SPOTLIGHT CINCY POP SHOP Following the release of the Downtown
for eligible merchandising materials, in
Retail Action Plan in June 2016, DCED
addition to a rent-free retail space during
led the charge to bring Cincy Pop Shop,
November and December.
a pop-up retail program, to Cincinnati’s urban core. Cincy Pop Shop addressed
The program received 16 applications
a goal of the Action Plan, which is “to
from aspiring vendors, as diverse as they
catalyze retail offerings that appeal to
were eager. A selection committee made
the diversity of the Cincinnati market
up of five members, including City staff,
by providing small and unique business
the property manager for the Carew
Tower, a small business lender, and a small business owner came together
The program was created in partnership
to create a process that was inclusive,
with Downtown Cincinnati Inc. as a low-
collaborative, and fair. Each committee
risk opportunity for future Cincinnati
member had the opportunity to first
business owners to explore the potential
complete an evaluation survey based
of a brick-and-mortar retail location.
solely on the vendor’s application. The applicants were then asked to
After searching available spaces in
come in and pitch their business to the
the Central Business District, the team
committee. Applicants were then scored
identified Cincinnati’s iconic Carew Tower
on predetermined criteria based on the
as the site for the inaugural Cincy Pop
retail goals from the Downtown Retail
Shop program. Partnering with the Carew
Action Plan. The scores from the pitch
Tower team and building management
day were added to the score taken from
company Belvedere Corp., three
the individual surveys, and eight diverse
previously vacant spaces in the building
vendors were chosen:
were activated for the 2016 holiday
• Barcode Glam
shopping season.
• Chapeau Couture Hats • Davis Cookie Collection LLC
Through strategic use of Community
• Flying Pig Marathon
Development Block Grant funds, the
• Green Box Gift Wrapping
Winter 2016 Cincy Pop Shop offered
• Jenco Brothers’ Candy
selected vendors $1,000 in support
• Sarah Center • Tronk Design
SHOP 2016