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Master One Shoot

Master One Shoot

“Building Youths Commitment and Participation to Achieve the 2030 Agenda”

Yogyakarta, 16-19 February 2023


The COVID-19 pandemic is gradually getting better in 2023. MMSA UMY took the initiative as the host of the National Leadership Summit 2023 to carry out the first offline CIMSA national meeting after two years of virtual meetings. This meeting aims to build future leaders of CIMSA, as its name applied. MMSA UMY held it in Yogyakarta for four days, 16-19 February 2023, with a “Building Youths Commitment and Participation to Achieve the 2030 Agenda” theme. CIMSA FK Unpad was represented by 22 delegates, including members, a trainer, a Regional Coordinator, and National Officials. Luckily, we are still on a holiday break, so that we could send as many delegates as possible

We traveled to Yogyakarta separately, but most delegates departed from Bandung by train. It was a fantastic 7-hour trip where we could enjoy the scenery along the road. We arrived at Yogyakarta at 14.30, which was tight to the next schedule–Newcomer’s Session. Thankfully, we could still attend the agenda and had so much fun. The venue for the first day is Sportorium UMY, a massive hall that could accommodate all delegates. The next agenda is a Reflection Session where we analyze and solve an issue and then reflect on ourselves. After that, we attended the IFMSA Session, an inspiring talk show with IFMSA Officials that broadened our knowledge about IFMSA. The next agenda is the Welcoming Party, where there are welcoming remarks from the higher-ups and performances of traditional dance from Yogyakarta. The following agenda is a Plenary Session that closes the day and returns to our hotel, Burza Hotel.

The second day started with breakfast at our hotel and a Training Session. As usual, the training was split into basic and advanced classes. Next, we attended the Parallel Session, where the delegates met with other local representatives according to each field and standing committee. Then the National Officials conducted a Press Conference regarding releasing a new Policy Document titled “Pendidikan Seksual Komprehensif” with Kemen. PPPA and UNALA. After lunch, a Grand Lecture was held with the topic “Dare To Commit: Building Blocks to Achieve Life Goals” with Gayatri Hutami P. and dr. April Imam Prabowo, that was very inspiring. After that, the delegates gathered to join the Regional Session, where we met other locals from our region and another Training Session, continuing the morning session. Activities Presentation and Activity Fair are the next agenda after we had dinner. We displayed REMEDY, a sustainable project from SCOPH, for the fair and had so much fun. The second day also ended with a Plenary Session.

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After breakfast, we started the third day with Parallel and Training sessions. It was held in the hotel's meeting rooms, so we didn’t have to move anywhere far. After the training, we continued to attend a General Issue Update. All CIMSA FK Unpad’s delegates enrolled to discuss the Progress on Youth Participation in Public Health Decisions Making with Andi Firmansah from 2030 Youth Force Indonesia. We got new perspectives and insights about how we could maximize our role as medical students. After having lunch, the delegates attend the Officials and RC Class, followed by the third Parallel Session.

The agenda continued with a Cultural Night merged with dinner because every local served their origin’s traditional food. As a representation of Sundanese and Bandung, we presented various dishes like seblak, cireng, cimol, basreng, and many more. It was chaotic but an unforgettable experience seeing other locals represent their cultures. Finally, we moved to the grand finale of National Leadership Summit 2023, a Farewell Party. We watched performances from every standing committee and National Officials. We bid our goodbyes there and hoped we would see each other again when the time came.

The last day is the day we go back to our city. But, there was an option to join the Social Program provided by the organizing committee to explore more about Yogyakarta. Many of our delegates joined the program, and we went to Merapi Lava Tour, Keraton Yogyakarta, and many more. At the end of the day, we were very exhausted after attending a four-day event. But we can’t deny the fun and unforgettable moments of experiencing our first offline CIMSA national meeting. We couldn’t thank you enough to MMSA UMY for successfully executing the National Leadership Summit 2023.



“Enhancing Youth's Accountability to Increase Youth Participation in Achieving SDGs 2030”

CIMSA FK Unpad, 21-24 October 2022

2022 was the best and most memorable year for CIMSA FK Unpad. After three years, we finally got to host one of CIMSA’s national meetings, the October Meeting. CIMSA FK Unpad held it from 21-24 October 2022. The delegates attended virtually, while the committee organized the whole event offline. The theme for OM 2022 is "Enhancing Youth's Accountability to Increase Youth Participation in Achieving SDGs 2030”. CIMSA FK Unpad sent 21 delegates from our batch 2021 and 2022 members. We also sent a trainer, a national committee, national officials, and the region 4 regional coordinator.

On the first day, we welcome the delegates from all of the locals of CIMSA with a welcoming speech from the Project Officer of October Meeting 2022, Local Coordinator CIMSA FK Unpad, President CIMSA, and also from Vice Deen of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran. Followed by an angklung performance from Saung Angklung Udjo, we wrapped up the Welcoming Party section. The event continued with Newcomer Session, where the delegates were introduced to the new National Officials CIMSA 2022/2023 and played a few games to warm up. The next agenda was followed by a parallel session, where we met with other locals and discussed issues from each field and standing committees. Then, the delegates attended the plenary session as the last agenda for the first day.

The second day started with another parallel session and training with various topics. The training was split into two main categories; basic and advanced. The topic ranges from Youth Participation in Achieving SDGs 2030 to Motivation and Discipline: Key to Success. The day followed with Grand Design Agenda and General Issue Update (GIU). To enrich the discussion within GIU, October Meeting invited numerous partners that are experts in their field, namely UNFPA, UNOCHA, UNDP, Kementerian ESDM RI, CISDI, PERSAGI, and WHO. It was a valuable experience to deliver our opinion as medical students directly to the experts and have a healthy discussion. After that, the delegates join the third parallel session and reflection session. The latter facilitated members to analyze and solve a realistic case and reflect on themselves. At last, the day ended with continuing the plenary session from the previous day.



The fourth parallel session welcomes all delegates as the first agenda the following day. Then, a Grand Lecture with the topic “Lead Poisoning and Health: An Unseen Threat to Vulnerable Groups” was conducted with dr. Anas Ma’ruf, M.K.M., Direktur Penyehatan Lingkungan Kementerian Kesehatan RI, as the speaker. There were also welcoming remarks from Aryanie Amelia as Spesialis Lingkungan dan Aksi Iklim UNICEF Indonesia. The Grand Lecture was freely open for the public to attend. The agenda continued with a Comdev Corner–where we could see a virtual exhibition of each best community development of CIMSA locals–and another training session. After that, the delegates attended a regional session where we met with other locals from our region. Like the other days, the third day also closed with a plenary session.

The last day started with a parallel session, followed by a social program, where we introduced the Sundanese and West Java cultures to diversely cultured delegates. The program opened with a video performance of a traditional dance called Jaipongan from Lises Unpad and a medley of Sundanese songs brought out by PSM FK Unpad. We continued introducing our culture through riddles about traditional food, games, landmarks, and language. It was an honor to represent the culture where Universitas Padjadjaran is to other CIMSA locals from all over the country. After that, we reached the finale of the October Meeting 2022, a Farewell Party. The party was filled with performances from each region of CIMSA and ended with an awarding session from National Officials

The fourth parallel session welcomes all delegates as the first agenda the following day. Then, a Grand Lecture with the topic “Lead Poisoning and Health: An Unseen Threat to Vulnerable Groups” was conducted with dr. Anas Ma’ruf, M.K.M., Direktur Penyehatan Lingkungan Kementerian Kesehatan RI, as the speaker. There were also welcoming remarks from Aryanie Amelia as Spesialis Lingkungan dan Aksi Iklim UNICEF Indonesia. The Grand Lecture was freely open for the public to attend. The agenda continued with a Comdev Corner–where we could see a virtual exhibition of each best community development of CIMSA locals–and another training session. After that, the delegates attended a regional session where we met with other locals from our region. Like the other days, the third day also closed with a plenary session.

In May, CIMSA held a national meeting as the Officials from the last tenure officially descended from their responsibilities. May Meeting 2022 was held by Region 2 CIMSA from 25th and 27th to 29th May 2022. This year’s theme is “CIMSA Indonesia Priorities’ Impacts as Medical Students’ Sustainable Effort in SDGs 2030”.

CIMSA FK Unpad sent 31 delegates as the representative, which consists of trainers and CIMSA FK Unpad members batch 2020, 2021, and 2022. We actively contribute to this year’s May Meeting by sending three trainers–Alifiansyah Muharram, Drian Danya Hardi, and Novanda Salwa Nihando– and two members of the plenary team–which are Karina Aliyah Geertje and Maria Winneke Puspa Kartika. There are also four National Officials 2022/2023 candidates from CIMSA FK Unpad, which are Dominggo Theodoran as the candidate for Supervising Council, Tasya Nabiila Edlin as the candidate for President, Rafaella Christina Clarabelle as the candidate for Vice President for Finance, and Salwa Viska Nadlira as the candidate for Treasurer.

May Meeting 2022 started with a newcomer session and welcoming party. It was a warm greeting from Region 2, and we had so much fun. The following agenda was a parallel session, where we met and discussed issues from the field and standing committees. The last agenda was a plenary session, where the National Officials candidates presented their grand designs. On the second day, the delegates are obligated to join the training provided by the trainers. The training topics were divided into two categories, basic and advanced. We continue to enter a parallel and plenary session with yesterday's agenda.

The third day started with a training session followed by an aspiration session, where the delegates were allowed to share their thoughts for CIMSA to improve. The agenda continued to a grand lecture following the topic “Meaningful Youth Participation in Indonesia’s Digital Health Transformation - A Call to Action.” May Meeting

2022 invites excellent speakers from FKKMK UGM and Kemenkes RI.


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