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And on the third year... onsite EFM came back

Th e O m i c r o n variant destroyed the plans for the last edition of the Berlinale to develop normally There were several restrictions in the festival side and the European Film Market canceled its physical version to be held again virtually Fortunately, the 73rd edition of the Berlinale (February 16-26) has, as usual, established itself as the first major film event of the season once again

One of the big names of 2023 is Steven Spielberg, who is receiving praise for his semi-autobiographical film The Fabelmans will receive the honorary Golden Bear. The young actress Kristen Stewart will be the president of the jury of the Official Competition, where the presence of the Spanish filmmaker Carla Simón stands out

Last year, Spanish Cinema was very successful in Berlin Not only did Carla Simón win the Golden Bear, but films like One Year, One Night or Lullaby were very well received and began a amazing track record

The flagship of the ‘Spanish Armada’ in 2023 is 20,000 Species of Bees from Estíbaliz Urresola (Chords), which last year was with the project at the Berlinale Co-Production Market It is the first time that a Spanish female filmmaker has premiered his feature debut in the

Official Competition Produced by Inicia Films and Gariza Films, and with associated production by Sirimi Films, BTeam Pictures distributes the film in Spain on April 21 French Luxbox handles international sales

Shot in Spanish, Basque and French, it has a cast that includes Sofía Otero, Patricia López Arnaiz, Ane Gabarain and Itziar Lazkan. Cocó, eight years old, does not fit the expectations of the people and does not understand why. Everyone insists on calling her Aitor but she doesn't recognize herself by that name Her mother, plunged into a professional and sentimental crisis, will take her three children on a holiday trip to her mother's house, closely linked to the breeding of bees and the production of honey

In Panorama, you can find Matria, a debut by Álvaro Gago that arose from a short of the same name that won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance 2018 and was nominated for a Goya in 2019 Like Urresola, this film went through the CoProduction Market in Berlin last year Shot in Galician in different locations in the Rías Baixas (Pontevedra), it is produced by Matriuska Producciones, Avalon PC, Elastica Films, Ringo Media and Felicidad La Película AIE. Avalon will take it to Spanish theaters on March 24 and sales

are in charge of New Europe Film Sales

Starring María Vázquez, the film revolves around Ramona, who lives in a little town in Galicia Always sacrificing everything for the future of her daughter Estrella, she will be pushed to look within and think that, perhaps, there is something new to live for

Lois Patiño (Coast of Death, Red Moon Tide) is one of the most loved auteurs by the major international festivals If last year he brought his short film The Sowers of Stars to Berlin, this time he will go to the Encounters section with his feature film Samsara, produced by Señor y Señora The domestic distribution is yet to be closed and the international sales agency is Bendita Films.

It is a documentary and fiction hybrid in which we accompany a soul through the cycle of death and reincarnation. A transit that takes us from the Buddhist temples of Laos to the seaweed farms of Zanzibar

The other powerful Spanish feature film in Berlinale is Sica by Carla Subirana (Swimming, Volar) in Generation 14plus The Generation section, specifically the Kplus side, has been relevant to Spanish Cinema in recent years, with cases like Summer 1993 or Schoogirls. This is Subirana's first fiction feature and is pro- niñas El primer largo de ficción de Subirana y está producido por Alba Sotorra, Miramemira, Zuzú Cinema, Amorambre Films y el Filmmaker Fund. Latido Films es la agencia de ventas

Protagonizada por Thais García Blanco, Marco Antonio Florido, María Villaverde, Núria Prims y Lois Soaxe, se centra en una adolescente obsesionada con que el mar devuelva el cuerpo de su padre tras un naufragio en la Costa da Morte Mientras recorre los acantilados conoce a un chico que espera la llegada de la madre de todas las tormentas

En la novena edición de la Berlin Critics’ Week, muestra paralela de la Berlinale, se proyecta Misión a Marte, debut de Amat Vallmajor del Pozo en el largometraje Producida por Muxika Zinema, Vitrine Fims (que también se encargará de la distribución en cines) y la israelí Mina Films, está ambientada en un País Vasco posapocalíptico. Dos hermanos parten en una misión a Marte, dado que uno de ellos, un arqueólogo en paro, recibe el encargo de un peritaje en Marte Una bruma tóxica aparece misteriosamente y deben desviarse y visitar a su hermana.

Berlinale Shorts acoge el corto La herida luminosa de Christian Avilés y que es una producción de ESCAC Films. Estrenado en ZINEBI 64, cuenta cómo adolescentes privados de sol se embar- can en un viaje a las Islas Baleares en búsqueda de luz y calor Deberán absorberlo y ser recipientes para así transportarlo de vuelta a su sombrío Reino Unido natal

En Forum Expanded hay doble presencia española. Por un lado, el film experimental Un gif larguísimo de Eduardo Williams, coproducido con Grecia y Noruega, en el que se muestran imágenes de una cámara atravesando un aparato digestivo y miradas lejanas que se sostienen entre sí con la tensión de los cuerpos celestes Por otro, el corto A árvore de Ana Vaz Este cortometraje, coproducido con Brasil, que es una película-meditación en secuencias de 30 segundos sobre el padre de la artista


Junto con el Marché du Film de Cannes, el EFM es el gran mercado cinematográfico a nivel global Las dos últimas ediciones, llevadas a cabo de forma virtual, fueron muy descafeinadas, demostrando la necesidad del contacto humano en esta clase de eventos En 2023 vuelve a lo grande del 16 al 22 de febrero y poniendo el foco en los países bálticos (Lituania, Estonia y Letonia)

El ICEX y el ICAA promueven el pabellón Cinema from Spain, que en esta edición engloba a más de 30 compañías y entidades: agencias de venta como Begin Again Films, Bendita Films, Cinema Republic, Feel Sales, Film Factory y Latido Films; instituciones como Andalucia Film Commission, Basque Audiovisual, Canary Islands Films, Cantabria FC, Catalan Films, Films From Galicia, Instituto Valencià de Cultura, Madrid Make It Possible, Spain FC, además de otras empresas como Adhokers, Agencia Freak, Beta Fiction Spain, Con un Pack Distribución, Funicular Films, Mediacrest, Meridional Producciones, Movistar+ International, Sala 46 Films, Seven Islands Films, The Film Agency y Triana Media Fuera de este paraguas, únicamente estará Filmax con stand propio

En Berlinale Co-Production Market de este año hay dos proyectos españoles entre los 33 proyectos seleccionados

Uno de ellos es Iván & Hadoum, debut en el largo de Ian de la Rosa, producido por Avalon P.C en asociación con Vayolet Films Conocido por su corto Farrucas (nominado al Goya 2022), este proyecto ya participó en los talleres del TorinoFilmLab El otro es Más barato que robar de Pedro Collantes, que llamó la atención con El arte de volver. Su nuevo film, una coproducción de Sideral Cinema (Elamedia Studios) y la francesa Mizar Films, participó en Abycine Lanza. Isaki Lacuesta, que convenció el año pasado en Competición con Un año, duced by Alba Sotorra, Miramemira, Zuzú Cinema, Amorambre Films and the Filmmaker Fund Latido Films is the sales company

Starring Thais García Blanco, Marco Antonio Florido, María Villaverde, Núria Prims and Lois Soaxe, the film focuses on a teenager obsessed with the sea returning the body of her father after a shipwreck in Galicia. While walking the cliffs he meets a boy who is waiting for the arrival of the mother of all storms

In the ninth edition of Berlin Critics' Week, a parallel section of the Berlinale, Mission to Mars is screened Amat Vallmajor del Pozo's feature film debut is produced by Muxika Zinema, Vitrine Fims (which will also be in charge of spanish theatrical distribution) and the Israeli Mina Films It is set in a post-apocalyptic Basque Country. Two brothers set off on a mission to Mars, as one of them, an unemployed archaeologist, is commissioned to do an expert report on Mars A toxic mist mysteriously appears and they must detour and visit their sister Berlinale Shorts hosts Daydreaming So Vividly About Our Spanish Holidays by Christian Avilés, which is produced by ESCAC Films. Premiered at ZINEBI 64, it tells how teenagers deprived of sun embark on a trip to the Balearic Islands in search of light and heat They will have to absorb it and be vessels in order to transport it back to its grim native United Kingdom

In Forum Expanded there is a double Spanish presence On the one hand, the experimental film A very long gif by Eduardo Williams, co-produced with Greece and Norway, which shows images of a camera going through a digestive system and distant gazes that hold each other with the tension of celestial bodies Also, the short film The Tree by Ana Vaz is co-produced with Brazil, and it´s a meditation in 30-second sequences about the artist's father

The Return Of The European Film Market

Together with the Marché du Film at Cannes, the EFM is the largest global film market. The last two editions, carried out virtually, were very watered down, demonstrating the need for human contact in this kind of event In 2023 it returns energetically from February 16 to 22 and focusing on the Baltic countries (Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia)

ICEX and ICAA set up the Cinema from Spain pavilion, which in this edition includes more than 30 companies and entities: sales companies like Begin Again Films, Bendita Films, Cinema Republic, Feel Sales, Film Factory y Latido Films; institutions such as

Andalucia Film Commission, Basque Audiovisual, Canary Islands Films, Cantabria FC, Catalan Films, Films From Galicia, Instituto Valencià de Cultura, Madrid Make It Possible, Spain FC, and other companies like Adhokers, Agencia Freak, Beta Fiction Spain, Con un Pack Distribución, Funicular Films, Mediacrest, Meridional Producciones, Movistar+ International, Sala 46 Films, Seven Islands Films, The Film Agency and Triana Media Outside of this umbrella, Filmax will be the only Spanish company with its own booth

At this year's Berlinale Co-Production Market there are two Spanish projects among the 33 selected ones One of them is Iván & Hadoum, Ian de la Rosa's feature debut, produced by Avalon P.C in association with Vayolet Films Known for his short Farrucas (nominated for a Goya 2022), this project has already participated in the TorinoFilmLab workshops The other is Cheaper Than Stealing by Pedro Collantes, who drew attention with The Art of Return His new film, a coproduction of Sideral Cinema (Elamedia Studios) and the French Mizar Films, participated in Abycine Lanza lab

Isaki Lacuesta, who made an impression last year in Competition with One Year, One Night, is taking part in the pitching sessions for the Berlinale Co-Pro Series with a new project, Chauffeur's

Edici N En Espa Ol

una noche, participa en los pitchings de Berlinale Co-Pro Series con un nuevo proyecto, El hijo del chófer, un thriller de corte político, basado en la novela homónima de Jordi Amat, que está producido por Zeta Studios Con guion adaptado de Isa Campo, Cristóbal Garrido y el propio Lacuesta, la historia conjuga poder, dinero y tráfico de influencias en la Cataluña de Jordi Pujol, con los medios de comunicación como trasfondo y un asesinato. Books at Berlinale, el evento que selecciona obras literarias que se prestan a la adaptación audiovisual, ha seleccionado 11 trabajos, entre los cuales está la novela policíaca española Un bien relativo de Teresa Cardona, cuya editorial es Siruela

También es interesante una iniciativa de ICEX y el ICAA por la cual 10 productores participan en el Programa de Visitantes de Berlinale Co-Production Market. Los seleccionados son Mariano Baretech (El Gatoverde), Iker Ganuza (Lamia), Monika Goyanes (Resistance), Sergio Grobas (Mayo Films), Alejandra Mora (Quatre Films), Inés Nofuentes (Curuxa Cinema), Javier Polo (Los Hermanos Polo Films), Ana Puentes (Verbena Films), Montse Pujol (Boogaloo Films) y Claudia Salcedo (Señor y Señora)

La edición 2023 de Berlinale Talents contará con 11 nuevos prometedores profesionales españoles: el director y productor Guillermo Benet, el guionista y director Mikel Gurrea, la directora de fotografía Agnès Piqué, la directora y montadora Elia Gasull, la distribuidora Helena Vilaplana, la directora Maddi Barber, la directora y guionista Gala Hernández, el actor Ricard Balada, la directora Júlia de Paz, el escenógrafo digital Héctor Acosta y el director y guionista Álvaro Guerrea Júlia de Paz participará en el laboratorio Doc Station, con su proyecto Harta

Tampoco nos queremos olvidar que el ICAA tendrá, recién salido del ‘horno’, la versión 2023 del catálogo NEW SPANISH FILMS WINTER / SPRING

Europa Creativa - MEDIA organiza el lunes 20 de febrero un evento informativo sobre las diferentes convocatorias de MEDIA Los horarios de cada convocatoria son: European Mini-Slate Development y European Co-development

(10h), TV and Online Content (12h), Film Distribution (14h), Audience Development and Film Education (15h) y Festivals (16h)

Por último, queremos destacar el tradicional evento de Bridging the Dragon, que se desarrollará a las 14:00 horas del martes 21 de febrero en el Gropius Bau Esta vez la jornada incluirá paneles de otras regiones del Lejano Oriente, cada una dirigida por un experto local

Las Pel Culas Estelares Del 2023

La lucha por el Oso de Oro en la Sección Oficial será, de nuevo, encarnizada Además de la española 20 000 especies de abejas, hay varios títulos a tener muy en cuenta, empezando por Le Grand Chariot, la nueva película del francés Philippe Garrel, protagonizada por su hijo Louis Garrel y que sigue los destinos románticos y trágicos de un grupo de marionetistas

La sección principal de Berlinale es abierta a la animación y el documental En animación, llama especialmente la atención la presencia de Suzume del japonés Makoto Shinkai (Your Name), acerca de una chica de 17 años que vive en un tranquilo pueblo hasta que un día todo cambia al conocer a un misterioso chico que anda buscando ‘una puerta’ En cuanto al documental, ahí está Sur l’Adamant, lo nuevo de Nicolas Philibert (Ser y tener) sobre un centro de día y sus pacientes con trastornos mentales.

El cine alemán es fuerte este año, comandados por los nuevos títulos de Christian Petzold, Roter Himmel, una película sobre cuatro jóvenes se reúnen en verano en una casa de vacaciones y están rodeados por incendios forestales; y Margarethe von Trotta, que en Ingeborg Bachmann tiene a Vicky Krieps interpretando a la poetisa austríaca. También pueden sorprender Till the End of the Night, en la que Christoph Hochhäusler realiza un neonoir con un investigador infiltrado, o Music, cuya responsable es Angela Schanelec, autora de Estaba en casa, pero Asimismo, pueden ser importantes Manodrome de John Trengrove, con Jesse Eisenberg, Adrien Brody y Odessa Young; Mal viver del portugués João Canijo; o Disco Boy, ópera prima del italiano Giacomo Abbruzzese con Franz Rogowski de protagonista

Fuera de competición, en el apartado Berlinale Special, hay varios de los títulos más potentes. De hecho, una de ellas es la película inaugural, She Came to Me, una comedia romántica de Rebecca Miller (El plan de Maggie, The Ballad of Jack and Rose) que protagonizan Peter Dinklage, Marisa Tomei, Joanna Kulig, Brian d'Arcy James y Anne Hathaway

John Malkovich, Tom Xander y Geraldine Chaplin lideran el reparto de Séneca de Robert Schwentke (El capitán), mientras que Alexander Skarsgård y Mia Goth hacen lo propio en Infinity Pool, la nueva e inquietante película de Brandon Cronenberg (Antiviral)

También hay que seguir la pista de lo que puedan ofrecer Les Innocents de Anne Fontaine, Kill Boksoon de Byun Sung-hyun y los documentales Boom! Boom! The World vs Boris Becker de Alex Gibney y Massimo Troisi: Somebody Down There Likes Me de Mario Martone.

Son, a political thriller based on Jordi Amat's novel of the same name, which is produced by Zeta Studios With an adapted script by Isa Campo, Cristóbal Garrido and Lacuesta himself, the story combines power, money and influence peddling in the Catalonia of Jordi Pujol, with the media as a background and a murder. Books at Berlinale, the event that selects literary works for a potential audiovisual adaptation, has selected 11 works, among which is the Spanish detective novel Un bien relativo by Teresa Cardona, whose publisher is Siruela

Another interesting initiative by ICEX and the ICAA is the support for 10 producers to participate in the Berlinale CoProduction Market Visitor Program. Those selected are Mariano Baretech (El Gatoverde), Iker Ganuza (Lamia), Monika Goyanes (Resistance), Sergio Grobas (Mayo Films), Alejandra Mora (Quatre Films), Inés Nofuentes (Curuxa Cinema), Javier Polo (Los Hermanos Polo Films ), Ana Puentes (Verbena Films), Montse Pujol (Boogaloo Films) and Claudia Salcedo (Señor y Señora)

The 2023 edition of Berlinale Talents will feature 11 new promising Spanish professionals: director and producer Guillermo Benet, writer-director Mikel Gurrea, cinematographer Agnès Piqué, director and editor Elia Gasull, distributor Helena Vilaplana, director Maddi Barber, the director and screenwriter Gala Hernández, the actor Ricard Balada, the director Júlia de Paz, the digital production designer Héctor Acosta and the director and screenwriter Álvaro Guerrea Júlia de Paz will participate in the Doc Station lab, with her project Harta.

We also do not want to forget that the ICAA will have, hot off the press, the 2023 version of the NEW SPANISH FILMS WINTER / SPRING catalogue.

Creative Europe - MEDIA organizes on Monday, February 20, an informative panel on the different MEDIA calls The times for each call are: European Mini-

Slate Development and European Codevelopment (10am), TV and Online Content (12pm), Film Distribution (2pm), Audience Development and Film Education (3pm) and Festivals ( 16h)

Finally, we want to highlight the traditional Bridging the Dragon event, which will take place at 2 pm on Tuesday, February 21 at the Gropius Bau. This time the event will include panels from other Far Eastern regions, each led by a local expert its adults suffering from mental disorders

The Stellar Films Of 2023

The fight for the Golden Bear in the Official Selection will be, once again, fierce In addition to the Spanish 20,000 Species of Bees, there are several titles to keep in mind, starting with Le Grand Chariot, the new film by French director Philippe Garrel, starring his son Louis Garrel and which follows the romantic and tragic destiny of a brotherhood of puppeteer artists

The main section of the Berlinale is open to animation and documentary In animation, the presence of Suzume from the Japanese Makoto Shinkai (Your Name) is especially striking. It deals with a 17-year-old girl who lives in a quiet town until one day everything changes when she meets a mysterious boy who is looking for 'a gate'.

As for the documentaries, it will be screened Sur l'Adamant, the new film directed by Nicolas Philibert (To Be and to Have) about a day care center and

German cinema is strong this year, led by new titles by Christian Petzold, Roter Himmel, a film about four young people in a vacation home for the summer and surrounded by forest fires; and Margarethe von Trotta, who in Ingeborg Bachmann has Vicky Krieps playing the Austrian poet One surprise hit could be Till the End of the Night, in which Christoph Hochhäusler conducts a neonoir with an undercover investigator, or Music, directed by Angela Schanelec, responsible for I Was at Home, but Likewise, some other films could be relevant: John T r e n g r o v e ' s Manodrome, with Jesse Eisenberg, Adrien Brody and Odessa Young; Mal viver by the Portuguese João Canijo (Blood of my blood); or Disco Boy, Italian director Giacomo Abbruzzese's first film starring Franz Rogowski. Out of competition, in the Berlinale Special section, there are several of the most powerful titles In fact, one of them is the inaugural film, She Came to Me, a romantic comedy from Rebecca Miller (Maggie's Plan, The Ballad of Jack and Rose) starring Peter Dinklage, Marisa Tomei, Joanna Kulig, Brian d'Arcy James and Anne Hathaway.

John Malkovich, Tom Xander and Geraldine Chaplin lead the cast of Seneca, the new film by Robert Schwentke (The Captain), while Alexander Skarsgård, Cleopatra Coleman and Mia Goth star at Infinity Pool, the new and disturbing film by Brandon Cronenberg (Antiviral)

We must also keep track of some other films: the French Les Innocents by Anne Fontaine, the South Korean Kill Boksoon by Byun Sung-hyun and the documentaries Boom! Boom! The World vs Boris Becker by American Alex Gibney and Massimo Troisi: Somebody Down There Likes Me by Italian Mario Martone.

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