Secrets Unlocked: Mastering Social Media in the Pandemic Situation

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Megamendung XLFL Batch 10 presents you:

Secrets Unlocked:

Mastering Social Media in the Pandemic Situation Rahasia Terbongkar: Menguasai Media Sosial dalam Situasi Pandemi

"Engage, Enlighten, Encourage and especially... Just be yourself! Social media is a community effort, everyone is an asset" - Susan Cooper


Excecutive Summary


Background & Overview


Megamendung Fellows


Our Timeline


Data Summary


Current Condition


Problems Statement


Our Solutions



EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Social media has become a platform for us that can be useful as a means of entertainment, education, and even information. This social media account is of course managed by an admin who controls all activities published on the account. In addition, in the current era we are entering a pandemic period which has had an impact in various areas, including the realm of social media. Many social media admins find it difficult in the process of managing social media accounts which include audiences, content, internal issues, and ideas. We, Megamendung Team, as XL Future Leaders Awardee Batch 10, has done research about it by interviewing and conducting FGD with 18 social media admins from various students organizations. According to their answers, we found that the general problem faced is low engagement rate. After collected and processed the data, we try to state their problem using SCQ Analysis, in this playbook has been separated into current condition and problem statement part, that leads to a question: what step can be taken by social media admins to increase organizations social media engagement?


BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW What is Social Media? Social media breaks people's boundaries of sociality, space, and time. Social media allows people to communicate independently of each other, day and night, anytime, no matter how far away they are. Based on the results of the Digital 2020 Global Overview Report produced by We Are Social in collaboration with Hootsite, more than 4.5 billion of the 7.75 billion people worldwide are currently Internet users. This means that social media is very much needed today.

What is the purpose? We present this playbook with the aim of providing solutions to the problems we have found based on the difficulties experienced by social media admins in controlling their organization's social media accounts during the Covid-19 pandemic.

- Albert




Annisa A.

Aprianti S.

A. Medina

Danissa R.

Azzahra A.

Chindy A.

Cindy V.

Fahmi P.

Felicia F.

Fribieu K.

Haikal A.

Imam A.

Indah N.

Joanna M.

M. Dzikra

M. Zadda

Nabila A.

Nadya S.


Rakan A.

Zhafira H.

OUR TIMELINE Defining Beneficiary Criterias 18th November 2021

We define our beneficiary candidates as social media admin from various student organizations with age range from 19-21 years old.

Contacting Beneficiaries Candidates 18th to 19th November 2021

Our team approach the beneficiaries candidates as many as possible. Mostly, the beneficiaries that were approached are the acquaintances of our group members to simplify the process. We make sure the beneficiaries are available for both interview and FGD sessions. As the total, our group successfully collected 18 beneficiaries (social media admins of students organizations) to proceed to the next step: interview.

Interview 21-22 November 2021

We interviewed the beneficiaries via chat or video calls personally then thank and remind them of the upcoming FGD session.


OUR TIMELINE Focus Group Discussion 23 - 24 November 2021

After all the beneficiaries have been interviewed, we proceed to FGD sessions. The purpose of this FGD is to dig deeper in regards to the further explanation of the problems the beneficiaries faced during their work on social media before and after pandemic and the strategies they initiate to solve those issues.

Problem Statement & Solution Development From FGD Result 25th November 2021

The findings that have been analyzed before are used to develop problem statement and solutions. Megamendung Team uses several frameworks such as Situation-ComplicationQuestion, Pie Chart, Issue Tree, and so on. It is found that there is one common main problem which is engagement. After that, we give 2 main solutions, Increase and Engage & Retain, based on all the problem that we gain from the statistics we get.


Data Summary

18 Social Media Admins

18 Students Organizations

1 General Problem

2 Main Solutions


Key Insights & Findings From our interview, we received insights from 18 informants. We found two interesting personas who both represent our informants.

CURRENT CONDITION During pandemic era, this world become more dynamically digitalize. Social media usage and overall screen time drastically intensifies. According to, screen time increased 60% during COVID shutdowns. In other words, there are more people use their phone, including social media to interact. Hence social media is the best way to deliver message to public. Despite the increasing screen time during pandemic, low engagement rate is still happens, even more, to many of organization's social media. This happens because the more people used social media, the competition is getting tighter. Therefore the harder it is for social media admins to gain more engagement and win the competitions. This can happens due to several factors both internal or external factors.


PROBLEM STATEMENT Internal Workflow 15.2%

Research and Development 9.1%

Market Research 30.3%

Engagement 45.5%

Based on our research through interviews and Focus Group Discussion (FGD), we portrayed a graph to see the main problem for social media admins. The graphs shows that engagement is the biggest problem for social media admins. Therefore the question would be:

What step can be taken by social media admins to increase organizations social media engagement?


OUR SOLUTIONS The solutions divided into 2 categories

To engage and retain new and current audiences' interest and attention, student social media admins need to ensure the content and branding are well-received through maintaining interaction and monitoring performance.


Student social media admins have the interest to increase engagement rate.

They can do this by optimizing their internal workflow to produce quality contents, as well as adapting to the trends and interests of the targeted market.



INCREASE Optimizing Internal Workflow For Newborn Organizations

Identifiying and Catering towards Market Trends & Interests through Social Listening For Organizations with Unclear Target Market


Writer's block

Unstructured content making system

Monitoring Performance For Well Established Organizations

Reproposing For Writer's Block


OPTIMIZING INTERNAL WORKFLOW In order to be able to produce quality content, student social media admin team needs to ensure that its internal workflow is optimized through the improvement in these sequence: Content Planning Utilizing collaboration apps (ex: Trello, ClickUp) to be conscience, that allows other members and division of the organization to work alongside well. Since the social media division also works alongside the content division, it would be great to have a conscience working flow. Set an integrated discussion forum with other related division Create a posting timeline so that the admin can prepare the content well before deadlines. Follow the social media ‘Rule of Thirds’ to engage the new and old followers. Content Creation & Publishing Run stand-up meetings and weekly meetings. A stand up meetings is for daily check up and weekly meeting to make a plan for the next week so everyone within the team can evaluate and knows the updates of the social media Hold training and social media courses. Conduct course program for social media admins to maximize the tools they have and adapt with the constant tools update.


SOCIAL LlSTENING Social listening is about knowing what your audience wants and your audience’s first impression of your social media organization. Social listening can solve the lack of current market trend understanding since not all trends can be applied to every organization. Several examples and tips to do it: Get inspired from sources like Medium, TedTalks, Pinterest, Quora, and Instagram. Save inspiring posts, bookmark interesting tips, and share them during your weekly meetings. Ask your followers through Instagram QnA. "What better way to get feedbacks than the source for your inspiration itself?" Create content that's inclusive. To increase your social media reach, you need to level up your game. Produce content in which not only can be consumed by regular audiences, but also those with certain disabilities. To do this, you can utilize social media features like alt text, hashtags, subtitles, or even simple caption in your IG stories can also enhance the inclusivity of your content and widen your market reach.


MONITORING PERFORMANCE Conduct A/B testing (low-velocity testing→ running fewer tests in a given period rather than maximizing tests full speed ahead because it’s about the quality, we want to make sure the preferred test result isn’t just something temporary) Initiate benchmarking with other organizations with the same target audiences at least two times a year. Create a sharing session where not only other organizations can share tips and tricks, but also your organization can share along Evaluate engagement rate from past posts. Find out what your target audiences like and what fits them through insights. You can also use this website tools ( to) in order to increase engagement rate. Helpful questions: 1. Do your audiences like ‘post with triggering questions’? Try to write something that relates to your audience, something that will make them feel want to speak up and inspired 2. Do your audiences like to skip your Instagram story? Limit your story posts and make it shorter


REPROPOSING When you find it is hard to get content idea, or experience writer's block, this solution might work for you. Contents don’t have to be something new, you still can bring up past posts with a new way to deliver it. You always can bring up past posts, but keep in mind to make it fresher and more attractive. You can also try to deliver it through Instagram story, such as asking quizzes, polling features, and other features. Even you could just repost the past post through IG story after.


KPI Validation KPI (Key Performance Indicators) are the numerical metrics that organizations can use to measure their progress towards a defined goal. In this case, here is some KPIs that you can use to validate your organization progress, especially on social media engagement.

Brand Awareness




KPI Method Does the contents you produce ... ? Gains you new audience New Followers Total Followers




Growth Rate Percentage

Reach the potential to grow bigger Total Number of Mentions


Followers of Accounts That Mentioned You


Theoretical Reach

Receive positive feedbacks Total Approval Actions Total Followers




Applause Rate Percentage

Capture your audience attention Total Clicks Total Impressions





CTR Percentage

Tracking Tools It is important to track engagement and community growth on social channels so that we know what content is the best by looking if our fans are engaging with it. Monitoring the insights of social media is key of ensuring sharing content the guests want to see and ensures we understand audience.

Engagement Rate

Total Engagements / Follower Count * 100 = Engagement Rate

We recommend you track increases or decreases in your engagement rate every month – you can do this with a simple Excel spreadsheet with the month and some key notes about your Instagram activity that month.


Tracking Tools Impressions & Reach Reach is the number of unique users that saw your post or story. So if 125 users eyeballed your post that is your reach Impressions are the number of times your content, whether a post or a story, was shown to users. So a single user may be delivered your content three times, and may not interact with it at all, but this still goes towards your impressions.

Reach and impressions tell you whether you’re getting in front of your audience’s eyes. This tool can see tracking followers from impressions in the form of numbers for validation.


Social Media Tools Best time to post As a social media admin, you have to look at the tracking of a crowd on your social media. After all, one of your goals is to maximize your reach making it profitable to plan your posts around peak times.

Step 1 : See when your audience is most active on your social media Keep in mind that the data only shows for the past seven days in your Instagram account. This gives you limited data, but it’s a start. Watch out for the impact of special occasions and seasonal behavior before you base any decisions on data from such a short timeframe Step 2: Hypothesize what type of content is best for those times The best time to post one type of content on Instagram will differ from that for another. And chances are you have several different types of content you can serve up.


Social Media Tools Step 3: Create a schedule to test your hypothesis and continue testing new options When your followers are online, and you have an idea of what content you think may interest them at those times. Try putting it into action with posting schedule for a set period. Post performance data is based on your posting history. So check your best times every month or so, and try testing out new times occasionally. This lets you continue learning about your audience.

“To learn something new, you need to try new things and not be afraid to be wrong” ― Roy T. Bennett


References Tapp, T. and Tapp, T., 2021. Screen Time Increased 60% During Covid Shutdowns, Says UCLA-Led Study – Deadline. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 December 2021]. We Are Social Global. 2021. Digital 2020 - We Are Social Global. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 December 2021].


Thank You We hope this playbook can be useful for you and/or your organizations. If you find it helpful, feel free to share this to someone need it.

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