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Peebles Apartments
Peebles Apartments is a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit project that that involves the new construction of a mixeduse building that will house 42 rental units targeting households between 30% and 60% of the AMI and well as fi rst fl oor commercial space. Located in Walnut Hills, the project was awarded $800,000 in federal HOME funds and is estimated to have a total project cost of $10 million. The developer is the Model Group.
Alexandra Apartments
The Alexandra is a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit project that that involves the renovation of an existing 80-unit apartment building housing seniors up to 60% of the AMI. Located in Walnut Hills, the project was awarded $800,000 in city capital funds and is estimated to have a total project cost of $13 million. The development team is partnership between the Model Group and National Church Residences.
Lincoln and Gilbert Apartments
Lincoln and Gilbert Apartments is a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit project that that involves the new construction of 50 units of rental housing aff ordable to households ranging from 30% - 60% of the AMI rental units targeting households between 30% and 60% of the AMI and well as fi rst fl oor commercial space. Located in Walnut Hills, the project was awarded $800,000 in federal HOME funds and is estimated to have a total project cost of $13 million. The developer team is a partnership between Pennrose and the Walnut Hills Redevelopment Foundation.
The Barrister
The Barrister is a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit project that that involves the renovation of an existing building in the Downtown/Central Business District to house 44 units of rental housing aff ordable to households ranging from 30% - 60% of the AMI as well as two fi rst fl oor Over-the-Rhine Community Housing.
The Barrister is the fi rst project approved under a change made last year that requires 25% of tax increment fi nancing funds go to aff ordable housing.
The project has also been awarded Low Income Housing Tax Credits through the state and developers are applying for state historic tax credits as well.