2 0 21 A N D E R S O N L I V I N G
Schools & Education P U B L I C SCHOOLS
FOREST HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT With approximately 7,400 students enrolled in preschool through 12th grade, Forest Hills School District (FHSD) serves Anderson Township and the village of Newtown. Since March 2020, the district has faced unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic while continuing to provide personalized learning to students and maintaining academic excellence. The administration, teachers, and staff have maintained face-to-face instruction during the year. Roughly 89 percent of students participate in face-to-face learning while 11 percent are currently enrolled in the district’s Virtual Academy using digital technology. In an effort to keep schools open, teams have worked to sanitize facilities, provide meals, and continue providing transportation for students. Since the 2020-2021 school year began, more than 200,000 meals have been served to FHSD students. :RUNHUV GDLO\ VDQLWL]H D ÁHHW RI EXVHV to ensure that students have safe access to their school buildings and extracurricular activities. Due to the pandemic, buses are running at reduced capacity; however, they continue to transport nearly 3,000 students more than 4,300 miles each day. Despite the current health crisis, performance is notable:
• Both Anderson and Turpin High Schools continue to be ranked in the top 50 best high schools in Ohio, according to U.S. News & World Report.
• 95 percent of FHSD students graduate from high school. • Forest Hills is ranked an “A+” school district based on academics, administration, and college preparation as reported in the 2021 Niche report. • 74 cents from every dollar is dedicated to classroom instruction at Forest Hills, over 5 percent more than the average classroom in Ohio. FHSD prides itself on preparing students to master academic content and helping them to build strong skill sets that apply their learning to real-world scenarios. In the Forest Hills School District, students master critical thinking and creativity while continuing to build character and a strong sense of citizenship.
MT. WASHINGTON SCHOOL Mt. Washington School is a neighborhood school serving grades Pre-K through sixth grade, with a magnet College Preparatory program for grades 4-6. The school’s enrollPHQW LV DSSUR[LPDWHO\ VWXGHQWV In addition to the highly competitive core curriculum with a strong, future-focused college-prep program, Mt. Washington School provides classes in art, music, physical education, computer, Spanish, and gifted services. The school also offers band, strings, and choir to interested students and after-school programs that offer an extension
of the school day, where students participate in academic tutoring, STEM, art, and health and wellness enrichment activities. Mt. Washington School is very proud to be a Community Learning Center and a neighborhood anchor. The school strives to go beyond academics to focus on the whole child by serving as a hub for community services that are available to all students, their families, and the entire community. A variety of services are offered, thanks to the collaboration and support of many partners and the committed community of Mt. Washington. P R I VAT E S C H O O L S
GUARDIAN ANGELS SCHOOL Guardian Angels, a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, offers a Catholic education for students in preschool through eighth grade. The school is a two-time recipient of the Thomas Edison Governor’s Award for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Education. Guardian Angels is dedicated to introducing students to the newest technology so that they are better prepared to enter high school. The 1:1 tablet program begins in sixth grade. Music, art, physical education, and Spanish are an important part of the curriculum beginning in kindergarten. Guardian Angels School also offers an enrichment program called Halo Bell that challenges each student in areas of problem-solving, critical-thinking, and creativity. Students earn their H.A.L.O by being Honest, Accountable, and a Leader to Others.