Anderson Area Chamber of Commerce

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A N D E R S O N L I V I N G 2 0 21

TRUSTEES Chair Joshua S. Gerth Vice Chair R. Dee Stone Trustee Andrew S. Pappas


DEPARTMENTS $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ DQG )LVFDO 2IƓFH Anderson Senior Center Planning and Zoning Public Works Fire and Rescue +DPLOWRQ &RXQW\ 6KHULIIōV 2IƓFH Contact us: (513) 688-8400 TownshipOhio

2021 EVENTS Events listed may be subject to change. Please contact event sponsors if event is in question. Great American Cleanup

54th Annual Summerfair 2021

April 24

June 4-6

Drug Take Back Day

Anderson Township Garden and History Tour

April 24

Communitywide Garage Sale May 1

June 13

Independence Day Parade July 4

Annual and Perennial Plant Sale May 8-9, (Sponsored by the Anderson Township Urban Farm)

Emergency Services Day

Memorial Day Observance

Anderson Holiday Festival

May 31

October 2

Veterans Day Celebration

November 11

ANDERSON TOWNSHIP GOVERNMENT Thoughtful planning is a hallmark of Anderson Township government. Attention to detail characterizes the community’s approach to its past and its ability to envision its future, enabling smart growth and careful preservation of community assets. Governed by a three-person elected board of trustees, Anderson operates its own public ZRUNV DQG ÀUH GHSDUWPHQWV 7KH WRZQVKLS contracts for policing services from the +DPLOWRQ &RXQW\ 6KHULII·V 2IÀFH The important commercial corridor of Beechmont Avenue, a hub and shopping destination, continues to undergo major redevelopment and improvement. Anderson government has worked to balance this growing commercial activity with the community’s other outstanding features, including high-quality schools, outstanding parks and greenspace, excellent public services, and easy access to downtown, the airport, and other parts of the region. In recent years, Anderson Township has focused on collaborative efforts, encouraging public-private partnerships to promote its vision for the future. More than $400 million in infrastructure and redevelopment projects will have transformed the business and entertainment core of WKH FRPPXQLW\ 5HVSRQVLEOH HIÀFLHQW DQG FRQVHUYDWLYH JRYHUQDQFH KDV paid off in Anderson Township. Property taxes are kept in check while the township maintains high-quality public services—quality that’s backed up by the top rating from Moody’s Investors Service. Anderson remains a solid investment for homeowners and has won many awards for its plans and overall quality of life. In recent years, trustees launched several initiatives to help residents lower basic electricity and trash-recycling service costs, while stretching tax levies well beyond their projected lifespan. In continuing its history of providing quality-of-life services and amenities, Anderson Township acquired the Anderson Parks RecPlex at Beech Acres Park and invested more than $2.5 million to upgrade the facility for community use. It also operates its own senior center, a safe haven for many active senior residents who enjoy weekday fellowship and activities. Anderson Township leaders engage and involve residents in local decision-making activities. About 110 volunteers serve on nine citizen committees that advise the trustees on key issues ranging from zoning to transportation and economic development. This year, with the help of nearly 50 volunteers, the township will undertake an update to its comprehensive SODQ DQ HIIRUW ZKLFK RFFXUV HYHU\ ÀYH \HDUV 7KLV SODQ VHUYHV DV WKH EOXHprint for the community, providing the basis for key development, budget, and policy decisions. As in year’s past, Anderson’s leadership continues to concentrate on programs and policies that support a high quality of life, enhancing the corporate experience of a community that respects its past while actively charting a better future.

December 6


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