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Results of the report

NHBF Welcomes APPG Report and Recommendations on Complementary Therapies.

The NHBF has welcomed the publication of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Beauty and Wellbeing’s report on the value of complementary therapies in supporting the UK’s health, to which it was asked to contribute.

The report is the result of a comprehensive investigation into the complementary therapies sector, to consider how the sector can support everyone’s physical health, mental health and wellbeing and take pressure off the NHS. It makes the point that the complementary therapies industry is an integral part of the Personal Care sector, which includes beauty, wellbeing, and alternative therapies. These therapies can be key to supporting everyone’s health and mental wellbeing. However, the sector’s value, contribution and position as a professional industry is often misinterpreted and overlooked. This report urges the Government to acknowledge this industry’s importance and makes five key recommendations:

1. The Government must work with NHS England to better promote the benefits of social prescribing with GPs, nurses and other health and care professionals, and how they can refer people to non-clinical complementary therapy services.

2. The Personal Care sector team in the Department for Business, Energy and Industry Strategy (BEIS) must work with officials within the Department for Health and Social Care responsible for social prescribing to better integrate complementary therapy services into the NHS and produce guidance to support health professionals and therapists in doing so.

3. The Department for Health and Social Care must undertake or fund research studies to demonstrate the value of integrating complementary therapy services into the NHS through social prescribing.

4. The Department for Education must revisit the gap between the apprentice wage and minimum wage for apprentices aged 19+ and provide financial incentives for employers to take on learners on any ‘job ready ‘qualification.

5. The Government must give Environmental health officers (EHOs) greater powers to act quickly to deal with bad practice and lead a crack-down on tax evading businesses that are driving down prices and undermining legitimate businesses under pressure.

Caroline Larissey, Director of Quality & Standards at NHBF says:

‘The NHBF was pleased to support and feed into this inquiry on complementary therapies. This is just one part of the hair & beauty sector that has further potential to have a significant and positive impact on wellbeing and mental health in the future, supporting squeezed NHS services.

We hope that the Government gives serious consideration to the recommendations in the report including around working with NHS England to promote non-clinical complementary therapies and employer incentives to secure the next generation of talent’.

The APPG on Beauty and Wellbeing was first set up in May 2019 to provide a forum for parliamentary discussions on issues relating to the industry. It aims to support the industry, celebrate its economic contribution and discuss the challenges it faces. The NHBF is an integral member of the APPG, working with them on all recommendations to Government, helping to shape the future of our industry and ensure the needs of hair and beauty businesses remains high on the Government agenda.


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