Parking Facilities MISSION The parking facilities division within
The parking facilities budget provides
the Department works diligently to
funding for the City’s on-street parking,
promote a healthy downtown and local
off-street parking, and parking business
economy by providing professional facility
services programs. The on-street parking
management of the City’s parking assets,
program budget is for operational costs
as well as high quality service delivery to
related to parking meter collections;
parking customers.
parking meter maintenance and repairs; and parking enforcement. The off-
street parking program budget is for
The parking facilities division strives to
operational costs for 15 parking garages
achieve its mission by operating in an
and lots. The parking business services
entrepreneurial model that is efficient,
program budget provides funding for the
customer-focused, and financially
administration of both the on- and off-
independent. Collaboration with
street parking programs in addition to the
employees and private sector contractors
planning of future economic development
contribute to fulfilling that mission.
Parking facilities is an enterprise fund.
For FY 2015, the operating budget for
Enterprise funds are used to report the
parking facilities was approximately
same functions presented as business-type
$11.4 million. The off-street and on-
activities in the government-wide
street parking programs netted revenue
financial statements.
exceeded $2.8 million (netted revenues do not include funds collected from