2023 – 24 SEASON

From the Novel by CHAIM POTOK
Moe and Jack’s Place – The Rouse Theatre
ELLEN AND RAY van der HORST present
BOX OFFICE: 513-421-3888 OH, KY, IN TOLL-FREE: 800-582-3208 PATRONS WHO ARE DEAF, HARD-OF-HEARING, DEAF BLIND OR SPEECH DISABLED: dial 711 to connect to the Box Office via Ohio Relay Services STAY CONNECTED!
WEBSITE: cincyplay.com @cincinnatiplayhouse @cincyplay
WHEN IT COMES TO STORIES, THERE’S NOTHING I LOVE MORE THAN being swept up in a new place and in a different time. Few other art forms capture such a transformative experience like theatre, which is why I’m so pleased to present two beloved stories onstage to bring our season to a close.
In Moe and Jack’s Place – The Rouse Theatre, we go back in time to 1940s Brooklyn, New York, with an adaptation of The Chosen by Aaron Posner and Chaim Potok. An unlikely friendship emerges between two Jewish boys, and it sets the stage for a riveting character play, enriched by a profound exploration of culture. The story of the boys’ friendship, against the backdrop of a changing America, reflects an optimism that’s hard to come by sometimes. Their conversations around family, faith and community are challenging and full of passion. Yet they never fail to find connections with one another. The Chosen is a story about finding a way to surmount seemingly irreconcilable differences – a message we all need in today’s fractious world.
In the Rosenthal Shelterhouse Theatre, we go back in time again — this time to 1970s America in Qui Nguyen’s romantic comedy Vietgone. This exceptional play has captured the hearts of audiences around the country, and I’m sure you’ll see why in no time. Nguyen’s script delightfully plays with all the rules of theatrical storytelling. It’s based on a true story, and it’s also a little bit fictitious. It’s a rom-com that embraces dialogue, martial arts, and a bit of hip-hop music. Vietgone is full of such wonderful theatrical surprises, and the love story at its core is downright irresistible.
As our 2023-24 season comes to a close, I would be remiss if I didn’t shine the spotlight on you, our Playhouse community. We’re so fortunate to have had such a meaningful season together — the first full season in our new home. I want to send my most heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you. You make it possible for us to share stories, create connections and make memories that last a lifetime. Thank you.
It won’t be long before we’re back together for another season that’s full of variety, entertainment and the best of American theatre! Visit cincyplay.com to view the lineup and save your seats now with 2024-25 season tickets.
See you next season!
Board of Trustees
Walter Solomon, Chairperson • Edward Frankel, Vice Chairperson, Investments • Sandy P. Kaltman, Treasurer
Rachel M. Faust, Secretary • John Stein, Immediate Past Chairperson • Tedd Friedman • Ernesto Levy • Gloria Lipson
Guy Peri • Arna Poupko Fisher • Ronna Schneider • Adam Symson
Brian Jaffee, CEO • 8044 Montgomery Road, Suite 516 • Cincinnati, OH 45236
T: (513) 214-1200 • F: (513) 214-1210 • bjaffee@thejewishfoundation.org • www.thejewishfoundation.org
DIRECTOR Aaron Posner
SET DESIGNER Daniel Conway
APRIL 13 — MAY 12, 2024
CO-PRODUCED WITH Milwaukee Repertory Theater
Mark Clements, Artistic Director; Chad Bauman, Executive Director
Production Sponsor
Artist Sponsors
Mark and Rosemary Schlachter
Fred and Patti Heldman
Design Sponsor
Diane and Carl Iseman
Season Presented By
Additional support provided by
Honorary Producer
Eddie and Pat Sheppard
Rouse Theatre Season Design Sponsor
The Chosen is presented by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc., New York.
The Chosen was co-produced by the Arden Theatre Company in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Terrence J. Nolen, Producing Artistic Director; Amy L. Murphy, Managing Director) and the City Theatre Company in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Marc Masterson, Artistic Director) on March 11, 1999.
This play was developed in part through a workshop made possible by Frank Gagliano and The Showcase of New Plays at Carnegie-Mellon University
(In speaking order)
Reuven Malter Eli Mayer*
Daniel Saunders Hillel Rosenshine*
David Malter Steve Routman*
Reb Saunders Ron Orbach*
Stage Manager Brooke Redler*
Second Stage Manager Andrea L. Shell*
Assistant Stage Manager Brandon T. Holmes*
*Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States. This production is made possible in part by a generous gift from the Greater Cincinnati Foundation.
Assistant Director Audrey Erickson
Voice/Dialect Coach Jill Walmsley Zager
Swing Sarah Ridder
This theatre operates under an agreement between the League of Resident Theatres and Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States and with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees-Local No. 5.
Use the QR code to access an extended glossary of terms and information in The Chosen, including historical figures and cultural references.
Abba Aramaic in origin, it’s equivalent to the term “Papa,” or “Daddy.”
Amalek Amalek was a nation described in the Hebrew Bible as a staunch enemy of the Israelites. The name “Amalek” can refer to the nation’s founder, a grandson of Esau.
Apikorsim A word of disfavor used by the Orthodox to refer to the Modern Orthodox. It refers to a Jew who is lax in observing Jewish law or who does not believe in Judaism.
Baruch hashem Hebrew, “blessed be the name [of the Lord].”
Caftan A black frock coat worn by Hasidic Jews since the European Middle Ages. Chai Hebrew, “life.”
“Du bist der ben David Malter?” Yiddish, “You’re David Malter’s son?”
Eretz Yisroel Literally “Land of Israel,” the concept, favored by some historical Zionists, of a Jewish state the territory of which matched the largest expanse of biblical Israel.
Esav Equivalent to the meaning “rough people.” A reference to Esau in the Bible, the twin brother of Jacob.
Farshtukene Yiddish word that means “smelly” or “contemptible.” It can also be used as an insult to describe someone who has a stinky attitude or body.
Gematriya A study of the numerical structure of the Bible, and its correlation to mathematical and physical constants in our universe. Gematriya is a numerological system by which Hebrew letters correspond to numbers.
In gematriya, each Hebrew letter is represented by a number. One can then calculate the numerical value of a word by adding together the values of each letter in it. In the realm of biblical interpretation, commentators base an argument on numerological equivalence of words.
Goyishkeit Jewish colloquial word referring to the culture of a non-Jew.
Goyim A term used by Jewish people for non-Jewish people.
“Gut nacht, Daniel mine zuhn.”
“Ich bin zayer su frieden, tatte, az hir hut zikh bekent mit mayn fraynt Reuven.”
Yiddish, “Good night, Daniel my son.”
Yiddish, “I am glad you met my friend, Reuven, father.”
La-el Hebrew, “Belonging to God.”
Mayim Hebrew, “water.”
Mein Hertz Yiddish, “My heart.”
Mishna In its broadest sense, the Talmud is a set of books consisting of the Mishna (“repeated study”), the Gemara (“completion”), and certain auxiliary materials. The Mishna is a collection of originally oral laws supplementing scriptural laws.
Momzer A child of a union not sanctioned by Biblical law as interpreted by the rabbis; a child born out of wedlock.
Nu Interjection meaning “so” or “well.”
Olov hasholom Yiddish pronunciation of the Hebrew “Alav Hashalom,” which means “peace be upon him.”
Payos Hebrew, “sidelocks or sideburns.” Payot (plural) are worn by some men and boys in the Orthodox Jewish community based on an interpretation of the Tanakh’s injunction against shaving the “sides” of one’s head. Literally, pe’a means “corner, side, edge.”
Pesach Passover, Pesach in Hebrew, is a major Jewish holiday that celebrates the Biblical story of the Israelites’ escape from slavery in Egypt.
Pischer A Yiddish word that has multiple meanings:
• A young, inexperienced, or presumptuous person
• A bed wetter
• A person or thing of no importance
• An inept person at a task or new to a job
• An informal term for a young child, usually male
• An irritating squirt
Prozdor (From the Talmud): R. Akiva says, “This world is like a vestibule (prozdor) before the world to come. Get ready in the vestibule, so you can get into the great hall.” (mAvot 4:16). This saying compares the relationship between this world and the world to come to that between specific parts of a dwelling house.
Reb/Rebbe Rebbe is a Yiddish-German word that connotes a spiritual leader and master of theology in the Hasidic movement.
Ribbono Shel Oylom Hebrew, “Master of the Universe.”
Shabbos (also known as Shabbat)
The Shabbos/Shabbat, Judaism’s day of rest on the seventh day of the week. It begins on Friday at sunset and lasts until sunset on Saturday. It is a time for family and community, and during this time services at the synagogue are well attended. No work is to be done on Shabbos/ Shabbat. This includes tasks such as cooking and driving.
Shmendrick Yiddish, “a stupid person, fool, or nincompoop.”
Shul Yiddish, “synagogue.”
Talmud The oral law of Judaism, based on rabbis’ inter pretations of ambiguous laws in the Torah and on issues concerning a wide variety of topics in Jewish life. The oral law was written down in the first century CE.
Tatte Yiddish, “father.”
Tuchus Yiddish, “rear end.”
Tzaddik A charismatic leader of the Hasidic community, treated with utmost respect by his followers who believe that he has the power to do miracles.
Tzizit Fringes that hang down from the Jewish prayer shawl and are intended to remind Jews of the necessity of observing Jewish law. The Torah states, “When you look upon it [tzizit], you will remem ber to do all the commands of the Lord” (Numbers 37:39). Orthodox Jewish men, such as the Hasidim, wear a prayer shawl under their clothes and leave the fringes visible over the waists of their trousers.
Yeshiva A school to which Orthodox Jews send their male children. Half of the academic day is spent on Jewish subjects, and the other half on secular subjects.
Yevamos A “tractate,” or “treatise,” in the Talmud. The Talmud is composed of over 60 tractates.
Zemiros Songs, specifically religious songs sung on the Sabbath and holidays.
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D-Day, Allied Forces land on the beaches of Normandy.
• Paris is liberated from Nazi occupation.
• Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) is elected to an historic fourth term as President of the United States.
• The War Crimes Tribunal is held in Nuremburg.
• Prime Minister of England Winston Churchill gives his “Iron Curtain” speech.
• The Philippines gains independence from the United States.
• V-E Day, Germany surrenders to the Allied Forces.
FDR dies; Truman is instated as President of the United States.
• The U.S. drops nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
• Concentration camps are liberated. The United Nations is created.
• The beginning of the Cold War.
• India and Pakistan gain independence from Great Britain.
• Jackie Robinson first takes the field for the Brooklyn Dodgers.
• Chuck Yeager breaks the sound barrier.
• Israel is declared as an independent state.
• The World Health Organization is established.
• First Polaroid camera goes on sale.
Theodor Herzl: The founder of modern Zionism, lived in Europe 1860-1904.
Chaim Weizman: The first president of the modern State of Israel.
Cossacks: A group of Slavic Christian people from Ukraine and Southern Russia, known in the Jewish community for pogroms where they attacked entire Jewish communities.
School of Hillel: Hillel was one of the rabbis quoted in the Talmud. When he disagreed with Shammai, the law usually followed Hillel, so his approach is called the School or House of Hillel.
School of Shammai: Shammai was one of the rabbis quoted in the Talmud. When he disagreed with Hillel, the law usually followed Hillel, so his approach is called the School or House of Shammai.
“Never Again”: Slogan after the Holocaust, that there should never again be a genocide.
Jewish National Fund: A non-profit organization founded in 1901 to buy and develop land in Israel in order to help establish a modern Jewish state.
The Haganah: Military defense organization for the Jewish community from 1920-1948.
The Irgun: A right-wing underground movement founded in 1931. They advocated using force, if necessary, to establish a Jewish State in Israel. It was disbanded after 1948.
May 14, 1948: The date Israel was declared a Modern State and the beginning of the War of Independence.
UN Resolution: On Nov. 29, 1947, the UN passed Resolution 181, calling for Jewish and Arab states side by side in what is today the Modern State of Israel.
Ben Gurion: First prime minister of the State of Israel.
The Holocaust*: The systematic genocide of over six million Jewish people (2/3 of Europe’s Jewish population) by Hitler’s Nazi regime and its collaborators. The Holocaust was an evolving process that took place between 1933 and 1945.
*While The Holocaust is a key world event during this time and in the play, the brevity here cannot do justice to the enormity of the horrors of The Holocaust with the reverence it deserves. To learn more, please visit teachholocaust.org.
Thank you to our co-producer, Milwaukee Repertory Theater, for generously providing resources for this article.
Off-Broadway credits include Amid Falling Walls (National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene). Regional credits include Mischa in Ride the Cyclone (Arena Stage, McCarter Theatre Center), Footloose (The Muny) and Indian Summer (Bay Street Theater). To my own father, thank you for your guidance, love and wisdom through my years. I hope to someday be as decent and worthy of rest as you. Thank you to family, friends, Aaron Posner and my wonderful manager Rochel. To my brother Daniel, this too is for you. Eli earned a BFA from the University of Cincinnati’s College Conservatory of Music. You can follow Eli on Instagram @elimayermaynot.
Broadway credits include Laughter on the 23rd Floor (Chicago Premiere, National Tour, and ACT, Seattle -also directed); Dance of the Vampires; Never Gonna Dance; Soul Doctor; and Chicago (first Amos Hart, first National Tour, Jeff Award, 1998). Regional highlights include A Midsummer Night’s Dream as Nick Bottom (Chicago Shakespeare Theater, Jeff Nom, 2012); Fiddler on the Roof as Tevye (Broadway Sacramento Music Circus); A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum as Pseudolus (Denver Center); Moonlight and Magnolias as David O. Selznick (Goodman Theatre); and Indecent as Otto (Seattle Rep). Television and film highlights include Law & Order (Recurring); Platypus Man (Series Regular); Girls; Clueless (DMV Instructor); and Culprit as Bill (upcoming). Ron is also an acting coach and a director (Los Angeles’ 1996 Ovation Award).
Hillel is thrilled to be making his Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park debut! He is originally from New York, where he recently performed in The Misanthrope (Interborough Repertory Theater, Rattlestick Theater) and Bettinger’s Luggage (AMT Theater). His regional theatre credits include Bad Jews (The Gamm Theatre) and The Lifespan of a Fact (Elmwood Playhouse). Past film credits include Name to the Face (Best Mobile Film, Druk International Film Festival) and Mighty Real He holds a BS in Geophysics from Brown University. Visit hillelrosenshine.com
Steve is an award-winning actor that has appeared on Broadway and across the country in more than 35 regional theatres. He has performed Shakespeare, Chekhov, Stoppard, Odets and Moliere, as well as dozens of musicals and comedies. Film and television work includes Killers of the Flower Moon, The Equalizer, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Inside Llewyn Davis, Fosse/Verdon and The Trial of the Chicago 7. In addition to stage and film work, Steve has made appearances with the New York City Opera, Glimmerglass Festival and New Haven Symphony. Upcoming work includes the film Mothers’ Instinct, starring Jessica Chastain and Anne Hathaway. Vist www.steveroutman.com.
Chaim Potok began his career as a novelist in 1967 with the publication of The Chosen. The book was a success, generating a film adaption in 1981 and even a previous musical version for the stage. In 1969, he wrote a sequel, The Promise. Subsequent novels are My Name is Asher Lev, In the Beginning, The Book of Lights, Davita’s Harp, The Gift of Asher Lev, I Am the Clay and his last book, a collection of three novellas called Old Men at Midnight. His body of work also contains many nonfiction publications and several books for children. Other works for theatre include Out of Depths, Sins of the Father and The Play of Lights. He served as editor for both Conservative Judaism and The Jewish Publication Society. In addition to his writing, Potok was an ordained rabbi and held a Doctorate of Philosophy from the University of Pennsylvania. He lived in Merion, Pennsylvania, until his death in 2002.
Aaron is a theatre director, playwright, teacher, former Artistic Director of two major regional theatres, and a Professor at American University. He was the founding Artistic Director of Philadelphia’s Arden Theatre Company, and the Artistic Director of Two River Theater in Red Bank, N.J. He has directed nearly 200 productions at major regional theatres across the country, including Arena Stage, American Repertory Theater, American Players Theatre, Chicago Shakespeare Theater, The Folger, Ford’s Theatre, Round House Theatre, Seattle Rep, Signature Theatre, South Coast Repertory, Studio Theatre, and many more. As a playwright, his re-imagining of Chekhov’s The Seagull, entitled Stupid F**king Bird, was one of the ten most produced plays in the country in 2015 and has had more than 250 productions worldwide. His other produced and published plays include JQA, Life Sucks, No Sisters, District Merchants, Who Am I This Time? (& Other Conundrums of Love) and My Name Is Asher Lev. He lives outside of D.C. with his wife, actress Erin Weaver, and his amazing daughter, Maisie.
Recent projects include The Tempest, directed by Aaron Posner and Teller (American Repertory Theater, Chicago Shakespeare Theater and South Coast Repertory); At Wit’s End and Love in Afghanistan (world premieres, Arena Stage); Harvey and End of The Rainbow (Milwaukee Rep); The Game’s Afoot (Cleveland Play House); Company, Hairspray, Chess and Sunset Boulevard (Signature Theatre); Sabrina Fair (Ford’s Theatre); The Merry Wives of Windsor (Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey); and Spoonful of Water and The Aliens (Studio Theatre). Upcoming projects include Penn and Teller on Broadway; Soon, a new musical (Signature Theatre); By the Way Meet Vera Stark (The Juilliard School); Soldier X (world premiere, Here Arts Center); Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike (Arena Stage); and Penny (world premiere, Washington National Opera).
Helen is an award-winning costume designer whose credits include Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Denver Center, Alley Theatre, South Coast Repertory, Seattle Rep, Berkeley Rep, Guthrie Theater, Arena Stage, Ford’s Theatre, Round House Theatre, Utah Shakespeare Festival, Children’s Theatre Company, Classic Stage Company, Disney Entertainment and The Washington Ballet. Awards include Helen Hayes Award, Henry Award, Anderson Hopkins Award and Ivey Award. Helen is a professor of Costume Design at University of Maryland, College Park. Visit helenqhuang.com.
Select design credits include The Chosen, What the Constitution Means to Me, The Heart Sellers, Murder on the Orient Express, Steel Magnolias, The Niceties, The Chinese Lady and Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley at Milwaukee Rep. Noele’s lighting has appeared onstage at Brooklyn Academy of Music, Sydney Opera House, Carnegie Hall, The Library of Congress Theatre, as well as the opera companies of Santa Fe, Ontario, Houston, Portland, Vancouver, New Orleans, Nashville, Madison and Milwaukee. Regional design for the theatre includes Jeff Daniels’ Purple Rose Theatre, Baltimore Center Stage, Alley Theatre (Houston), Milwaukee Chamber Theatre (Wisconsin), American Players Theatre, Next Act Theatre and Forward Theater. As Lighting Director for Houston Grand Opera, she supervised the lighting and special effects for over 50 productions, along with designing the lighting for such productions as Andrei Serban’s Elektra, Dr. Jonathan Miller’s Der Rosenkavalier, Aida, and the world premieres of Harvey Milk, Desert of Roses and Dracula Diary. Her American Institute Architects award-winning architectural and public space lighting is installed throughout the Midwest. Noele is a Member of the United Scenic Artists Local 829.
Josh is delighted to make his debut at Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park. Recent credits include The Chosen and Much Ado About Nothing (Milwaukee Rep); The Garbologists (Northlight Theatre); Bug (Steppenwolf); Splash Hatch and Kill-Move-Paradise (NextAct Theatre); Witch and Cost of Living (Renaissance Theaterworks) and more. Broadway credits include Therese Raquin, House of Blue Leaves, Brighton Beach Memoirs and more. Josh has designed over 300 productions for companies including Lincoln Center, Atlantic Theater Company, Roundabout Theatre Company and more (NYC); Steppenwolf Theatre Company (Chicago); Ford’s Theatre (Washington, D.C.); and 20 Seasons at American Players Theatre. Film credits include the upcoming release of The End (Final Cut for Real/Neon).
Jonathan is a producer, director and teaching artist based out of Milwaukee. He currently serves as the Artistic Producer overseeing all casting and special events at Milwaukee Rep. Last season, he casted August Wilson’s Seven Guitars for Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park. Notable directing highlights include Dino! An Evening with Dean Martin (Milwaukee Rep); The Servant of Two Masters (Marquette University); Romeo and Juliet, Venus in Fur, The Last Days of Judas Iscariot and Glengarry Glen Ross (Ohio University); Pippin (Ohio Valley Summer Theatre); the world premiere of La Mujer Barbuda (Seabury Quinn Jr. Playwrights’ Festival); and the Associate Director for Titanic and the annual production of A Christmas Carol (Milwaukee Rep). He holds a Master of Fine Arts in Directing from Ohio University, and a Master of Business Administration from Regent University. You can follow Jonathan on social media @hetlerj and visit hetlerj.com.
Brooke is pleased to return for her seventh season with Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park. Her off-Broadway credits include Breathing Time, The Faire and From White Plains (production stage manager, Fault Line Theatre). Regional theatre credits include Sanctuary City, Frida...A Self Portrait, Destiny of Desire, Once on This Island, In The Heights, Million Dollar Quartet, Summerland and Native Gardens (Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park); Hair: Retrospection, Stillwater, The Whipping Man, August: Osage County, Cabaret and five seasons of A Christmas Carol (production stage manager, Kansas City Repertory Theatre); Peter and the Starcatcher and Richard II (Utah Shakespeare Festival); Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike (Center Stage in Baltimore); The Drowsy Chaperone, Is He Dead? and Harry the Great (Creede Repertory Theatre). Assistant stage management credits include Our Town, A Flea in Her Ear, Clay, Jitney and Love, Janis (Kansas City Repertory Theatre); and work at Starlight Theatre, Stages St. Louis and Heart of America Shakespeare Festival. Brooke also has worked in opera, with summers spent at Cincinnati Opera. She also spent two seasons at The Santa Fe Opera; and has assistant stage managed and production stage managed multiple shows at Opera Long Beach.
See bio on page 40.
Brandon is thrilled to return to Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park for a fifth season. Playhouse credits include the world premieres of Shane and The West End as well as productions of Stew, A Christmas Carol, Clyde’s, Steel Magnolias, The Lion and The Chinese Lady. For eight seasons, he was the Production Stage Manager for Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati where he managed over 40 productions. Highlights with ETC include Fun Home, The Mountaintop, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Grounded, Violet, Pipeline, The Humans, Skeleton Crew and Hands on a Hardbody. During the summer, he is the Production Stage Manager for The Lexington Theatre Company where he has stage managed productions of Memphis, The Sound of Music, Chicago, Disney’s The Little Mermaid, Legally Blonde, West Side Story and Newsies. Other regional credits include Hello, Dolly!, The Drowsy Chaperone and Side By Side by Sondheim (LOOK Musical Theatre); Red, White & Broadway, Golden: MTWichita at 50 (Music Theatre Wichita); and workshops with Cincinnati Shakespeare Company and Cleveland Play House. Brandon is a proud member of Actors’ Equity Association. Thank you to his family and his husband, A.J., for their continued love and support.
One of the first, and largest, regional theaters in the country, Milwaukee Rep has been a strong artistic force for over seven decades. With three unique performance venues we produce worldclass theater that is inclusive, and impactful, ranging from Broadway musicals, Shakespeare, and American Classics to New Works that entertain, provoke, and inspire meaningful dialogue. Under the leadership of Artistic Director Mark Clements and Executive Director Chad Bauman, Milwaukee Rep is proud to be a catalyst for positive change in our community and beyond.
As a step toward honoring the truth and achieving healing and reconciliation with those Indigenous peoples who were affected most by the Doctrine of Discovery* and broken treaties, we acknowledge the traditional Shawnee and Myaamia (Miami) lands on which we now stand, and on which the city of Cincinnati was built.
*The Doctrine of Discovery is a principle of international law dating back to the late 15th century that specifically sanctioned and promoted the conquest, colonization and exploitation of non-Christian territories and peoples. Hundreds of years of decisions and laws continuing right up to our own time can ultimately be traced back to the Doctrine of Discovery — laws that invalidate or ignore the rights, sovereignty and humanity of Indigenous peoples in the United States and around the world. WE WELCOME all races, ethnicities, religions, sexualities, gender identities, ages, abilities, countries of origin, spoken and signed languages. EVERYONE.
ADDRESS: 962 Mt. Adams Circle, Cincinnati, OH 45202
WEBSITE: cincyplay.com
BOX OFFICE: 513-421-3888
OH, KY, IN TOLL-FREE: 800-582-3208
DISABLED: dial 711 to connect to the Box Office via Ohio Relay Services
The Playhouse is pleased to offer a variety of services to patrons with special needs. Funding for this program is made possible by Bartlett Wealth Management.
Audio Described and Signed Performances
Live audio description for patrons who are sight-impaired and signed performances for those with hearing impairments are offered for designated performances in Moe and Jack’s Place – The Rouse Theatre. For the schedule, visit cincyplay.com. Signers and audio describers for the season are Dawn Caudill, Mark DeWitt, Montez Greer and Mike Snyder.
Hearing Enhancement
Moe and Jack’s Place – The Rouse Theatre and the Rosenthal Shelterhouse Theatre both have a hearing loop system which works with existing T-Coil or Telecoil enabled hearing aids or cochlear implants. For assistance, please see a member of our house staff.
Large print programs for those with visual impairments are available upon request at every performance.
Actors’ Equity Association strictly prohibits the use of cameras or recording devices in the theatre during the performance.
Children under the age of 6 will not be admitted to Playhouse productions unless otherwise advertised. Parents with disruptive children will be asked to leave the theatre.
Al’s Bar serves drinks in two locations – one bar on the main level in the Schueler Lobby and one bar on the upper floor. Casual dining fare and snacks from The Delish Dish are available for purchase on the upper floor.
Patrons who are mobility-impaired may be dropped off outside the Playhouse’s main entrance. The walk from the top level of the parking garage to the entrance into the Schueler Lobby to the main level of the Rouse Theatre can be made without having to take any stairs. An elevator is available for access to the balcony level and first rows of the Rouse Theatre and the Rosenthal Shelterhouse Theatre. Accessible seating for wheelchairs is subject to availability and should be requested at the time of ticket reservation.
Need the perfect gift? The Playhouse offers gift certificates redeemable for single tickets or subscription packages. Call the Box Office or stop by at intermission for more information.
Bring your group of eight or more to the Playhouse and receive great benefits and discounts, including special rates for students and seniors. Our popular corporate web discount program allows your employees to book tickets online at a discount whenever they want. Contact the Box Office for more details.
Latecomers are seated at the discretion of the house manager, which may be as late as intermission. Latecomers may be denied admission depending on the demands or structure of a particular production. Please allow yourself adequate time to arrive, park and be seated. Should you need to leave the theatre during a performance, readmittance and seating will be at the discretion of the house manager so as not to disturb the audience and actors.
The Park Board reminds you that Eden Park officially closes at 10 p.m. As a grace period to the Playhouse, the police will not ticket vehicles until one half hour following the end of a performance. The Playhouse assumes no responsibility for anyone receiving a ticket for illegal parking. Convenient parking is available in the Playhouse garage. Purchase parking in advance to secure a space. Parking can also be purchased from our parking attendant immediately before the performance if available.
Accessible parking for those with disabilities is located in the Playhouse parking garage. Parking for persons with disabilities is limited and must be reserved and paid for in advance. All vehicles using these spaces must display a valid disability placard.
The Ohio Revised Code (R.C. 2923.126) has established the privilege of carrying a concealed handgun to Ohio citizens who have obtained the proper license. The same law explicitly grants private employers in the state the right to prohibit their employees and visitors from possessing firearms on the employer’s premises. With this notification the Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park is informing you that it prohibits weapons of any kind on its premises, and reserves the right to search persons, parcels and vehicles on the same. This policy applies to all employees, patrons and visitors to the facility.
There are four types of restrooms: women’s, men’s, all-gender and family. One of each type is available on each level. Restrooms are all wheelchair-accessible.
Smoking/vaping is prohibited in the entire theatre complex.
Thanks to your vision and commitment to the Playhouse, we can continue to produce extraordinary theatre for Playhouse audiences of tomorrow. We are grateful to you for including the Playhouse in your estate plans. This list recognizes members of the Morse Johnson Society as of February 21, 2024.
Romola N. Allen
Henrietta Barlag
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Martha L. Bell
Mr. Neil Billman
David and Elaine Billmire
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Charlin Briggs
Rosemarie Brown
John and Peg Bruggeman
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Richard and Teddie Curry
Guy and Cathy DeDiemar
Kelly M. Dehan and Richard J. Staudigel
Marilyn Derfus
Jackie Dieckman and Mike Camery
Mrs. James M. Edwards
Barbara Fitch
In memory of Phyllis A. Followell, my heart
Allison Gerrety
Victoria Buyniski Gluckman
Madeleine H. (Mady) Gordon
J. Frederick and Cynthia Gossman
Carol and Leonard Green
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Jan and Herman Groshoff
Cheryl Harden Love
Mrs. Robert J. Hasl
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Karlee L. Hilliard
Susan M. Ingmire
Andrew MacAoidh Jergens
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M. J. Johnson
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Winifred B. Kessler
David and Janice Klocke
Mike and Marilyn Kremzar
Randolph and Patricia Krumm
Ms. Abby E. Langdon
Minor and Dan LeBlond
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James A. Markley, Jr.
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Carolyn Parker
Charles and Tara Pease
Jenny and David Powell
Betty L. Prince
Pamela Reising
Ellen Rieveschl
Richard Rosenthal
Jack and Moe Rouse
Robert and Dell Ann Sathe
Mark and Rosemary Schlachter
Carol J. Schroeder
Digi France Schueler
John L. Shields
Jerry and Betsy Shroat
Ann M. Simsic
Mrs. Paul G. Sittenfeld
Adrienne Angst Smith
Louise W. Spiegel
Francis and Susan Stanton
Nancy M. Steman
Sidney Thomas
Diane D. Todd
Marty C. Tomb
Ellen and Ray van der Horst
Margaret and Albert Vontz III
Daniel G. Walker
JoAnn and Paul Ward
Dr. and Mrs. Nelson B. Watts
Jim and Jo Ann Weber
Irwin and Barbara Weinberg
Barbara M. Weyand
Ronna and Dr. James B. Willis
Susan and Don Zaunbrecher
Helen and Charles Abramovitz
Mrs. Thomas Adler
Robert H. Allen
Karen H. Bell
Frank and Rosemary Bloom
Peter Briggs
Jack G. Brown
Leland M. Cole
Eva Jane Romaine Coombe
John V. Crable
John F. Curley
Anne Elkins Didrichsen
Mrs. Elizabeth Easley
Have you included Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park in your estate plans? We would love to hear from you. Please reach out to Lynn Smith at Lynn.Smith@cincyplay.com or (513) 977-2067 so we can properly recognize you for your gift and welcome you into the Morse Johnson Society.
James M. Edwards
Felix and Weta Mae Elkins
Margaret M. Embshoff
Jerome A. Fey and Robert J. Schlafle
Stona Fitch
William A. and Susan S. Friedlander
Oliver M. Gale
Charles and Caroline Goering
Peter and Mary Hainline
Carlyn G. Hamilton
Dr. Robert J. Hasl
Mrs. Morse Johnson
Stanley M. Kaplan, M.D.
Keith Lemmerman
Ron Lyons
Manuel D. and Rhoda Mayerson
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Morelli
Jack and Marilyn Osborn
Maurice E. Oshry
George Rieveschl
Launcey Roder
Lois Rosenthal
Gene F. Santoro
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Schiff, Sr.
Karl and Roberta Schlachter
Mary Louise Schroth
Marsha Shields
Paul G. Sittenfeld
Rick Steiner
Jane K. Steinfirst
Thurza R. Sternberg
Charles and Sue Straus
Charles L. and Joan Thomas, Jr.
Lynda A. Thomas
Dr. Thomas Todd
Howard Tomb
Albert Vontz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Waite
Gladys C. Warshauer
Monte Witte
When amazing women come together, great things happen! Thank you to these 2023-24 season Leading Ladies. This list recognizes members as of January 21, 2024.
Amelia Crutcher
Danute Miskinis
Amelia Crutcher
Kelly M. Dehan
Vickie Buyniski Gluckman
Linda Greenberg
Karlee L. Hilliard
Laurie F. Johnston
Kelly Lyle
Danute Miskinis
Linda Muth
Rosemary Schlachter
Nancy Sparks
Susie Ackermann
Janet G. Banks
Randal S. Bloch
Jacklyn Bryson
Marjorie Compton
Susan Cummings
Marilyn Duke
Brenda Hausterman
Louise Head
Marty Humes
Susan Ingmire
Judy Kenniston
Margo Kirstein
Selena McKean
Patti Myers
Karen Neyer
Marcia Philipps
Jenny Powell
Betty Prince
Debbie White
Cathie Rothfuss
Moe Rouse
Diane Rumpke
Digi France Schueler
Laura R. Turton
Susie Tweddell
Maureen Vignola
Jane Welling
Nancy Aichholz
Sherri D. Allen
Janice Amatulli
Susan S. Anthony
Elizabeth C. Armitage
Susan Awadalla
Molly R. Barber
Jan Bartel
Mandy Bartel
Marianne Beard
Megan Beck
Becky Beckstedt
Mary Ann Bell
Stephanie Besl
Cheryl L. Borland
Linda D. Brink
Carol Campbell
Angela Carl
Nancy B. Carrothers
Susana Chamlee
Melanie M. Chavez
Fran Christensen
Mary Ellen Cody
Cynthia Cole
Virginia Copley
Jean Crawford
Judy S. Dalambakis
Carol DeGreg
Debora Del Valle
Kathryn Dierckes
Nancy Steman Dierckes
Bethany Doverspike
Kay Eby
Joyce Elkus
Mary Anne Frey
Nancy Gaffney
Nancy Gollobin
Barbara Gould
Barbara Hahn
Margo Hall
Nirvani Head
Carolyn Heck
Patti Heldman
Betsy Hendy
Helene Herbert
Judy Tondi Herd
Meg Hilmer
Linda R. Holthaus
Kim Howland
Pat Humphrey
Dr. Linda Huntress
Diane Iseman
Anne Jaroszewicz
Clare Jaymes
Sarah Raup Johnson
Diane S. Jordan
Lisa Kagan
Arlene Katz
Heather Krombholz
Patricia Krumm
Trish Larsen
Lynn P. Larson
Terry Lemmerman
Donna Lilley
Nancy Lippincott
Sally A. Lloyd
Laurel Markley
Carolyn Ott Martin
Nancy C. Martin
Kathy McCord
Stacy McIntosh
Joann Mead
Kathy Merchant
Audrey E. K. Miller
Sarah Mizelle Miller
Mary G. Moran
Jeannie Niebuhr
Niki Pappas
Jenny Partridge
Debbie Pendl
MaryAnn Pietromonaco
Jane Portman
Ildiko Pray
Audra Rance
Sherri Adams Remaklus
Margie Rennie
Carol Holland Rentschler
Carol Reubel
Danielle Revelson
Dr. Jeri B. Ricketts
Carole T. Rigaud
Buffie Rixey
Mary Ellen Roberts
Gigi Robison
Karina Rothzeid
Jane Rutherford
KJ Sanchez
Jeanne Tiber Schmerler
Carol Serrone
Shelly S. Sherman
Sue Showers
Debbie Renick Sims
Laura Skidmore
Martha Steier
Lib Stone
Dr. Susan R. Strick
Glenda Suttman
Dee Talley
Gretchen Thomas
Catharina Toltzis Ph.D.
Alicia B. Townsend
Linda Trebbi
Dionn Tron
Lynn Tumen
Ellen G. van der Horst
Nancy A. Virgulak
Carol Walkner
Sarah Warrington
Kate Wehby
Judy Wells
Ronna K. Willis
Laani Wuest
Linda Elam Young
Mary Beth Young
Sue Zimmerman
Bold indicates Steering Committee Members
The Leading Ladies build a welcoming and diverse community of women to support the Playhouse, using a framework of captivating events that incorporate education, entertainment and enjoyment of theatre, with the goal of sponsoring an annual Playhouse production. See what happens when amazing women come together! For more information, contact Director of Donor Relations Kendra Struthers at kendra.struthers@cincyplay.com or 513-977-2024 , or visit cincyplay.com/support/leadingladies.
Season presented by SCHUELER GROUP and THE VONTZ FAMILY Rouse Theatre Season Design Sponsor: KERRY AUTOMOTIVE
AUG. 17 – SEPT. 15, 2024
The iconic, plot-twisting thriller about suspicion, deception and murder receives a clever new treatment for the stage.
Sponsored by U.S. BANK
Based on the diary of RUTKA LASKIER, as published in Rutka’s Notebook: A Voice from the Holocaust Music and Lyrics by JOCELYN MACKENZIE and JEREMY LLOYD-STYLES
OCT. 13 – NOV. 10, 2024
A powerful new indie-rock musical and world premiere based on a real diary that a 14-year-old girl hid in the war-torn Jewish Ghetto in 1943 Poland.
By EBONI BOOTHFEB. 1 – 23, 2025
Written with profound affection, this recent off-Broadway hit is an achingly beautiful tale that will restore your faith in others.
A comedy about books and the people who love them. When a book club accepts a provocative new member, long-standing relationships take a hilarious turn.
SEASON EXTRA! Subscribers get first access to tickets before the general public!
By CHARLES DICKENS • Adapted by BLAKE ROBISONNOV. 22 – DEC. 29, 2024
The holiday story you love unfolds in spectacular fashion in Moe and Jack’s Place – The Rouse Theatre! Charles Dickens’ classic tale of the curmudgeon Ebenezer Scrooge combines with dazzling set, costume and lighting designs for a magical holiday experience! presents
With season tickets, you’ll save money, guarantee seats for the shows you want to see, get exclusive discounts and priority access to tickets for A Christmas Carol, plus other exclusive benefits. Four show packages start at $126 - $133.
A writer-performer tells real-life, personal stories about being a struggling actor-turned-urban public school teacher in a deeply felt, hilarious solo performance.
The 2023 Pulitzer Prize-winning play about the human desire to belong as four Iranian adults navigate the mechanics of language with humor and vulnerability.
OCT. 24 – DEC. 22, 2024
The Second City returns to celebrate its 65th Anniversary with more laughs, more sketches and more improv performed by the next generation of comedy superstars.
Birthday Candles will warm the soul as it tenderly explores motherhood, family, love, loss and finding your place in the universe.
THIS IS YOUR PLAYHOUSE! Join us for a season full of variety that showcases the best of American theatre to entertain and inspire you. The lineup truly embodies the Playhouse’s mission to bring diverse, engaging works of great artistry to our community and to put Cincinnati’s artistic excellence in the national spotlight.
ELLEN & RAY van der HORST present
DIRECTOR Joanie Schultz
SET DESIGNER Chelsea M. Warren
COSTUME DESIGNER Jessica Wegener Shay
APRIL 27 — JUNE 2, 2024
Production Sponsor
Design Sponsor
Additional support provided by
Season Presented By The Vontz Family
VIETGONE was originally commissioned and developed by South Coast Repertory as part of SCR CrossRoads, with funding from the Time Warner Foundation. This play is a recipient of the Edgerton Foundation New American Play Award. VIETGONE received a world premiere co-production by South Coast Repertory (Marc Masterson, Artistic Director; Paula Tomei, Managing Director) and Manhattan Theatre Club (Lynne Meadow, Artistic Director; Barr y Grove, Executive Producer) at South Coast Repertory on October 4, 2015, and at Manhattan Theatre Club’s Stage I Theatre on October 4, 2016.
“Mammas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys” by Patsy Bruce and Ed Bruce. Used by Permission of Sony/ATV Tree Publishing. All rights reserved.
(In speaking order)
Playwright/Giai/Bobby Julian Remulla*
Quang Hyunmin Rhee*
Tong Rebecca Hirota*
Thu/Huong Olivia Oguma*
Nhan/Khue Viet Vo*
Stage Manager Andrea L. Shell*
Assistant Stage Manager Shelby Scaffidi*
Time: 1975
Location: Ft. Chaffee, Arkansas; Saigon; and a road trip across the western United States.
This production is made possible in part by a generous gift from the Greater Cincinnati Foundation.
*Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.
This theatre operates under an agreement between the League of Resident Theatres and Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States and with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees-Local No. 5.
Ours is a Behind-the-Scenes Role, But We Still Give It Our All
It’s our privilege to provide IT support to the Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park. It may not be glamorous, but we stop at nothing to ensure that the Playhouse’s IT is operational — and secure — so that the true stars may shine.
Throughout his storytelling journey, playwright, screenwriter and director Qui Nguyen is proud to have discovered the value of staying true to self.
When he was 8 years old, Nguyen says he dreamed of three potential career paths that ultimately laid the groundwork for the artist he would become. He wanted to be an actor, a rapper or a martial arts instructor.
“Obviously, as I grew up, I realized I had huge stage fright and can’t be other people than myself, I love rap but I don’t have the tongue dexterity to spit rhymes very fast, and, finally, I’m just too out of shape to be a martial artist,” said Nguyen. “But what I can do is put all the things I love the most in my plays.”
As a playwright, his credits include Vietgone (2015), Poor Yella Rednecks (2019) and Revenge Song (2020) among others. He also co-founded the New York-based Vampire Cowboys, an OBIE Award-winning troupe formed in the early 2000s that specialized in “geek theatre” incorporating action/adventure themes and dark comedy with a comic book aesthetic. She Kills Monsters (2011), one of his most popular works for the troupe, is still a top draw for high schools and colleges.
“All my plays, such as She Kills Monsters and Vietgone, are genre-based,” Nguyen explained. “They are all reflections of what I loved as a kid, regardless of how intricate the stories are or how mature the themes may be. At the end of the day, I just wanted to make something that I, as a 10, 11 or 12-year-old, would have loved seeing such as great comedy, great fights and music I loved to listen to the most, which was hip-hop.”
All three components are pivotal aspects within the entertaining foundation of Vietgone,
the true story of how Nguyen’s parents, Quang and Tong, met in a refugee relocation camp in 1975 Arkansas during the Vietnam War. The play speaks volumes for him because it reveals the essence of his artistry as well as the importance of his grandmother’s imprint.
“This is my origin story not only as a human being but as an artist as well,” Nguyen said. “I don’t think I would’ve become a writer if it wasn’t for my grandmother, who told me when I was very young, maybe 8 or 9, why she told me so many stories. She said when she escaped Vietnam, she left very fast without packing her bags, carrying jewelry or money, or (bringing) photos from home. All she had was her stories. And honestly, I think stories are the only thing anyone has of value.”
Nguyen’s goal is to cover the Vietnamese diaspora as a trilogy. Poor Yella Rednecks, the sequel to Vietgone, will be followed by an
engrossing story of survival centered on his cousin from Vietnam who was adopted by his parents in the late 1980s.
“I grew up with him and I love him – he is my sibling,” Nguyen said. “The first play is about my dad, the second play is about my mom, and the third play is about my brother. And all of them are essentially about my grandmother.”
Outside the realm of theatre, Nguyen, based in both Los Angeles and Cincinnati, has also found success in TV and film. In addition to working for Marvel Studios, his Disney credits include co-writing Raya and the Last Dragon and writing and co-directing Strange World. He is also the recipient of a 2016 Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing in a Preschool Animated Program (Peg+Cat)
Last fall The New York Times noted, “Nguyen’s distinctive style is marked by fluency in various emotional tones and pop-cultural vernaculars.” Ever since Vampire Cowboys became the rare theatre troupe to have a booth at Comic Con, Nguyen has been comfortable allowing himself and his work to exist authentically, reaching cross-generational audiences ready and willing to try something different.
“I’ve built a career around doing things on my own,” Nguyen said. “If you’re not going to be attached to a big institution that has a history and a lot of season ticket holders, you have to make noise. You have to be brighter. You have to be shinier. You have to give people a reason to choose you.”
Whaddup, Cincy! It’s been a sec. Rebecca previously appeared here in Jane Eyre (as Helen Burns, Adele and Mary Rivers). In New York, Rebecca has performed in Poor Yella Rednecks and Vietgone (Manhattan Theatre Club); Romeo and Juliet (Classic Stage Company); Wolf Play (Samuel Beckett Theatre, Samuel French Festival Winner) and Someone Spectacular (Signature Theater). Select regional work includes Guthrie Theater, Actors Theatre of Louisville, Denver Center, City Theatre, Milwaukee Rep (three seasons), Triad Stage, TheatreSquared and Pacific Northwest Ballet. Rebecca has choreographed Bullet Catchers , The Wild Party , Jane Eyre and A Christmas Carol, as well as fight choreographed She Kills Monsters. Television credits include New Amsterdam, Gossip Girl, Law & Order, Elementary and Unforgettable. She received her MFA from Columbia University and BA of Psychology from Boston University. As in all things, she thanks her Hubs, B-man and PLP. You can follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebmhi.
Broadway credits include Mamma Mia! , A Christmas Carol , Les Misérables and Disney’s High School Musical (1st National Tour). Off-Broadway credits include Letters of Suresh (Second Stage); Addressless (Rattlestick Theater); Hello, From the Children of Planet Earth (Playwrights Realm); Luce (LCT3); Emotional Creature (Signature Theatre); BFE (Playwrights Horizons); and The Dispute (NAATCO). Regional credits include Brightest Thing in the World (Yale Rep), Miss You Like Hell (La Jolla Playhouse), Emotional Creature (Berkeley Rep), Snow Falling on Cedars (Portland Center Stage), 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (Philadelphia Theater Company and Paper Mill Playhouse), The Vagina Monologues (Bucks County Playhouse) and Hair (Two River Theater). Film credits include This is Where I Leave You, Strangers with Candy: The Movie, Like Father and Hallmark Hall of Fame’s The Flamingo Rising. Television credits include Instinct, FBI, Odd Mom Out, Younger, Law & Order, The Good Wife, The Big C, Great News and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Olivia is the co-creator, writer and host of DisOrientalism, an Asian American variety show which has a residency at Joe’s Pub. She has solo backpacked through 30 countries and is extremely passionate about Cirque Du Soleil. Thank You to EJZ, Molly, Mom and Oliver. In loving memory of my father, Chef Toshio. You can follow Olivia on Instagram @olioguma.
Julian is thrilled to be returning to Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, after his most recent debut in the world premiere of Dracula . In New York City, he has performed off-Broadway in Julius Caesar at Theatre for a New Audience. Regionally, Julian has been a part of several seasons at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and has had the pleasure of performing at the Denver Center, Idaho Shakespeare Festival, Great Lakes Theater and the Contemporary American Theater Festival. On television, he has appeared in Law & Order: Organized Crime and Bull . Visit www.julianremulla.com.
Hyunmin is pleased to be making his Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park debut. His off-Broadway credits include Poor Yella Rednecks: Vietgone 2 (Manhattan Theatre Club). Regionally, Hyunmin has played the role of Quang in both the Guthrie Theater’s production of Vietgone and the American Conservatory Theater’s production of Poor Yella Rednecks: Vietgone 2. Other regional credits include Kim’s Convenience (Westport Country Playhouse), Tiger Style! (Theatresquared), Oklahoma!, Snow in Midsummer and The Merry Wives of Windsor (Oregon Shakespeare Festival). Television credits include Helpsters (Apple TV+) and FBI (CBS). He recently filmed an upcoming independent film, The Dutchman Every performance here is dedicated to all those who resonate with this incredible story. Especially to the Asian American community whom this is for. Love to my beautiful wife, Jules and our amazing daughter, RyRy. You can follow him on Instagram @hyunminrhee.
Viet is proud to be making his Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park debut! Off-Broadway credits include Romeo and Bernadette and Fishing for Wives. National tours include Miss Saigon (Limited). Regional credits include Vietgone (Alley Theatre and Guthrie Theater), Gold Mountain (Utah Shakespeare Festival), Miss Saigon (Casa Mañana) and A Christmas Story (The Engeman Theater). Television and film credits include Law & Order: SVU, Cupids (Tribeca Film Festival), The Blacklist (NBC), Tales of the City and Manifest (Netflix) and Lost (ABC). A huge Mahalo nui loa to the cast and crew. Mahalo Nui Loa for their continued work and drive. Cảm ơn to Joanie for your guidance and direction! Cảm ơn, Qui; your world is beautiful, and your words write the dreams. Special shout out to my family for believing in me. And to my Bingsu, I love you. You can follow him on Instagram @vopix.
Qui Nguyen is an Emmy-Award winning TV writer, filmmaker, playwright, and co-founder of the pioneering geek theatre company, Vampire Cowboys. Notable plays include Vietgone, Poor Yella Rednecks, Bike Wreck, and the acclaimed Vampire Cowboys productions of She Kills Monsters (recently awarded a 2024 Kennedy Center College Theatre Festival Gold Medallion Award), Revenge Song, Soul Samurai, The Inexplicable Redemption of Agent G, Alice in Slasherland, Fight Girl Battle World, and Living Dead in Denmark. For TV/Film, he’s written for Marvel Studios, Netflix, AMC, SYFY, and PBS. He most recently penned Disney’s Raya and the Last Dragon (nominated for a 2022 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature) and co-directed and wrote Disney’s Strange World Qui is a proud member of the WGA and a board member of New Dramatists.
Joanie serves as Associate Artistic Director for Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park. Prior to coming to Cincinnati, she was a freelance director based in Chicago. Previously at the Playhouse, Joanie directed Dracula, Origin Story and Frida…A Self Portrait. Joanie has directed at theatres across the country, including Everyman Theatre, GEVA Theatre Center, Kansas City Repertory Theatre, Studio Theatre, Portland Center Stage, Cleveland Play House, Goodman Theatre, Steppenwolf Theatre Company and Philadelphia Theatre Company. Joanie previously served as Artistic Director of WaterTower Theatre in Texas and before that, as Associate Artistic Producer at Victory Gardens
Theater, as part of the Leadership U One-on-One Fellowship funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation administered through the Theatre Communications Group. She was also a Drama League Fellow, a Goodman Theatre Michael Maggio Director Fellow, an SDSF Denham Fellow and a member of the Lincoln Center Theatre Directors Lab. Joanie holds a MFA from Northwestern University and a BA from Columbia College Chicago in directing. Visit joanieschultz.com.
Chelsea is a multimedia artist with a focus on scenic and puppet design, as well as large scale photography and art installations. Scenic design credits include Steppenwolf Theatre Company, Steep Theatre, Penumbra Theatre, Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, Victory Gardens Theatre, Studio Theatre, Cleveland Play House, City Theatre, Milwaukee Repertory Theater and Philadelphia Theatre Company. Puppet design credits include Chicago Shakespeare Theater, Jungle Theater, Studio Theatre, Links Hall, Chicago International Puppet Festival and New York State Puppet Festival. She is an ensemble member with Steep Theatre. Chelsea received her MFA from Northwestern University and is an Associate Professor of Scenic Design at Carnegie Mellon University. Visit chelseamwarren.com.
Jessica is pleased to be making her Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park debut. She has enjoyed a longtime collaboration with Qui Nguyen and Abby Marcus as the resident costume designer for the Vampire Cowboys Theatre Company. Her other Broadway and New York projects have included The Performers (Broadway); Lewiston/Clarkston (Rattlestick Theater); A Kid Like Jake and All-American (LCT3); Outside People (Vineyard Theatre); Suicide, Incorporated and The Dream of the Burning Boy (Roundabout Underground); Oohrah! (Atlantic Theater); Measure for Measure (The Acting Company); and Next Fall and Armed and Naked in America (Naked Angels). Some of Jessica’s favorite regional projects have been the Vampire Cowboys’ production of Revenge Song (Geffen Playhouse); Love’s Labor’s Lost, Cyrano and A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival); and Bad Dates, Underneath the Lintel, and Shipwrecked! (Long Wharf Theatre). Jessica enjoys living in New York’s Hudson Valley and is also a Farmer, a Mom and the Costume Supervisor for Fordham University’s Theatre program.
Jennifer is pleased to be making her Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park debut. Select credits include Dream Hou$e, Aubergine, Witch and Lumberjacks In Love (TheatreWorks Colorado Springs); Somewhere Over the Border (Geva Theatre); Unholy Wars (Opera Philadelphia and the Spoleto Festival); Disgraced (American Stage); The World is Not Silent (Alley Theatre); I Am My Own Wife and Pride and Prejudice (Long Wharf Theatre); Queen (Penobscot Theatre Company); What We Ask Of Flesh (Inspirit Dance Company); and The Wolves (Flint Repertory Theatre). She is a frequent collaborator with Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company and Theatre At Monmouth. Jennifer has a BFA in Theatre Production and Design from Ithaca College. Visit www.jenniferfok.com and follow her on Instagram @photonfok.
Shane is a composer, sound designer and music producer. His work has been heard live in theatres, concert halls, dance productions and on internet connected earbuds for over two decades. Recent projects include Revenge Song (Oregon Shakespeare Festival and Geffen Playhouse), Poor Yella Rednecks (Manhattan Theatre Club), In the Cards (Next Chapter Podcasts), Days Go By (Monica Bill Barnes & Co) and Mothers (Playwrights Realm). Other favorites include Vietgone (Manhattan Theatre Club), Rafta, Rafta… (New Group), She Kills Monsters (Flea Theater) and pretty much every Vampire Cowboys production ever. New York credits include The Public, Signature Theatre, Roundabout Theater, Ensemble Studio Theatre, Ma-Yi Theater, Clubbed Thumb, New Georges, New Victory, La MaMa, Soho Rep, Rattlestick Theater and HERE Arts Center. Regional credits include Actors Theatre of Louisville, Arena Stage, Berkshire Theatre Festival, Baltimore Center Stage, Children’s Theatre Company, Dallas Theatre Center, La Jolla, South Coast Rep, Williamstown Theatre, Yale Rep and Prague Quadrennial. Music/co-lyricist for War is F**king Awesome with Qui Nguyen and William Jackson Harper (20132014 Sundance Lab and 2015 Frederick Loewe Grant); and music for The Unknown (2005 New York Musical Theater Festival). Awards and Nominations include Liberace Scholarship, Frederick Loewe Grant, Jonathan Larsen Grant, Drama Desk and Lortel Nominations.
Rod is thrilled to be making his debut at Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park. Broadway credits include The Lightning Thief. Other New York credits include Live from Lincoln Center: Porgy and Bess (New York City Opera). Most recent off-Broadway credits include Between Two Knees (Perelman Performing Arts Center), fight director for nine seasons at The Pearl Theatre Company, The Lucille Lortel Theatre, Lynn Redgrave Theater, Mint Theater, Minetta Lane Theatre, The Acorn, Signature Theatre, and the East 13th Street Theatre. Resident Fight Director for New York City Opera at Lincoln Center from 1995 to 2010. Regional credits include American Repertory Theatre, Yale Repertory Theatre, The Cleveland Play House, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Utah Shakespeare Festival, Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival, Seattle Rep, McCarter Theatre Center, Dorset Theatre Festival, Gulfshore Playhouse, Barter Theatre, The Cape Playhouse, Shakespeare On the Sound, Glimmerglass Opera, Chautauqua Opera and the Opera Festival of New Jersey. Rod is a member of the SDC and on faculty at AMDA College of the Performing Arts teaching Stage Combat. Visit Rodkinter.com.
cara is a queer, fat, Việt theatre maker and a Hoosier who is excited to be back at Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park! Select credits include transfer direction of Sanctuary City (Arena Stage and Berkeley Repertory Theatre), Little Women (Perseverance Theatre), Buried Ruins (The Sống Collective), love you long time (already) at Atlantic MixFest. cara has been a Drama League Fellow, member of the ‘20-22 Roundabout Theater Directors Group, a Directing Apprentice at Actors Theatre of Louisville, SDC Observer on Hadestown and a Fellow at Baltimore Center Stage. Visit carahinh.com.
Stephanie is overjoyed to continue her 12th season of collaboration with Blake Robison and the fantastic team that comprises Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park. Recent shows she has cast for the Playhouse include Stew, Clyde’s; Ring of Fire: The Music of Johnny Cash; Shane; Origin Story; A Chorus Line; Incident at Our Lady
of Perpetual Help; Rooted; Steel Magnolias; School Girls; Or, The African Mean Girls Play; Need Your Love; The West End; Destiny of Desire; Once on This Island; Alias Grace; and many others. Her award-winning work is frequently seen on Broadway, off-Broadway, regionally, on concert stages, film, television and streaming media. She is dedicated to continuing to expand and champion diversity, equity and inclusion in the business. Connecting creative, caring people to each other to make extraordinary things happen is amongst Stephanie’s greatest joys. She is a member of the Board of Casting Society Cares and a mentor with Fordham High School for the Arts and NYU Tisch School of the Arts Women’s Mentorship.
Andrea is excited to be celebrating her 23rd season with Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, having worked on more than 100 productions, including 24 world premieres. Favorite Playhouse credits include A Christmas Carol (2006-2021); Dracula, A Chorus Line; Murder on the Orient Express; School Girls Or, The African Mean Girls Play; Rooted; Alias Grace; The Last Wide Open; Treasure Island; Mr. Joy; Jane Eyre; Bad Dates; The Revolutionists; I Loved, I Lost, I Made Spaghetti; Merrily We Roll Along; As You Like It; The Understudy; Blackbird; Durango; Around the World in 80 Days; Altar Boyz; Smoke on the Mountain Homecoming; Reckless; Ace; The Clean House; A Picasso; One; Abracadabra; The Bible … (abridged); and Dark Paradise. She has also stage managed at Dallas Theater Center, The Old Globe, Cincinnati Ballet, Alliance Theatre, The Second City and Ingenuity Festival of Cleveland. Additionally, Andrea heads Playhouse’s stage management department as the Production Stage Manager, serves as a member of Xavier University’s Theatre Program’s adjunct faculty, and is a contributor for Dramatics.org, writing backstage articles for their online content. Andrea is a proud member of Actors’ Equity Association. She would like to thank her family, friends, Dylan and Scott for their unending support.
Shelby is so excited to be back on the Stage Management team at Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park this season. Shelby’s professional career began in 2021, when she joined the Playhouse as a Stage Management Intern and returned the following season as a Production Assistant. In between shows at the Playhouse, Shelby has worked at The Cincinnati Ballet, Cincinnati Shakespeare Company and Goodman Theatre in Chicago. Some of her favorite Playhouse credits include Frida... A Self Portrait, Rooted and Origin Story. Shelby received her Bachelor of Arts in Theatre from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, and credits much of her early career success to her professors and the connections she made while earning her degree.
Props Artisan
Intimacy Coordinator
Kate Cummins
Torie Wiggins Voice Coach Andra Velis Simon
Casting Assistants Emma Balk, Hershey Millner
Assistant to the Casting Director Gracie Guichard
Props Run Crew
Dialect Coach
Wardrobe Run Crew
Madison Stone
Joy Lanceta Coronel
Elizabeth Galbraith
This list includes all gifts given to the Playhouse from January 9, 2023 to February 9, 2024, not including Endowment and Capital Campaign gifts.
AUDIENCE ($50,000+)
Anonymous ArtsWave
First Financial Bank
Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr. Foundation
Kerry Automotive
L&L Nippert Charitable Foundation
Ohio Arts Council
Ohio Department of Development
Robert and Adele Schiff Family Foundation
The Harold C. Schott Foundation
Digi and Mike Schueler
The Schueler Group
The Shubert Foundation
Margaret and Albert Vontz III*
($30,000 - $49,999)
The Charles H. Dater Foundation
Linda and Gary Greenberg*
The Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati
The Daniel and Susan Pfau Foundation
Moe and Jack Rouse
The Louise Taft Semple Foundation
U.S. Bank
($20,000 - $29,999)
Mrs. L.L. Browning, Jr.
Nancy and Mark Dawes
Mrs. Andrea and Dr. Edward Herzig
Johnson Investment Counsel
Terry Lemmerman
The Markley Family
Becky Miars
Millstone Fund
Ohio Emergency Management Agency
The Marilyn J. and Jack D. Osborn Fund*
Julie and Steven J. Shifman
Ellen and Ray van der Horst
Randolph Wadsworth
Barbara and Irwin Weinberg Fund*
Barbara M. Weyand
($10,000 - $19,999)
Tom and MC Brennan
Clark Schaefer Hackett
Sarah and Tommy Evans
Frost Brown Todd
The Geiler Company
John and Susie Lame
Jacqueline M. Mack and Dr. Edward B. Silberstein
Craig and Anne Maier
Charles and Joann Mead
Leon and Barb Meyer
Diane and Dave Moccia
Arthur C. Morrissey and Janet M. Hayes
The National Endowment for the Arts
Jenny and David Powell
Richard Goettle, Inc.
Dianne and J. David Rosenberg
William S. Rowe Foundation
Eddie and Pat Sheppard
Betsy and Jerry Shroat
Skidmore Sales & Distributing Co., Inc.
The Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust
Nellie Leaman Taft Foundation
Jennifer and Woody Taft
($7,500 - $9,999)
Diane and Carl Iseman
Bill and Mary Jane James
Ms. Danute M. Miskinis
Susan Whitman
($5,000 - $7,499)
Bahl & Gaynor Investment Counsel
Ron Bates and Randy Lasley
Mark and Lindsay Bibler
David and Elaine Billmire
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blatt
Ruth and Tom Bobenread
Susan Brenner and Steven Mombach
Wayne and Fran Carlisle
James P. Conway, Jr. and Richard D. Robertson, Jr.
Richard and Teddie Curry
Richard and Lisa Ernst
Elizabeth George
Mrs. Victoria Buyniski Gluckman and Dr. Jack Gluckman
Clifford Goosmann and Andrea Wilson
Fred and Patti Heldman*
Susan Ingmire
The Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Patti and Tom Keckeis*
Marilyn Kinne
David M. and Bet Koeninger
Mark and Karen Kremzar
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Kremzar
Jamie and Jenny Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Lett
Dick and Sandy Manteuffel
Barbara and Kim McCracken
Kevin and Frances McMurray
James A. Miller
David and Judith Morgan
Dean and Catherine Moulas
Patti Myers and Alan Flaherty
Jack and Marilyn Osborn
Prudential - Matching Fund
Mrs. Deborah White Richardson
Amy and John Rosenberg
Margo and Sam Ross
Mark and Rosemary Schlachter
John and Jennifer Stein
Towne Properties
Edward Trach
Lawrence and Maureen Vignola
The Vista Foundation
The Maxwell C. Weaver Foundation
Julia Wesselkamper and Julian Johnson
Ronna and Dr. James B. Willis
The Wohlgemuth Herschede Foundation
Susan and Don Zaunbrecher
($2,500 - $4,999)
Anonymous (2)
1919 Investment Counsel
William P. Anderson Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Banks
Jan Bartel
Ed and Debbie Birck
Douglas Brauch
Thomas J. Breed
John and Peg Bruggeman
Jeff and Gay Bullock
Ron Bunt and Wei Sun
Janet and Bruce Byrnes
Candace Carson
Denise and Martin Chambers
Jack and Virginia Copley
The Crawford Family Foundation
Amelia and Thomas Crutcher
Kelly M. Dehan
Scott X. Deters
Peter Draugelis
Elise Eaton Allen Fund *
Michael and Amy Fitzgibbons
Peggy L. Golden and Kerry J. Klumpe
Carrie and Ken Goldhoff
Bernita McCann Hightower
Linda R. Holthaus
Ellen and Garrett Jackson*
Johnson & Johnson - Matching Fund
Dr. Robert Keith and Kathleen Thornton-Keith
Marvin Kolodzik
Carolyn Ott Martin
David Martin
Samuel Moore, Jr.
Tom and Linda Palmer
Stuart and Ildiko Pray
Betty L. Prince
Audra Rance
Rob and Gretchen Reifsnyder
Rick Slack
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith
Sandra and Henry Spitz
Robert D. Temple and Sue E. Auerbach
Thembi Speaks LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tieke
Barbara and Daman Turner
Water Tower Fine Wines
Jo Ann Wieghaus
Margaret and John H. Wyant
($1,000 - $2,499)
Anonymous (2)
25th Hour
Susie Ackermann
David and Traci Alexander
Liz and Hank Alexander
Ms. Kathryn Allred Al-Lamadani
Gordon Allen and Linda Baas
Sherri D. Allen
Americana Arts Foundation
Thomas and Susan Anthony
Eric and Brenda Armstrong Family Fund*
Peggy Barrett
Mary Ann and Doug Bell
Judith and Louis Belli
Kit Berger
John Berninger
Kenneth W. and Dawn H. Bertsche
Randal S. Bloch
Sandra Bolek
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Borisch
Charlotte Brooks
David and Marybeth Brothers
Dr. Jane Brown and Mr. Paul Beck
Jackie and Gary Bryson
The Otto M. Budig Family Foundation
Eric Burgmann and Linda Vaccariello
Bonnie and Dick Buten
David and Sara Butler
Terri and John Byczkowski
Robert S. Castellini
Larry and Julie Chandler
James Cissell
Philip Clayton
Burton and Susan Closson
Mr. Rick Coffey
Leland M. and Carol C. Cole
Dr. Robert Henry and Deborah Collins
Pearl J. Compaan, M.D.
Marjorie Compton
The Cord Foundation
Kassy and Jeff Corken
Susan Cummings
Anne Dagenbach
Judy S. Dalambakis
Marjorie Davis
Florence and Tom DeWitt
Kathryn Dierckes
DJJ, A Nucor Company
Michael and Kathleen Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Dorward
William G. Dorward III
Emilie and David Dressler Fund*
Marilyn Duke
Saralou and Dave Durham
Allison and Rick Edwards
Ms. Joyce Elkus
Eric and Judy Ellis
George Fabe Fund*
Mary and Bob Fitzpatrick
Paul and Nancy Gaffney
Edward Gemperle
Richard and Kathleen Glaser
Donn Goebel and Cathy McLeod
Tom Gougeon
Graeter’s Ice Cream Co.
Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park acknowledges the following partner companies, foundations, and their employees who generously participate in the annual ArtsWave Campaign at the $100,000+ level.
Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr. Foundation
Cincinnati Business Courier
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
The Cincinnati Insurance Companies
Cincinnati Reds
Duke Energy
The E.W. Scripps Company and Scripps Howard Foundation
The Enquirer | Cincinnati.com
Fifth Third Bank and Fifth Third Foundation
GE Aerospace
Great American Insurance Group
Greater Cincinnati Foundation
The H.B., E.W. and F.R. Luther Charitable Foundation, Fifth Third Bank, N.A., Trustee
The Kroger Co.
Messer Construction Co.
U.S. Bank
Western & Southern Financial Group
Carl and Joyce Greber
Walter and Karen Hand
Teri and Mike Haught
Brenda Hausterman
Jeb and Nirvani Head
Louise Head
Betsy and Dave Hendy
Jane E. Henney, M.D. and J. Robert Graham, M.D.
Jim and Susan Herman
Grace and Brian Hill
Karlee L. Hilliard
Hixson Architecture, Engineering, Interiors
Noel and Karen Hofmann
Karen and David Hoguet
Barbara J. Howard
Carolyn and Michael Hoyt
Dr. Carol Hubbard
Marty Humes
Pat Humphrey
Maite Iraolagoitia
Sylvia Johnson
Laurie F. Johnston
James and Brenda Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Keenan
Arleene Keller
Robert A. and Marian K. Kennedy
Charitable Trust
Judith and Ken Kenniston
Beverly Kinney and Edward Cloughessy
Margo Kirstein
Kohnen Interior Design ‘Meg Kohnen’
Kathleen B. and Michael C. Krug*
Randolph and Patricia Krumm
Jo Ann and George Kurz
Mr. and Mrs. John LaMacchia
In memory of Ms. Lisa Jo Lambert
Dr. John Larkin
Lynn P. Larson
Susan J. Lauf
Dr. Carol P Leslie
Donna Lilley
Kelly Lyle
Kay Lynch and Chuck Beckman
Mark K. Mandell-Brown MD
Ms. Margaret E. Mathile
David and Diane McClain
McDonald Family Foundation
Selena McKean
Mark McKillip and Amira Beer
Mr. Roy A. Mitchell
Jim and Eileen Moon
Burton D. Morgan Foundation
Scott and Barb Muhlhauser
Linda Muth
Karen Neyer
Michael Nordlund and Lisa Lee
Marilyn Z. Ott
Ana Silvia Ouro
Kit and Jack Overbeck
Judy and Thomas Oxman
Melissa and John Panzeca
Marcia Philipps
Phillips Family Fund*
Mr. and Mrs. Don Popelar
Gerald D. Rape
Jeff and Lori Raser
Mitch and Karen Rashkin
Robert and Connie Reed
Ms. Carol Reubel
Alison and Rob Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Gates T. Richards
Ridgeway Foundation
Buffie Rixey
Mary Ellen Roberts
Blake Robison and Connan
Cathie Rothfuss
Jim Rubenstein and Bernadette Unger
Bill and Diane Rumpke, Jr.
Ann Saluke and Don Yelton
KJ Sanchez
David Savage
Glenn and Kitty Schaaf
Austin Schiff
Pat and Paul Schlecht
Michael and Jeanne Schmerler
Charles and Alice Schneider
Mary D. Schweitzer
P. Robert Schwetschenau MD
Linda and Tom Senter
Kathy Shell and Joetta Prost
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Simon
Elizabeth C. B. and Paul G.
Gerald and Sarah Skidmore
Skyline Chili
Steven Smith
Nancy Sparks
Tom and Dee Stegman*
Steve and Sarah Steinman
Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Stern
Elizabeth A. Stone*
Dr. Susan R. Strick
Eddie Taylor, Jr.
Carlos and Roberta Teran
Laura R. Turton
Susie Tweddell
Doug and Molly Tyger
JoAnn Ward
Warren County Foundation
Larry Weber
Jane Welling
Judy Wells
Carol and Rich Wilson
Joan Wood
Anthony and Sally Woodward
ACTOR ($500 - $999)
Anonymous (7)
Nancy Aichholz
Janice Amatulli
Elizabeth C. Armitage
Bruce and Helene Ault
Susan Awadalla
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baldwin
Molly R. Barber
Mandy Bartel
Marianne Beard
Megan Beck
Gale and Dave Beckett
Becky Beckstedt
Thelma Bergman
Stephanie Besl
Jane and Gary Booth
Cheryl L. Borland
book by Doug Wright lyrics by Amanda Green music by Trey Anastasio & Amanda Green
Mark Bowen
Mitchell Briggs
Linda D. Brink
Barbara and Neal Bronson
Dr. Daniel T. Brown, DDS and Mr.
Mark Haggard
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bullock
Jack and Marti Butz
Jane and Frank Caccamo
Carol Campbell
Angela Carl
Conni Carlson and John Reynolds
Nancy B. Carrothers
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ault Carter
Chris and Jim Cartledge
Susana Chamlee
Melanie M. Chavez
Christine Christen
Fran Christensen
Mary Ellen Cody
Cynthia Cole
Loretta and David Cook
Robin Cotton and Cindi Fitton
Mrs. Martha S. Crafts
Jean and John Croxton
Mark Dauner
Deborah Davis
Mr. Frank Davis
Michelle de la Vega
Carol DeGreg
Debora Del Valle
Jan Denton
Carol Deyhle
Diamond/Wolf Family
Nancy Steman Dierckes
Thomas Donnelly
Dr. and Mrs. Walter E. Donnelly, Jr.
Timothy Douglas
Bethany Doverspike
Kay and Rich Eby
Michael Federle
Mr. Robert C. Fee
Matthew Feldman and Julie Baker
Mr. Kenneth Fischer
Maureen Flanagan and Will Groneman
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Foster
Mr. and Mrs. James A Fraser
Mary Anne Frey
Lynne Friedlander and Jay Crawford
Dr. Richard E. Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gerber
Jim and Elaine Goldschmidt
Nancy Gollobin
Barbara Gould
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Greengus
Chris and Janet Gunn
Mary and Phil Hagner
Barbara Hahn
Margo Hall
Ham and Ellie Hamilton
Jeff Hanna and Peggy Eberhard
Jim and Sally Harper
Carolyn Heck
Mrs. Anne P. Heldman*
Helene Herbert
Judy Tondi Herd
Meg Hilmer
Mark and Deanna Hollon
Mr. and Mrs. George Horning
Kim Howland
Joseph Huber and Shelli Smith
Amy Hughes
Dr. Linda Huntress
Nada Huron
Patti and Keith James
Anne Jaroszewicz
Clare Jaymes
Larry and Jan Jeffers
Jewish Home of Cincinnati
Mark and Sarah Johnson
Kyle and Sue Jones
Lisa Kagan
Dr. Toni and Rabbi Ken Kanter
Amy J. Katz
Arlene Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Keating
Peter and Sandy Keiser
Barbara and Mike Kelly
Tom and Judith Kinman
David and Janice Klocke
Lisa Knochelmann
Mary Kay Koehler and Heather Apple
Heather Krombholz
Mark and Elisabeth Kuhlman
Michael and Paula Kunka
Mr. Edward Lanzit
Patricia and Glenn Larsen
David and Linda Latham
Mary Kay Levesay
Nancy Lippincott
Sally A. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Damon Lynch, Jr.
Thomas and Jean Macejko
Dave and Lee MacKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Malinowski
Len and Sherie Marek
Ward and Ellen Maresca
Laurel Markley
Nancy C. Martin
David Mason
Ron Matson and Dan Young
Minda Matthews-Smith
Susan Matz
Kathy McCord
Stacy McIntosh
Stephanie McNeill
Hope Earls McSwigan
Kathy Merchant
Jerome Merski
Richard I. Michelman and Karen E. Meyer
Audrey Korn Miller
Sarah Mizelle Miller
David and Martha Millett
Jill and Bruce Mitchell
Mary G. Moran
Brian and Katherine More
Stan and Mary Morton
Nora E. Moushey
Joyce and William Mullins
Linda B. Myers
Jeannie Niebuhr
Nottinghill Investment Advisers, Ltd.
Kelly O’Neill and Sue Aley
Niki Pappas
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pardekooper
Carl Parrott and Molly Katz Fund*
Jenny Partridge
Joanie and Richard Paulsen
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Peairs
Kathy and Bob Pellegrino
Debbie Pendl
Alice W. Perlman
Diane and Jeff Pfaff
MaryAnn Pietromonaco
Ed and Jill Plageman
Philip J. Poon
Jane Portman
Phil and Susan Price
Leo and Sarah Pulte
Michael and Nelda Purdon
Michelle Ramsey
Sherri Adams Remaklus
Margie Rennie
Carol Rentschler
Danielle and Kenneth Revelson
Jeff and Joyce Rich
Dr. Jeri B. Ricketts
Carole T. Rigaud
Gigi Robison
Priya and David Rolfes
Rita Ross
Karina Rothzeid
Mr. Richard H. Russell
Jane M. Rutherford
James Sanitato
Ann Santen*
Mark Sass and Jan Rosenbaum Sass
Martha and Lee Schimberg
Roger and Glenda Schorr*
Carol J. Schroeder
Linda Sears
Carol Serrone
Ms. Connie Sheets
Shelly S. Sherman
John L. Shields
Sue Showers
Ivan and Karen Silverman
Debbie Renick Sims
Mary Lee and Louie Sirkin
Laura Skidmore
Adrienne Angst Smith
Susan and David Smith
Ellen Pease and V. Clark Sole, Jr.
Mary Stagaman and Ron Kull
Steelcase Foundation - Matching Fund
Martha Steier
Stephanie and Joseph Stitt
Gary and Nancy Strassel
Carol Striker
Glenda Suttman
Dee Talley
Tom and Keri Tami
Amy and Bill Thaman
Gretchen Thomas
Gordon and Mary-Anne Thompson
J. Dwight Thompson
Morley and Brenda Thompson
Catharina Toltzis Ph.D.
Alicia B. Townsend
Linda Trebbi
Dionn Tron
James and Susan Troutt
Lynn Tumen
Gloria Uziel and Patrick Shea, M.D.
Catherine Valentine
Judy and David Van Ginkel
Nancy A. Virgulak
Geroge and Julia Wadih
Daniel G. Walker and Lisa Capurro
Carol Walkner
Sarah Warrington
Cincinnati’s premier car show presents iconic classic, vintage, and collector cars and motorcycles in the gardens of Ault Park Sunday, June 9, 2024Benefiting Juvenile Arthritis Tickets & Information: OHIOCONCOURS.COM
Dr. and Mrs. Nelson B. Watts
Dr. and Mrs. Barry W. Webb
Kate Wehby
Dr. Alan Weinstein
Mary Ann and Ted Weiss
Dr. Donald R. and Patricia R. Welti
Philip and Cathy Wenger
Brendan and Julie White
Robert L. and Judy A. Wilson, Jr.
Susan and Dean Windgassen
Mark Woolsey
Marsha and Robert Wuerdeman
Laani Wuest
John M. Yacher
Linda Elam Young
Mary Beth Young
STAGEHAND($250 - $499)
Anonymous (16)
Henry and Nancy Acciani
Ms. Susan Adick
Drs. Gordon and Dorothy Air
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Anderson
Vic and Dee Angel
Charles W. Ashing, III
Barbara and Roderick Barr*
Polly Bassett
Kate and Bill Baumann
Donald Beck and Lawrence E. Eynon, M.D.
Joseph and Vickie Beer
Wayne and Barbara Beimesch
Miss Martha L. Bell
Bill and Janet Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blackmer
Katy Bodenburg
Phyllis Bossin and Robert Strauss
Barry and Debbie Brandstetter
Julie Broadwell
Helena and Randy Brooks
Michael Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T Bruestle
Nancy and Thomas Bunnell
Gary Chandler
Harmon T. Clingner
Julie and John Cohen
The Contemporary Arts Center
Douglas and Sarah Coons
Mark Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cotcamp
Marilyn J. Derfus
Jeffrey and Sharon DeRossette
Tim and Tina DuMont
Bob and Kitty Dunn
John and Liz Dye
Leslie R. Dye, M.D.
Mr. Cameron Ehteshami
Howard Elliott
Delores J. Erby
Autumn Farmer
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Farrell
Dr. and Mrs. William Faulkner
Barbara Ann Feldmann
Bill Ferring
James K. and Susan A. Fitton
John and Susan Frank
Edward Freeman
Marc and Mary Ann Gadbois
Sharon and Dennis Geiger
Robert Gilmore
Frank and Karen Girolami
Mr. Robert A. Goering
Daniel P. Goetz and Pattie Messmer
Madeleine Gordon
Mrs. Sharon Gorman
Phillip Griggs
Marla and Gary Gross
Margaret E. Hagar
Timothy and Barbara Haller
Joyce and Jim Hamberg
Charles Hayes and Katherine Kennedy
Gwenn and Mark Heintzelman
Bertie Hertz
Dale Hodges and David F. Logan
Daniel J. Hoffheimer
Patricia L. Holman
Mark Holtgrefe
Noel and Angela Horne
James Lockey and Grace Lemasters
Charlie and Janie James
Don and Frani Jones
Andrew Kaplan
Gayle Keating
Mr. and Mrs. John Kmet
Bill and Evie Landrigan
Shawna K. Langworthy
Kathy and Tom Liguzinski
Sherwin Little
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Livermore
Elia Lopez
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Lukin
William and Linda Lunceford
Ms. Carol MacGregor
Charles and Jennifer Margolis
Suzanne Masterson
Kent Mathias
Bradley Mathis
Raymond and Madelynn Matlock
Mr. and Mrs. David J. McAdams, in honor of Vickie and Bruce Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. McGraw
Jeff and Debbie McNaul
Steven and Jacqueline Miller Family Foundation
Timothy C. Miller
John Mitchell
Joel Monteith and Barbara MustoeMonteith
Jeremy and Amy Moore
Terry and Jannelle Moore
Mr. Jerry Morgan
Paul and Kathy Neff
Andrew J. Nuckols
Bruce and Neda Nutley
Diane and Mike O’Brian
Neil J. O’Connor
J. Brett Offenberger and Douglas Duckett
Fred and Leila Oliver
Ms. Chrissy Parten
The Patel-Curran Family
Janet Phillips
David Piatt Fund*
Dan and Janet Pieschel
Les and Molly Polasky
Mr. and Mrs. James Pretz
Jennifer Ramage
Drs. Jay and Janalee Rissover
Pete and Debbie Rizzo
Jolene E. Rockwood
Linda Roomann and William Slutz
Bruce and Tina Ross
Richard and Barbara Ruddy
Henry Saas
Karen Schilling
Bill and Kathy Schnier
Mary Schwaderer
Michael and Kathie Schwartz
William and Sandra Selvey
David and Diane Sherrard
Sandy and Hal Shevers
Robin and Murray Sinclaire
Robert and Linda Singer
Robert Skinner
Jack and Barbara Smith
Roger Smith
Alan and Glynis Smulian
Jennifer Soaper
Martha and John Spiess
Jeff and Michele Starke
Robert L. and Christine J. Steiner*
Richard and Carol Stevie
Gunther and Sara Storjohann
Kendra L. Struthers
Ms. Marie H. Sweeney
Dr. Alan and Shelley Tarshis
George and Linda Toft
Robert and Marcia Togneri
Marty C. Tomb
Torey and Tom Torre
Ann Marie Tracey and Daniel Buckley
Valerie and Mike Trentman
Ms. Marlena Tyre
Judith Verhave
Mr. Steve Voellmecke
Sarella Walton
Gary and Rayma Waters
Ms. Marilyn Weber
Steve Wilken
Chris and Diane Williams
Mauri J. Willis
Rev. Anne Warrington Wilson
Mrs. Joan R. Wilson
Daniel and Jessica Woo
Bob and Sandie Wubbolding
James Young
David and Cynthia Zink
*Denotes a fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Digi France Schueler President
Ronald T. Bates
James C. Leonard Vice President
Stephen Lett Secretary
Peter A. Draugelis
David A. Billmire, M.D.
Douglas Brauch
MC Brennan
Julie A. Broadwell
Ron Bunt
Robert S. Castellini
James P. Conway, Jr.
Virginia Copley
Deborah Davis
Scott X. Deters
Timothy Douglas
Otto M. Budig, Jr.
Chuck Carothers
David Herriman
Judy Ellis
Elizabeth George
Linda Greenberg
Bernita McCann Hightower
Susan Ingmire
Diane S. Jordan
Thomas M. Keckeis
Bet Koeninger
Terry Lemmerman
James C. Leonard
Stephen Lett
Dean A. Moulas Treasurer
Jacqueline M. Mack
Kevin N. McMurray
Danute Miskinis
Roy A. Mitchell
Samuel Moore, Jr.
Dean A. Moulas
Patti Myers
Sara Phillips
Audra Rance
Robert Reifsnyder
Debbie White
Margo K. Ross
Andrew MacAoidh Jergens
Morse Johnson
Lois Rosenthal
Ellen G. van der Horst
KJ Sanchez
Austin Schiff
Digi France Schueler
Jerry Shroat
Woody Taft
Ellen G. van der Horst
Al Vontz, III
Julia Wesselkamper
Barbara M. Weyand
Susan Whitman
Ronna Willis
Susan B. Zaunbrecher
Jack Rouse
Howard Tomb
Albert Vontz, Jr.
$20,000 – $49,999
$10,000 – $19,999
$5,000 – $9,999
As of March 7, 2024
$1,000 – $4,999
The Playhouse would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the governments and institutions that provided critical support during the COVID-19 crisis:
Honoring the Playhouse’s most generous friends, the Artistic Director’s Circle is specially designed todeepen your connection by getting you “behind the scenes” with Blake Robison and other members of the Playhouse Artistic team.
Osborn Family Producing Artistic Director Blake
and Board Member Timothy
Gerald and Ricki Ayer
Ron Bates and Randy Lasley
Mark and Lindsay Bibler
David and Elaine Billmire
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blatt
Ruth and Tom Bobenread
Tom and MC Brennan
Mrs. L.L. Browning, Jr.
Wayne and Fran Carlisle
James P. Conway, Jr. and Richard D. Robertson
Richard and Teddie Curry
Nancy and Mark Dawes
Richard and Lisa Ernst
Sarah and Tommy Evans
Elizabeth George
Mrs. Victoria Buyniski Gluckman and Dr. Jack Gluckman
The Goldhoff Family
Clifford Goosmann and Andrea Wilson
Linda and Gary Greenberg*
Jeb and Nirvani Head
Brian and Helen Heekin
Fred and Patti Heldman*
Mrs. Andrea and Dr. Edward Herzig
Richard and Renita Homan
Susan Ingmire
Diane and Carl Iseman
Bill and Mary Jane James
Patti and Tom Keckeis*
Marilyn Kinne
David M. and Bet Koeninger
Mark and Karen Kremzar
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Kremzar
John and Susie Lame
Terry Lemmerman
Jamie and Jenny Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Lett
Jacqueline M. Mack and Dr. Edward B. Silberstein
Craig and Anne Maier
Dick and Sandy Manteuffel
The Markley Family
Barbara and Kim McCracken
Kevin and Frances McMurray
Charles and Joann Mead
Leon and Barb Meyer
Becky Miars
James A. Miller
Ms. Danute M. Miskinis
Diane and Dave Moccia
David and Judith Morgan
Arthur C. Morrissey and Janet M. Hayes
Dean and Catherine Moulas
Patti Myers and Alan Flaherty
Sara Phillips
Danielle and Kenneth Revelson
Mrs. Deborah White Richardson
Amy and John Rosenberg
Dianne and J. David Rosenberg
Margo and Sam Ross
Moe and Jack Rouse
Mark and Rosemary Schlachter
Digi and Mike Schueler
Eddie and Pat Sheppard
Betsy and Jerry Shroat
John and Jennifer Stein
Jennifer and Woody Taft
Robert D. Temple and Sue E. Auerbach
Edward Trach
Ellen and Ray van der Horst
Lawrence and Maureen Vignola
Margaret and Albert Vontz III*
Randolph Wadsworth
Barbara and Irwin Weinberg Fund*
Barbara M. Weyand
Susan Whitman
Ronna and Dr. James B. Willis
Susan and Don Zaunbrecher
*Denotes a fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation
List as of February 21, 2024
We are grateful to the following friends who have chosen to honor a loved one through a donation to the Playhouse. The following recognition gifts have been received from January 9, 2023, through February 9, 2024.
Germaine Mae Jarvis
Ronna and Dr. James B. Willis
Blake Robison and Connan Morrissey
Linda and Tom Senter
Joseph and Vickie Beer
Daniel Hoffheimer
J. David and Dianne Rosenberg
Jennifer Hall
Minda Matthews-Smith
Joyce Elkus
We are grateful to the following friends who have chosen to remember a loved one through a memorial gift to the Playhouse. The following memorial gifts have been received from January 9, 2023, through February 9, 2024.
Gregory Alper
Tommy and Sarah Evans
David and Diane McClain
Edward Lanzit
Ralph Bloom
Leslie Clark
Rebecca J. Graham
Michael and Mary McGraw
Dr. Dick Friedman
Richard D. Hannan Family Foundation
Larry Jeffers
David and Phyllis Herzig
Daniel Hoffheimer
Burton and Susan Closson
David and Marilyn Beran
Mary Anne Brennan
JW Carter Family
The Contemporary Arts Center
Meredythe and Clayton Daley
Barbara J. Fitch
Dawn and Chris Hock
Linda Holthaus and Richard Zinicola
Susan Ingmire and Lynn Hailey
Peggy and William Jackson
Carl Kalnow
Kohnen Interior Design ‘Meg Kohnen’
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Luttmer
Mellott & Mellott, P.L.L.
Timothy C. Miller
Patti Myers and Alan Flaherty
Tolli Pugh
Richard Rosenthal
Kathy Schultz
Ed and Ronda Smith
Ms. Patricia Smitson and Dr. Walter Smitson
J. Dwight and Deanna G. Thompson
Carol Turner
Winslow Turner Upson
Nancy VandenBerg
Ellen and Ray van der Horst
Judith Verhave
Larry and Maureen Vignola
Diane and Gary West
Ronna and Dr. James B. Willis
Gail Bain
David and Marilyn Beran
Meredythe and Clayton Daley
Barbara J. Fitch
Jan Hall
Susan Ingmire and Lynn Hailey
James O. Newman
Timothy and Eileen Oppelt
Susan and Dan Pfau
Tolli Pugh
Ken and Susan Schlachter
J. Dwight and Deanna G. Thompson
Ronna and Dr. James B. Willis
Mark Woolsey
Ellen and Ray van der Horst
Daniel Hoffheimer
Anonymous (2)
Barbara Barclay
Bob and Karen (Burr Durgin) Bernaski
Toni, Nestor Dana (Burckhart) and Eric Bojarczuk
Michele Foss
Candice Hall
Barbara Martin
Joseph and Vickie Beer
V. Clark Sole, Jr.
Sally Wentworth Tieke
Sherie Marek
Laurence Weber
For companies looking to make a smaller investment in the Playhouse, the Corporate Partner Program is just the ticket. A gift of $1,000 or more is recognized in our show programs, provides invitations to exclusive events, and entitles your employees to receive a 20 percent online ticket discount throughout the season!
$1,000 - $3,499
The David J. Joseph Company Graeter’s Ice Cream Co.
Hixson Architecture, Engineering, Interiors
Skyline Chili Towne Properties
For more information about joining these individuals and organizations in support of the Playhouse, call Mary Kay Koehler, Director of Institutional Giving, at 513-977-2026.
We are grateful for our Red Carpet Experience donors who treat their guests to an intimate, behind-the-scenes experience that also supports the Playhouse. To book your Red Carpet Experience, contact Mary Kay Koehler at 513-977-2026.
Tom and MC Brennan
Richard Goettle, Inc. (3)
Jennifer and Woody Taft
Tony Arrasmith/Arrasmith & Associates
The Blind Lemon and Eddie Sheppard
Emerge Managed Solutions, LLC
Gray Photo Imaging
Mt. Adams Bar and Grill
Optic Lizard Productions
WOSL-FM, 100.3 R&B
WXIX-TV, Fox 19
The city’s most respected and award-winning magazine, highlighting the region’s most interesting people, cultural issues, food, arts, fashion, and history.
Osborn Family Producing Artistic Director Blake Robison
Managing Director Abby Marcus
Executive Assistant/Board Liaison Stefanie Meyer
Associate Producer Suann Pollock
Company Manager A.J. Ford
Assistant Company Manager/Management Associate Remy Elton-Alexander
Director of HR, Equity and Inclusion Dawn Mundy Payroll/HR Specialist Madalaina Welton
Finance Manager Michael Davis
Finance Associate Brian Anderson
Office Administrator Kathy Durnell
Director of Operations Bridget Siedlecki
IT Applications Specialist Scott Youger
Facilities Manager Brian Smith
Chief Philanthropy Officer Sneja H. Tomassian
Director of Institutional Giving Mary Kay Koehler
Director of Donor Relations Kendra L. Struthers, CFRE
Major Gifts Officer Lynn Smith, CFRE
Grants Manager Kimberly Passaro
Individual Giving Assistant Jennifer Radisch
Development Assistant Douglas Fries
Director of Marketing and Communications Kathy Neus
Audience Engagement Manager Piper N. Davis
Multimedia Designer Sean Martin
Digital Marketing Associate Victoria Forbes
Marketing Data and Website Manager Jacob Krismanick
Content Marketing Associate Deja A. Shanks
Marketing Intern Tessa D’Errico
Photographer Mikki Schaffner
Patron Services Director Don Wong
Assistant Patron Services Manager Julia Hasl Miller
House Managers Amanda Adams, Joellyn Goos, Kayden Hauke
Patron Services Staff Tommy Berninger, Loic Bertrand, Katie Collier, Olivia Cremisio, Laurel Dobrozsi, Victoria Forbes, Jenny French, Ariana HoobermanPiñeiro, Chase Johnson, Michelle LaMantia, Ethan Mann, Whitney Menser, Cyrus Newitt, Sarah O’Haver, James Racster, Addie Renne, Theresa Richmond, Christine Richtsfeld, Thomas Richtsfeld, Charlie Rusk, Patricia Schlabendorff, Jacqueline Smith, LaCheryl Steele, Monica Williams-Mitchell, Kendall Young
Bar Manager Darren Cox
Bartenders Kathy Burr, Clint Collins, Justin Eckstein, Julia Migliara, Lisa Porter, John Simpson, Barb Santel, Niki Sherwood, Kathleen Thorman
Associate Artistic Director Joanie Schultz
Literary Manager Tatiana Godfrey
Associate Artists Wendy C. Goldberg, Karen Zacarías
Education Director Ariana Moses
Artistic Engagement Manager Katie Baskerville
Education Associate Nathaniel Niemi
Education and Engagement Coordinator Ariana Hooberman-Piñeiro
Production Stage Manager Andrea L. Shell
Stage Managers Brooke Redler, Brandon T. Holmes
Artistic Engagement Stage Manager Erin Speno-Stout
Director of Production Joshua Escajeda
Technical Director Sam Thompson
Assistant Production Manager Valerie Perez
Assistant Technical Director Jo Ruhl
Scene Shop Administrative Assistant Charlie Rusk
Staff Carpenters Bryan Bridewell, Timothy Fowler, Brad Kordenbrock, Michael Lyons, Brandon Smith
Charge Scenic Artist Jennifer Rhodus
Assistant Scenic Artist Alex Kuntz
Rouse Run Crew Christopher Albaugh
Properties Manager Liz Lyons
Assistant Properties Manager Katie Kim
Properties Jeff Fowee, Alicia Rhodus
Rosenthal Shelterhouse Properties Running Crew Lead Debra Hildebrand
Rouse Theatre Properties Running Crew Lead Grant Wendt
Costume Shop Manager Gordon DeVinney
Cutter/Draper Justin Collings
Wig and Makeup Artist Amy Whitaker
First Hand Bridget Kline
Lead Rouse Wardrobe Karla Knochelmann
Rosenthal Shelterhouse Wardrobe Julie Hudson
Wardrobe Assistant Grace Hazlett
House Audio/Projection Supervisor Aaron Stephenson
Lead Electrician Nick Ligon
Rouse Theatre Light Board Operator Samuel Wilson
Rouse Theatre Audio Engineer M. Adam Jacob
Rosenthal Shelterhouse Light Board Operator Jonathan Armstrong
Rosenthal Shelterhouse Sound Engineer Samuel Sadler
Managing Director Emeritus Buzz Ward
Investing state and federal dollars, the Ohio Arts Council funds and supports quality arts experiences for all Ohioans to strengthen communities culturally, educationally, and economically.
Learn more about our grant programs and resources, find your next arts experience, or connect: OAC.OHIO.GOV.
Guest artist Michael Kline presents a demonstration at the 2023 Functional Ceramics Workshop. Held at the Wayne Center for the Arts, this annual event is presented by Ohio Designer Craftsmen. Image credit: Matt Neff