1 minute read
United Women in Faith National Scholarship 2023
The United Women in Faith National Scholarship is for lay women in the United States who are pursuing careers in church or social service vocations. Preference will be given to laity working on behalf of women, children and youth. Applications are due on or before Tuesday, April 18 for the fall semester of 2023. Click here for scholarship guidelines and for application instructions.
In the fifth installment of this article series, you will find answers to: if the UMC is asking all local churches to vote on whether to remain in the UMC or join the Global Methodist Church, allowing disaffiliated clergy and lay persons to serve at General or Jurisdictional Conference, if the UMC is failing to punish those who violate The Discipline and if The UMC will force congregations to accept a self-avowed practicing homosexual as a pastor or deacon. Click here to read the article. Click here to read all the installments of the series. Your questions and feedback are always welcome. Email them to AskTheUMC@umc.org