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Editor’s letter
Can you hear that? The illustrious sound of wedding bells in the distance? With wedding season just around the corner providing the hair and beauty industry with a perfect opportunity to boost profits, one of our features this month looks at how you can offer an unforgettable experience to clients who choose you for their salon appointment and the benefits it can offer to the wider business. Whether it means closing your salon for the day and hiring a caterer or simply making sure you have a library of five star reviews for potential clients to see, we delve in to the world of weddings with the help of our trusted experts.
Opening the April issue, we have a series of unmissable Create This Style pieces highlighting looks that can be easily replicated in order to stay on top of trends and, therefore, at the forefront of your client’s minds.

Going hand-in-hand with the plethora of regular pieces is our unique Skincare feature, which highlights the importance of consultations. To begin the piece, we asked some skin specialists with the change in season upon us, what kind of conditions beauticians and skin consultants can expect to see amongst their clientele and based around those answers, we look at what professionals should aim to gain from a consultation and how.
With touches on unmissable products to be retailed or stocked in your salon, showcase of a technology platform, inspiration and business advice in abundance, this issue really does have it all!
© 2023 TGM Publishing Limited, 1st Floor, Saphir House, 5 Jubilee Way, Faversham, Kent, ME13 8GD. No part of this magazine may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form – electronic, mechanical or physical – without express prior permission and written consent of the publisher. Contributions are invited and when not accepted will be returned only if accompanied by a fully stamped and addressed envelope. Manuscripts should be type written. No responsibility can be taken for drawings, photographs or literary contributions during transmission or in the editor’s hands. In the absence of an agreement the copyright of all contributions, literary, photographic or artistic, belongs to TGM Publishing Limited. The publisher accepts no responsibility in respect of advertisements appearing in the magazine and the opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the Publisher. The Publisher cannot accept liability for any loss arising from the late appearance or non publication of any advertisement.
Jade Evans, Editor

As semi-permanent makeup takes the industry by storm, we follow Kayla Green’s journey to success as a SPMU Artist.

Salon super brand OLAPLEX show us how to create a look fit for the runway.
We explore how to offer an in-salon experience for wedding parties to stand out from competition and increase bookings.
Head to page 46 for our favourite products this month perfect for your salon.
Rainbow Room International George Square opened their doors to us this month following their salon refurbishment and feature as our Salon of the Month.
Industry experts guide us through seasonal skin changes and the importance of consultations.