Department of Community & Economic Development Annual Report 2016

Page 36

Monitoring & Compliance Our Monitoring and Compliance Division

One pre-existing process that we

is charged with tracking and recording

improved this past year is the annual

community and economic development

self-reporting process for both the

incentives and programs. They ensure

Job Creation Tax Credits (JCTCs)

recipients of City support comply with

and Commercial Reinvestment Area

federal and local regulations, covenants

(CRA) incentives. This process requires

set out by City agreements, and key

recipients to provide updates on their

performance indicators developed in

compliance by submitting a report

coordination with the City of Cincinnati.

on jobs created and retained and

This process ensures investments made

confirming the amount of investment

by the Department of Community and

in their projects. The improvements we

Economic Development have the greatest

made include providing the option to

impact on the community and maximize

complete and submit the annual report

the City’s return on investment.

forms online. For the recipients, this makes the reporting process faster and


more efficient. For us, it reduces data entry (saving staff time) and ensures

Implementing the Incentive Review

data automatically gets stored into our

Report Recommendations

database upon its submission.

Over the last year, the Monitoring and Compliance Division has taken major

Next, to oversee and ensure the accuracy

strides to expand the department’s

and completeness of the reporting

oversight of incentivized businesses

information and all other department-

based on recommendations made

wide data, we created a Data Integrity

from our incentive review. These

Team (DIT). This team, which is managed

changes include building upon our

by a Data Integrity Manager, ensures

existing framework to make processes

data integrity by recommending

more efficient, ensuring accuracy and

improvements to our data-collection

completeness of data, and implementing

and reporting systems and regularly

a more rigorous monitoring process.

reviewing the accuracy and completeness of the data.


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