Agritech in Switzerland : The panacea that squares the circle of productivity and climate protection

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PROGRAMMES AND NETWORKS SUPPORTING INNOVATION IN AGRICULTURE AGRIQNET The purpose of this national platform is to provide financial support for sustainable, innovative agricultural projects in Switzerland to increase their added value for the farms concerned. To qualify for support, projects must be of a strongly innovative nature and must focus on the priority areas of quality and sustainability.

AGROCLEANTECH Comprising an association and a public limited company, AgroCleanTech manages the AgriPEIK programme, which supports energy efficiency in agriculture. The association is a platform designed to act as an intermediary and a source of information on energy efficiency, renewable energy and combating climate change in agriculture. The public limited company develops incentive programmes in energy efficiency and climate protection.

COORDINATION PLATFORM FOR INNOVATIVE PROJECTS Set up by the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG), this platform provides funding for preliminary studies for innovative projects to help organisations interested in initiating quality projects that meet the objectives and instruments of Switzerland’s agricultural policy.

NATIONAL ACTION PLAN FOR THE CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE USE OF PHYTOGENETIC RESOURCES IN FOOD AND AGRICULTURE (PAN-RPGAA) This tool, managed by the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG), is designed to promote the preservation and sustainable use of diversity in plant varieties important to agriculture. PAN-RPGAA takes the form of projects conducted in collaboration with different organisations operating at regional or national level.

NTN INNOVATION BOOSTER - SWISS FOOD ECOSYSTEMS The Fribourg-based association Suisse Agro Food Leadinghouse, which includes the Food & Nutrition Cluster and Swiss Food Research, was recently awarded a four-year funding package by Innosuisse to run a national thematic network (NTN Innobooster) in food production. The main topic covers various fields: > Commercial exploitation of biomass > Smart nutrition > Efficient use of resources > Circular economy > Sustainable packaging

FUND FOR THE PROMOTION OF FORESTRY AND WOOD RESEARCH This fund, financed by the Confederation (Federal Office for the Environment) and Cantons, supports research and development projects that help improve the competitiveness of Switzerland’s forestry and timber economy.


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