2 minute read
Circular Construction - why and how?
Introduction: A song for [absolutely sustainable] architecture
Statements: Manifesto, Strategy, Material Pyramid, Tectonic Alphabet
Wall constructions in: Wood, Brick, Straw, Analyses: Materials composition, Material CO2 footprint, Value calculation, Circular Tectonic Thinking

Walls under construction - based on circular principles
CINARK, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture

Example of wall section in wood elements
CINARK, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture
Articles: Architecture & decoupling, Implementing circular economy?, The circular ornament

The metal lock for wood elements
CINARK, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture
This book depicts a set of concrete examples of how to build in accordance with circular principles by using non-toxic, bio-based materials and low energy consumption, in other words by means of radical tectonics. Three wall structures in brick, wood, and straw displayed at the exhibition Circular Economics in Architecture and Design at KADK in 2017 are explained in a series of pictures, drawings, and analyses of their performance. The material is accompanied by short articles exploring various structural frameworks, economic scenarios, and aesthetic potentials associated with circular thinking. Based on knowledge from research, it is the intention to create qualified documentation and a visionary launch pad for improvement of a circular-based architecture.
Denne bog viser konkrete eksempler på, hvordan man kan bygge efter cirkulære principper ved anvendelse af biobaserede materialer uden toxitet og lavt energiforbrug, eller med andre ord – med radikale tektonikker. Tre vægkonstruktioner i tegl, træ og halm fra udstillingen Cirkulær Økonomi i Arkitektur og Design på KADK i 2017 er udfoldet med et rigt udvalg af billeder, tegninger og analyser af deres ydeevne, levetid mm. Dette materiale er suppleret med korte artikler, som på forskellig vis undersøger de strukturelle rammer, økonomiske scenarier og æstetiske udtryksformer som er forbundet med cirkulær tænkning. Med afsæt i forskningsbaseret viden, er det ønsket at skabe et dokumenteret og visionært grundlag til fortsat udvikling af en cirkulært baseret arkitektur.
CINARK, Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Skoler for Arkitektur, Design og Konservering