PARKING FACILITIES The mission of the City of Cincinnati’s Parking Division is to "promote a healthy downtown and local economy by providing professional facility management of the City’s parking assets, as well as high-quality service delivery to parking customers."
PARKING FACILITIES Parking is an essential part of development activities and having the Parking Division within the Department of Community and Economic Development allows for a more efficient and effective coordination during the development process. Unlike to the rest of the department, the Parking Division has both general fund obligations and operates as an enterprise fund. The efficiencies created in the Parking Division contribute to the overall financial stability of the Department and subsequently the overall City budget. The Parking Division provides management and oversight for numerous functional areas including:
Parking Enforcement
Parking Meter Maintain and Repair
Parking Meter Collections
Off-Street Parking Garage and Lot Management
BUDGET AND REVENUE Meter and Citation Revenue
2019-2020 ANNUAL REPORT 24