relocate or grow. We are extremely
The economic development team is
proficient in helping commercial
dedicated to cultivating commercial
developers, business owners, real estate
development in all of Cincinnati’s 52
brokers, and site selectors in navigating
neighborhoods. We are focused on serving
the legislative process related to their
the needs of residents and businesses
through job creation, implementation of public infrastructure projects, urban
The business retention and expansion
redevelopment initiatives and revitalization
program is a top priority for Economic
of the City’s 34 neighborhood business
Development. Our team conducts business
retention and expansion (BRE) visits with local companies to continue to cultivate
relationships and serve the needs of
Serving as a liaison between City
businesses located in the City. The goals
departments, businesses and development
of these visits are to facilitate greater
communities, this team works to provide
communication and remain connected. In
financial, informational and technical
2015, over 50 BRE visits were conducted.
assistance to businesses seeking to