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As a courtesy to the Mississippi Annual Conference, job announcements from across the United Methodist connection are featured in The Circuit Rider. To submit an employment notice, send an email to news@mississippi-umc.org. Postings are not guaranteed to appear more than once in Mississippi Conference publications. To read a description of job opening(s) listed below as well as other listing, click here
• Graduate Resident Youth or Children’s Minister
• Contemporary Service Worship Leader, First Broad Street UMC (Kingsport, TN)
• Director of Ministry Innovation and Congregational Vitality, California-Nevada Conference
• Directors of Young People’s Ministries, East Ohio Conference
• Part-time Director of Ministries for Youth and Families
• Associate Minister with Youth and Their Families, Pulaski Heights UMC (Little Rock, AR) the 12 Methodist Senior Services communities. These are elderly people who can no longer afford the cost of housing or care. To date, because of the generosity of United Methodist Churches, a Methodist Senior Services elder has never had to leave. The Sunday Fund is not an apportioned item and 100% of the donations are used to support these elders You can also donate here.
Cares And Concerns
As you pause to pray this week, take time to ask for strength, peace and comfort for the families and friends of those listed below who have joined the Church Triumphant:
• We regret to inform you that Rev. John Cochran passed away March 9.
• Please be in prayer for the family of Virginia Entrekin, widow of Rev. Rod Entrekin. Virginia passed away February 12.
April and May Scriptures Available
At the beginning of the year, Bishop Sharma D. Lewis challenged members of the Mississippi Conference to seek God’s word together through the reading of scripture. Click here for the 2023 Bible Challenge headquarters where you’ll find upcoming monthly scripture reading plans and all things Bible Challenge.