brevard, Orange, Seminole, and Volusia 3280 Progress Drive, Suite 250 Orlando, FL 32826 Tel: 407 .823.4876

* Don’t see your county? Visit for a full list of locations.


Our Mission CIL, in partnership with the community, promotes inclusion of people with disabilties by eliminating architectural, communication and attitudinal barriers. CIL provides education, resources, and training to enhance self-determination through informed choice.

Our Board Chair Mellissa Slover-Athey Past Chair Kim Byerly Vice Chair Maxine Moul Treasurer Steve Beres Secretary Cheryl Stone

Michelle Blake Michelle Blake HectorDel Del Valle Hector Valle GregoryEdwards Edwards Gregory Tamara Mackroy Tamara Mackroy JamesMoody Moody James Christopher Pruitt Christopher Pruitt HollyMuller Muller Holly Kevin KevinReynolds Reynolds Bill BillRodriguez Rodriguez Dr. Ruddock Dr.Maxine Maxine Ruddock Lavond Wilder Lavonda Wilder

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