Welcome to my crazy world!
2007 Being hired by the Dancing Club Achievement Exhibition of Soochow University as an art director. 2008 Being hired by Fishpower Company and personal studio as an illustrator for a year. 2009 Worked at Second Floor as a Marketing promote designer. 2013 Graduated from Soochow University Law school.
shall we start now?
Graphic Design/Friend/Birthday Card
When some one really matters to you, you always find a way to make time for them.
Graphic Design/Friend/Birthday Card
Graphic Design/Friend/Birthday Card
My friend Elwin is a girl who makes me think about the outer space and universe, I wish her a colorful paper plane to carry her to wherever she want to.
Graphic Design/Friend/Birthday Card
My little girl Yvonne is a girl who is so wild that I can’t catch, so I made her a tiger-looking princess, I wish her so happy and pretty surprise when she recieve this card.
Graphic Design/Friend/Birthday Card
My girl Joey who is a pretty amazing dancer, all I could think about to her is the soft and swing feeling, so I choose these color for her, is it really make you feel cozy when you look at the card?
My friend Toy Wang is a big boy, he is really likes the things all about Japan, so I made this kind of style to him, I’m so appreciate him to send me a lot of suvenior when he backed to Taiwan, and I made these tricky card for him especially.
Graphic Design/Friend/Birthday Card
Graphic Design/Project/The God Of Taiwan
T f
Here's my graphic design project T where I tried to describe the memory of my childhood and my past living condtions. Religion is the most important thing to develope my life compeletly and has made me a wonderful addition to the world.
The calligraphy is written by my father.
Graphic Design/Project/The God Of Taiwan/Sketch
The sketches below are the proceeding to choose the exactly right feeling and direction of the project from the statues’ style, mascot, and the emotions. Style
Graphic Design/Project/The God Of Taiwan/Mindmap
Graphic Design/Project/The God Of Taiwan/References
Pedal Craft is the inspiration of my brush sytle.
Statues of the temple are all built by my father.
God_ Of
Taiwan The figures in the drawings below are all the mortals who became to the Gods because of their noble spirits and brave behavior. It is worthwhile to make these and memorize these designs.
Graphic Design/Project/The God Of Taiwan/Photoshop
Graphic Design/Project/The God Of Taiwan/Sticker&Sketch
禪(Zen) A variety of mental disciplines used to induce specific modes or states of consciousness. The on the right side is 濟公 (Jigong). He is a monk who lives a life so free and unfettered and live with normal people, helping them anonymously. He also has them learn lessons from all kinds of experiences.
Graphic Design/Project/The God Of Taiwan/Photoshop
Graphic Design/Project/The God Of Taiwan/Sticker&Sketch
忠(Zhong) Royality. The figure on the right is 關公 (Guangong). He was named by the royal minister in the three kingdoms era(220-280 AD). He is viewed as a personal representation of the bravest brotherhood and the loyalist spirit since that time.
Graphic Design/Project/The God Of Taiwan/Photoshop
Graphic Design/Project/The God Of Taiwan/Sticker&Sketch
悲 (Bei) Mercy. The concept of a "Merciful God" appears in various religions, including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. The most well known in Taiwan is depicted on the right, 地藏王 (Da cang wang) also named Ksitigarbha. He performs acts of mercy as a component of his religious belief. Emphasized through giving purpose, caring for the sick, and forgiving the guilty, his compassionate behavior is said to even allow those who've committed even the mostheinous acts go to heaven.
Graphic Design/Project/The God Of Taiwan/Photoshop
Graphic Design/Project/The God Of Taiwan/Sticker&Sketch
財(Cai) Wealth. The figure below is 財神爺 (Caishen ye). He is a treasure hunter who is blieved to enrich everyone. If you have good faith in him, you will surprisingly receive good luck or fortune.
Graphic Design/Project/The God Of Taiwan/Photoshop
Graphic Design/Project/The God Of Taiwan/Sticker&Sketch
仁(Ren) Benevolence: the humanity, good will, or disposition to do good. The figure below is 千手千眼觀世音菩薩 (Qian shou qian yan guanshiyin pusa) also named Bodhisattva. With thousandsd eyes and hands, he has the greatest and the strongest image of all the gods. The stories and legends of his life depict the various attempts of the bodhisattva to embrace qualities such as self-sacrifice and morality. Because of this, people have the highest respect and curiousity for him.
stickers Here’s the project we’re developing and doing further. Photography: Jeremy Chen Model: Guan, Jyun-Ci Graphic Design: Shen, Yi-Hua.
Graphic Design/Project/The God Of Taiwan/Photography
My father with my painting in his temple.