Athabasca University Online Executive MBA Brochure

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Executive Master Of Business Administration Executive Master Of Online Executive MBA Business Administration

Get connected Athabasca University’s online Executive MBA program, connects you to a powerful collaborative learning environment that has stood the test of time. In 1994, AU logged on with the world’s first fully interactive online MBA program, and since then has continued to build a tradition of online excellence in graduate management education. Today, the AU MBA is Canada’s largest Executive MBA program, and has earned a place among the top Executive MBAs in the world. Management curriculum comes to life when theory meets practice in our interactive online environment. You will learn alongside experienced managers from across Canada and around the world, from every sector and virtually every industry. Your classmates bring rich backgrounds in human resources, operations, finance, marketing, information technology and more ... in roles from middle manager to CEO to entrepreneur. Together you will analyze, discuss, collaborate and integrate management theory and practice … from Vancouver, Toronto, Halifax or Edmonton … Katy, Texas; Quismasis, New Brunswick or Pierrefonds, Quebec … New Delhi or Dubai. This is your classroom. These are your colleagues. This is a learning experience like no other. Athabasca University is a publicly funded, post-secondary institution, one of four comprehensive universities in the Province of Alberta, Canada. AU is accredited by the Province of Alberta, the Province of British Columbia, and by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education in the United States.

04 Your Reasons, Your program 2

06 Online learning that works

08 Curriculum that counts

10 Program Structure

12 Work-Life Balance

Team Work Global Perspective Speed of light communications

14 Applicability and ROI

16 A team devoted to your success

18 Admission requirements and time commitment

20 graduation and beyond

22-23 Tuition and fees How to Apply 3

Your reasons, your program

Corinne Scott, MBA ‘06, Winnipeg, MB

Doug Grant, MBA ‘08, Vancouver, BC

Considering today’s global environment, and the knowledge-based

After 20 years of working as an IT professional and manager, I

world in which we live, lifelong learning is more important than ever

decided to switch gears and direct my career towards general business

if one hopes to remain competitive in any industry. I have always been

management. I knew that I would need a well-rounded business

a believer in continuous learning and Athabasca University’s MBA

education such as an MBA to be considered for management job

program provided me with an intense and challenging course of study.

openings and to be successful in senior management. Since taking

The online learning environment gave me the flexibility necessary to

the AU MBA, I have risen through the ranks to executive management

maintain a much needed balance between my studies, my profession,

at The Oppenheimer Group. My position is Vice-President and COO

and my family. I believe that my contribution as an executive with the

with responsibilities for IT, manufacturing, quality control, operations,

Winnipeg Police Service has been greatly enhanced as a result of what

transportation, food safety and supplier relations. There isn’t a day

I learned and the many contacts I have made while achieving my MBA.

that goes by that I don’t apply what I’ve learned from the AU MBA.


Is the AU online Executive MBA right for you? The outcomes people expect from the AU MBA are as diverse as our student body, but one theme is consistent. Our students are looking to unlock their potential and achieve the successes they know they are capable of achieving. The AU MBA will give you the tools, knowledge and perspective you need to innovate, lead, and succeed. Whether you want to increase your effectiveness in your current management role, contribute at a higher level, broaden a specialized man-

agement skill set, launch a new venture, lead complex projects effectively, or formalize years of management knowledge gained on the job, the AU MBA will help you achieve your goals. Rigorous academic curriculum, experienced faculty, knowledgeable and engaged peers, and a proven collaborative online learning environment will expand your management and leadership horizons further than you ever thought possible.

Marion Van Keken-Rietkerk, MBA ‘08,

Dwayne Koch, MBA ‘05, CALGARY, AB

Vancouver, BC The MBA studies really filled in the

I wanted to pursue my MBA to build an academic foundation that

gaps that existed between my basic education and my real world

would help me change careers. What I learned in the AU MBA

experience as a business owner. Completing my MBA gave me an

program helped me transition from one career into a completely

enormous boost in self-confidence and made me realize that every

unrelated one in a short period of time. Not only did the AU

seemingly insurmountable project is completed in small steps; I

MBA allow me to make this transition with ease, it helped me

can take on anything now. Athabasca’s MBA program provided the

gain respect within my new career quickly. My career has taken

structure to help me succeed — the staff and academic coaches

off, and doors have opened within my new organization. As I

were great and really helped me do well.

continue to build my second career, the AU MBA will only help that progression.


Online learning that works

The Centre for Innovative Management's graduate management courses are designed within a unique and powerful learning environment that enables you to access course materials, discuss issues, and collaborate on presentations, case studies, projects and processes across geographic and organizational boundaries. Peer learning is at the heart of the AU MBA learning environment. Each course is designed to facilitate individual study, group work, interactive learning and collaboration. Discussions are lively and intense, and generate ideas, questions and


challenges as you probe deeply into your own and others’ organizational issues. Academic coaches facilitate group dynamics, link theory to practice, support critical thinking and add value to your learning through their knowledge, insights and experience. Interaction among academics and students is extremely high, providing you with exposure to broad perspectives and insights. In this environment, you will gain invaluable experience in the international arena and form excellent working relationships within a network of global connections.

Collin Gordon, MBA ‘07, Calgary, AB A lot of the concerns I had about not being in a classroom or looking at a professor or other students face to face turned out to be non-issues. I can’t imagine how the quality of education I’ve received — not just from the University itself but from other students and colleagues — could be higher. The online environment is fascinating — I don’t think you get the same thing in a traditional school. The quality of questions being asked is spectacular. You can tell someone has read through your comments, reflected on them, understood them, and then posed a challenge to say, “Why do you think the way you think?”

LEAH PURDY, MBA Student, CALGARY, AB Perhaps one of the best and most unexpected experiences I've had through Athabasca's MBA program has been learning from the many diverse backgrounds and perspectives of my classmates and program faculty. We literally came together online from countries all over the world — from many different industries and with unique cultures and experiences to draw from. I believe the global accessibility of this program, where both instructors and students come together in a virtual community from just about anywhere, has given richness and depth to my learning experience.

Fast Fact: 91 percent of our graduates say the Athabasca MBA exceeded their expectations

Online learning that works


Curriculum that counts

The AU Executive MBA curriculum is intense, challenging and comprehensive. Core courses concentrate on the key areas that make a difference to organizational performance — managing strategy, information, people, resources, projects, markets and operations — from the perspective of a decision maker. You will study cases and examples, and test models and skills in your own work environment. You will complete practical, projectbased assignments that are linked to your own organization. Up-


to-date courses, developed by experienced academics and business practitioners, ensure that you study relevant issues and develop the right skills for managing within any organization. By the time you finish your AU MBA, you will have far more than a new credential. You will be an effective leader, a strategic thinker who contributes to your organization at a higher level ‌ and you will have the knowledge and experience that gives you confidence in yourself and inspires confidence in others.

ELIZABETH LAW, MBA ‘02, VANCOUVER, BC As a management consultant specializing in project management, I have worked in many business areas across various industries, and have implemented complex projects involving information systems, business strategy and process improvements. I decided to pursue an MBA to complement my computer science background with a formal business degree. I chose the MBA at Athabasca University because it spanned a range of subjects that enabled me to develop a well-rounded skill set. With the knowledge I gained, I am now much better equipped to tackle projects in business areas that I had little exposure to previously.

MIKE CORR, MBA ‘07, TORONTO, ON With almost 30 years in the railroad industry I was looking for a program that would expand my horizons. The AU MBA afforded me the opportunity to gain insights into businesses that I would never have had, while at the same time being relevant and applicable to the transportation sector. I learned about business practices from a wide range of professions — from bankers to health care professionals to managers in the manufacturing sector. I was especially impressed by how dedicated my classmates were, and how well we worked together, even across time zones.

Fast Fact: 63 percent of AU MBA students are promoted at least once while enrolled in the MBA

Curriculum that Counts


AU MBA Program Structure Phase One Orientation (one week online)

ONLINE ELECTIVES AND ELECTIVES IN RESIDENCE, as well as an applied project, provide you with opportunities to tailor your MBA studies to your professional interests. Choose electives from several topic areas or expand your global experience and perspective by enrolling in one or more of our international electives. A broad range of elective topics, are available for an in depth focus in one topic area, elective concentrations are available in:

Strategic Management

Project Management

Managerial Economics and Quantitative Analysis Human Resource Management

Energy Management

Financial and Managerial Accounting

Human Resources

Marketing Management


Operations Management

IT Management

Comprehensive Examination


Award of the Graduate Diploma in Management All students who successfully complete Phase One of the MBA program are awarded the Graduate Diploma in Management (GDM). This stand-alone, graduate-level credential is ideal for working managers and professionals who do not wish to complete the full MBA program.

Phase Two Information Technology Strategy

Energy Management An Athabasca University/ University of Alberta School of Business collaboration allows AU MBA students to take advantage of the UofA’s academic expertise in the energy field. This elective concentration explores current industry issues and opportunities, from market and technology fundamentals to policy issues and strategy.

Operations Management INTERNATIONAL ELECTIVES Each International Elective includes five intensive days in an international setting where you will be given an insider’s view of some of that nation’s top companies. It is the ideal setting to focus the knowledge you will have gained from the AU MBA, while also taking an in-depth look at conducting business in another country.

Corporate Finance Strategy and Organizational Analysis Ethical Decision Making Two Online Electives* One Elective in Residence* Applied Project Award of Master of Business Administration Degree AU MBA students are required to complete three electives. Of these, at least one must be taken in residence.


Program Structure 10





APPLIED PROJECT This major academic research paper involves a review of literature and the systematic application of frameworks, models, concepts, and theories from MBA courses to a specific business problem or situation.

Partnerships / Associations Partnerships with the following organizations offer special benefits to students. Please visit our website at for detailed information: Certified Management Accountants of Canada (CMA Canada) Certified General Accountants of Canada (CGA-Canada)

Sharon Barnes, MBA ‘06, Kelowna, BC I used the Applied Project to create a business plan for a start-up venture I’d thought of pursuing for a long time. And by the time I completed the Applied Project, I’d started RFind Systems. As a new company we’ve already had a number of successes, won several awards and expanded our client base across North America and Europe. The work I did on my MBA was critical to our company’s ability to create and implement our business plan and operations model. With Athabasca University, I was able to work on complex business projects with students from every part of Canada and several from around the world. I have since adapted AU’s model of online collaboration within RFind. That’s part of the reason for the success we’ve enjoyed in terms of launching the business and sharing knowledge with partners and employees.

The Department of National Defence/Canadian Forces College The Canadian College of Health Service Executives (CCHSE)

Mark McCooeye, CMA, MBA ‘01, ottawa, on For me, I felt the MBA was a natural progression from the CMA designation. It has opened a lot more doors in my professional career. After researching many MBA programs, I chose Athabasca for its flexibility and quality. The flexibility allowed me to take the MBA while continuing to build my career. The quality of the program was apparent in my research; however I was still amazed at the calibre of the students once I joined the program.


Work-life balance

Athabasca's 24-hour online format makes it feasible and practical to work on a high quality MBA while still meeting your commitments to work and family. Designed to fit individual schedules, the program can be successfully completed from home, work or even while travelling. Expect to be challenged, and to spend 20 to 25 hours per week on coursework, readings, discussions, and assignments. At AU, you need not leave work for a month, a year, or even


every second Friday. In fact, you are never required to be online at a specific date or time — a feature of our program that allows you to study from any time zone, any part of the world and at any time of day or night. You control your study hours, working at the time and place that's right for you as you participate in asynchronous discussions, work on group projects, and complete individual assignments.

HARRIET THORNHILL, MBA ‘06, TORONTO, on When I started my MBA, my two sons were transitioning from the teenage years, my daughter was only three years old, my husband was busy with his career, and I had to keep up with a fully charged role at RBC. Quite frankly, the flexibility provided by the AU MBA, along with the support of RBC and my family, were key contributors to my decision to pursue this MBA.

Hamid Shirazi, MBA ‘06, TORONTO, on No other scheduled class or distance MBA program could fit my lifestyle — family commitments, a three hour daily commute in the GTA, a complex and demanding career, business travel — and meet my requirements for daily access to experienced academic coaches, an excellent academic coach to student ratio, and daily interaction with peers and classmates from different industries across the country. Fast Fact: On average, each AU MBA class is one-third female and two-thirds male.

Work-life balance


Jim Moore, MBA ‘06, Richmond, BC About halfway through the program, I accepted a position as President & CEO of a medium-sized, domestic company that had fallen on hard times. I wanted a challenge, and what a challenge it was! While I continued with my MBA studies, I was able to apply every aspect of what I learned to “turn around” the business. The combination of my experience and my AU MBA training resulted in Stork Craft becoming the largest supplier of juvenile furniture in the world with manufacturing and distribution facilities of global scale.


Applicability and ROI AU’s MBA courses are designed to be immediately applicable to your own workplace. Your return on investment is instant. You do not have to wait to receive your graduation parchment before you start making impacts — the majority of our students report promotions, salary increases and other important career advances long before they graduate.

Glenn Berall, MD, MBA ‘07, Toronto, ON While I was taking a course in strategic management, the North York General Hospital was undergoing a review of its strategy, mission, vision, and values. With every course I took, whether it was marketing, operations, or finance, the material I was covering in my course work was exactly what I needed to be applying as Chief of Pediatrics. I didn’t expect such a strong connection between course work and my workplace, and it really helped me take my understanding of business and management to a whole new level.

Caroline Nevin, MBA ‘09, Vancouver, BC While still an AU MBA student, I became the first non-lawyer and first female Executive Director of the BC Bar Association. The job entails managing 19 employees and the many programs and services we deliver to more than 6,000 lawyers, judges and law students in the province. We provide professional development, advocacy, legislation and law reform work and direct services to the legal profession. Our members demand a lot from their professional association — they expect us to protect and serve their interests every day — and our entire operation is focused on meeting their expectations for excellent service. My MBA studies have given me skills, tools and new ways of thinking to help us deliver on that promise.

Fast Fact: Immediate ROI - On average, salaries of AU MBA students increase by 34% while enrolled in the program.

Applicability and roi


A team devoted to your success DR. Deborah Hurst Our faculty are driven by a passion for excellence and a desire to see each student realize his or her full potential. CIM’s academic team consisting of core faculty and academic coaches, choose to be part of the AU online MBA program because they believe it truly delivers a remarkable learning experience ... and not just for the students! I, for one, am continually amazed at the extraordinary level of new knowledge created by each student cohort as they move through the program. The calibre of people involved in this program — students, faculty, academic coaches and staff — is my greatest source of pride in my role as Program Director for the AU MBA.

Core Faculty The Centre for Innovative Management’s core faculty members are tenure track professors who conduct research, lead academic disciplines, and teach within AU’s masters and doctoral level programs. Whether they are leading a discussion, making connections between theory and practice, or exploring ideas at an elective in residence, CIM’s core faculty are central to the integration of all collaborative learning in the AU MBA. Bryan Austin, MSc, CA Professor, Accounting and Finance

Anshuman Khare, PhD Professor, Operations Management

Saktinil Roy, PhD Assistant Professor, Economics

Kay Devine, PhD DBA Program Director Associate Professor, Organizational Behaviour and Analysis

Alex Kondra, PhD Executive Director, Centre for Innovative Management

Dheeraj Sharma, DBA Associate Professor, Marketing Management

Helen Lam, PhD Associate Professor, Human Resources

Janice Thomas, PhD Associate Professor, Project Management

Deborah Hurst, PhD MBA Program Director Associate Professor, Work and Organizational Studies Kam Jugdev, PhD Associate Professor, Project Management and Strategy

A team devoted to your success 16

Peter Newsted, PhD Professor, Information Technology Management Lindsay Redpath, PhD Associate Professor, Organizational Studies

Academic Coaches Academic coaches are subject matter experts who facilitate active discussion and collaboration among students by guiding conversations and providing new information, insights or tools to help clarify particular points or themes. Academic coaches work with small groups of 8 to 10 students in each course, ensuring a high standard of studentacademic interaction. Mark Alpern, MBA Thornhill, ON David Annand, EdD Athabasca, AB Rodney Beard, PhD Edmonton, AB Klaus Bellman, PhD Heidelberg, Germany Dale Bent, PhD Nanaimo, BC Greg Berry, PhD Lindon, UT

Judy Bridgemohan, MBA ‘08, Houston, tx The AU MBA program was set up for success from the get-go. My professors, coaches and the staff at AU were very knowledgeable and helpful. My coaches were very encouraging when I had challenges

Linda Bramble, PhD Toronto, ON Sid Carlson, PhD Edmonton, AB Tim Carroll, MBA Charlottetown, PEI

due to the fact that I'm on the road most of the time, travelling for

David Chapin, DBA Burnaby, BC

my work as an engineer.

Clive Chapple, PhD Vancouver, BC

Cohort Coordinators As a new student, you will be assigned an MBA cohort coordinator who becomes your main administrative contact throughout your studies, working with you to manage your schedule and meet your degree requirements. IT HelpDesk The HelpDesk is your conduit to the resources and assistance you need to participate in our online learning environment. HelpDesk staff work extended hours to help with your initial setup, with travel issues, and any time you need technical assistance.

Pamela Christie, MA Ottawa, ON Glenn Coltman, MBA Halifax, NS Lucien Cortis, PhD Sudbury, ON Joseph Doucet, PhD Edmonton, AB Dev Dutta, PhD Portsmouth, NH Rocky Dwyer, PhD, CMA Orleans, ON Tony Fang, PhD Thornhill, ON

Louis Jacques Filion, PhD Saint-Lazare, QC

Udo Mildenberger, PhD Edingen Neckarhausen, Germany

Richard Ford, PhD Edmonton, AB

Dave Norton, MSc Rochester, NY

Joyce Fortune, PhD Leighton Buzzard, England

Dwayne O’Coin, CA Edmonton, AB

Lowell Glenn, PhD Orem, UT

Eileen Pepler, PhD Victoria, BC

Walter Good, PhD Winnipeg, MB

Teresa Rose, PhD Calgary, AB

Ann Gregory, PhD Outer Cove, NL

Robert Sexty, PhD St. John’s, NL

Rajendra Gupta, PhD St. John’s, NL

Don T. Simpson, EdD Greene, NY

Ike Hall, MSc, MBA Burnaby, BC

Don Smallwood, MBA Edmonton, AB

John Harris, PhD Toronto, ON

Gord Sorli, MSIA Waterloo, ON

Tracy Hillier, MBA Woodstock, ON

James Spee, PhD Redlands, CA

Gordon Hollis, DBA Edmonton, AB

David Stewart, PhD St. John’s, NL

Steve Johnson, PhD Salem, UT

Armand St. Pierre, PhD Kingston, ON James Swanson, LLB, MBA Calgary, AB

Mark Julien, PhD St. Catharines, ON Lee Ann Keple, MBA Burnaby, BC Paul Larson, PhD Winnipeg, MB Oliver Mack, PhD Vienna, Austria Ruth Maurer, PhD Grand Junction, CO Thomas Mengel, PhD Pondstream, NB

Dwight Thomas, PhD Professor Emeritus St. Albert, AB Conor Vibert, PhD Wolfville, NS Kelly Williams-Whitt, PhD Lethbridge, AB Barry Wright, PhD St. Catharines, ON

Fast Fact: Our faculty and academic coaches teach from across Canada and around the world.


Gary Vince, MBA ‘06, Burlington, on Managing within the DHL global transportation environment requires a broad range of management and leadership skills. My Athabasca MBA has helped to strengthen my business and leadership competencies, providing me with a broad scope of knowledge across various industry sectors. The program brings tremendous benefit, both during and after completion. While business and financial gain is certainly a critical success factor, the level of confidence you gain in your own abilities to successfully navigate through a globalized business environment is a key reason to take the AU MBA program.


Admission requirements and time commitment The MBA program is challenging and requires you to be committed to your studies, to immediately apply your learning to your workplace, and to balance the demands of education, work and family. Each course is eight weeks long and, on average, you will devote 20 to 25 hours per week to your studies. The AU MBA learning environment is asynchronous and provides you with the flexibility to work at times and places that best fit your schedule. The program is highly structured with clearly laid out expectations for readings, discussion, groupwork and individual assignments. Courses are completed one at a time with specific start and end dates. Most students complete the MBA in two and a half to three years; however, you may take up to five years to complete all program requirements. The AU MBA has three intakes (cohorts) per year: September Cohort - Applications due June 15 January Cohort - Applications due October 15 May Cohort - Applications due February 15

There are three paths of entry to the Executive MBA program. You must have: an undergraduate degree from an accredited university and at least three years of managerial experience that may include managing people, projects or budgets with management-level or professional responsibilities, or an accepted professional designation* and at least five years of managerial experience, or significant management experience (8 to 10 years). Students admitted under this category apply to and must successfully complete Phase One of the MBA program (Graduate Diploma in Management). These are minimum requirements and do not guarantee acceptance into the program. A Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) score is not required. See inside back cover (page 23) for the full details on how to apply to the MBA program. *

a list of accepted designations is available on our website

Fast Fact: On average, AU MBA students are 40 years old and have over 9 years of management experience

Admission Requirements and Time Commitment


Graduation and beyond

Convocation is the highlight of your academic journey, and is an extraordinary celebration of the achievements of AU MBA grads. Every year new graduates and their families travel from across Canada and around the world to celebrate for two full days in Athabasca and Edmonton. When you graduate, you join a dynamic community of over 2,400


AU MBA alumni who continue to stay connected with fellow alumni, Athabasca University and the Centre for Innovative Management through a rich program of services including educational opportunities and courses, networking events, newsletters, web services and more, offered through AU’s MBA alumni relations team.

Harriet Thornhill, MBA ‘06, Toronto, on I was looking at my convocation pictures the other day and relived the feeling of great accomplishment. It was very emotional for me and I felt extremely proud. You can’t make this type of journey without a personal support system around you. I also could not have done it without my colleagues in the program and the very knowledgeable and patient faculty and professional staff at Athabasca University.

Nancy Schafer, MBA ‘08, Calgary, Ab I really bonded with other students. I had students even in my very first class that I remain friends with today, and they’re on the opposite ends of the country! So it was surprising to me how close the relationships are that you develop through an highly collaborative online program.

Fast Fact: AU MBA alumni chapter groups are active in 15 cities in Canada and the U.S.

graduation and beyond


Tuition and fees Tuition for the AU Executive MBA is $43,740* and includes all textbooks, required readings, and learning environment software. Travel costs associated with attending electives in residence are not included in the tuition. A one-time delivery surcharge of $400 applies to students living outside of Canada.

AU Executive MBA Fees and Tuition > Application fee


> Admission fee


> Graduate Students Association Membership Fee


> Program Tuition > Phase one (Graduate Diploma in Management) $17,100 > Phase two (core courses)


> Phase two (electives and applied project)




Payment schedules MBA and Graduate Diploma in Management The application fee is due with your application. The admission fee is due upon acceptance into the program. Graduate Students Association fee is due at the beginning of Phase One ($90) and Phase Two ($150). Tuition for Phase One (GDM) is payable in three equal installments of $5,700. Tuition for Phase Two (core courses) is payable in two equal payments of $5,700. Tuition for electives and the Applied Project is payable upon registration into the elective and registration into the Applied Project. Online electives - $2,850 each. Electives in Residence - $3,900 each. Applied Project - $4,400.

AU MBA students at an elective in residence. 22

* Fees in effect as of September 2009. For most current fee information, visit Athabasca University reserves the right to adjust fees at any time without notice. If you require financial assistance, please enquire in your home province/state/ country to find out if you are eligible for a student loan. Information regarding scholarships, bursaries and other forms of financial assistance can be found on the admissions page of the AU MBA website:

How to apply to the AU Executive MBA program To apply to the Executive MBA program (or Graduate Diploma in Management) you will need to assemble an application package that contains the following: 1. A completed Centre for Innovative Management Graduate Management Program Application Form. You may apply online at under Admissions or, for a hard copy of the application form, contact our office at one of the telephone numbers below. 2. A current and detailed resume (adhere to the format outlined in the application form). 3. Three letters of reference. One academic and two business references are preferred and each should be accompanied by the appropriate reference form. For applications without an academic reference, three professional references will suffice. NOTE: If you are applying under a special partnership agreement (e.g., CGA-Canada, CMA Canada, Department of National Defence), you will have specialized reference requirements. Check the Admissions section of our website ( or call our office for details.

4. An essay. To assess your managerial experience and your potential for graduate level studies, completion of a brief (1000 word) essay is required. You are asked to respond to four questions on the application form. 5. Official transcripts of post-secondary educational achievements must be sent directly to Athabasca University’s Centre for Innovative Management from respective institution(s) before the application deadline. NOTE: Applicants with degrees obtained outside of Canada or the United States may need to have their transcripts assessed independently by Alberta’s International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS). Please contact Student Services at 780.459.1144 or 1.800.561.4650 to determine if you need this assessment completed. Details regarding accessing this service will be provided at that time. 6. An application fee of two hundred dollars in Canadian currency ($200 CAD). The application fee is non-refundable.

For assistance, call 780.459.1144 or 1.800.561.4650 (toll-free in North America), or email

Athabasca University reserves the right to make additions, deletions, changes or modifications to its policies, practices, procedures, tuition fees, course availability, delivery mode, schedules, or program requirements at any time without prior notice. The publication of information in this brochure does not bind the University to the provision of courses, programs, services or facilities as listed herein. Students are responsible for informing themselves of the University’s procedures and policies and the specific requirements associated with the degree or diploma sought. Every student accepted for registration with Athabasca University shall be deemed to have agreed to be bound by the regulations and policies of the University and of the program in which that student is enrolled. Athabasca University specifically reserves the right to exercise its sole, absolute and unfettered discretion in admitting individuals to the University, its programs, or courses.


Centre for Innovative Management Graduate Management Programs: Executive Master of Business Administration (MBA) Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) Graduate Diploma in Management (GDM) Leadership and Management Development (LMD)

Athabasca University (AU) Centre for Innovative Management (CIM) 301, 22 Sir Winston Churchill Avenue St. Albert, AB T8N 1B4 Phone: 780.459.1144 or 1.800.561.4650 (toll-free in North America) Fax: 780.459.2093 or 1.800.561.4660 (toll-free in North America) Email: Website:


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