12 minute read
Out of Competition Feature Films
A Butterfly’s Heart

Drugelio širdis
Eight-year-old Juozapas was born with a rare defect: his heart is on the outside of his chest, protected by a bell jar and a corset. He doesn’t attend school and has no friends. He spends his days in a deserted mansion where he has built an insect hotel and hides away from the village bullies. His life is transformed when he befriends the girl Rugilé.
Inesa Kurklietyte utilises meandering, calm storytelling to illustrate the lives of Juozapas, Rugilé and their worst bully. This dreamy film, that deals with themes such as raising children, self worth and bullying, focuses on life as an outsider and family relations, yet is full of wonderful shots of nature and close-ups of the writhing insects lovingly cared for by the boy.
A Colourful Dream
Barevný sen
A group of circus artists really want to perform on an island, but a human cannonball act goes wrong and they are locked up, accused of attacking those in power. Only Drin, the human cannonball, manages to escape. Together with Tuvi and talking seagull Nathan he ultimately manages to not only free his colleagues, but also the island’s inhabitants from the oppressive regime.
Claymation about the desire for freedom by the maker of Little from the Fish Shop (2015). The greyscale island suffers under totalitarian rule manifested by a police state, but there is plenty of room for humour and magic. The details are fun (the corrupt leader is embarrassed by how short he is) and the unruly seagull steals the show. Awarded Best Animated Film at the Czech Lion Awards.
LITHUANIA | 2021 | 108’ | 9+
Dutch title Vlinderhart Producer Zivile Gallego Screenwriter Modesta Jurgaityte, Inesa Kurklietyte Editor Ricardas Matacius Composer Jonas Jurkunas Leading actors Gabija Jaraminaite, Marius Repsys, Toma Vaskeviciute Production company Fralita Films, Lithuania, info@fralita.com, www.fralitafilms.com
CZECH REPUBLIC | 2020 | 74’ | 9+
Dutch title Een kleurrijke droom Producer Jan Balej Screenwriter Jan Balej, Michal Bureš Editor Tomás Doruska Composer Daniel Wunsch Leading actors Vladimír Javorský, Matouš Ruml, Antonie Formanová, Karin Vápeníčková Production company Hafan Film, Czech Republic, hafan.film@gmail.com, Hafan Film Sales company Czech Film Center / Czech Film Fund, Czech Republic, info@filmcenter.cz, www.filmcenter.cz

Dragon Girl
Sara wanders a Norse town readying itself for Christmas like a shadow. She hopes to safely spend the holiday season in an empty home. Further down the street, the lonely Mortimer is trying to be seen as a vlogger. The two children’s paths cross when a wounded dragon lands in their neighbourhood. They want to take the magical creature back to its family but will have to do so unnoticed because the adults have other plans with the fiery flyer.
Not every child can fall back on the love and support of adults in this fantasy film for all the family that consists of a great mix of live action and CGI. Themes such as bullying, illegality and friendship are dealt with. Yet there are plenty of light, touching scenes too. The life-like dragon is pettable as a puppy and equally naughty.

Finders of the Lost Yacht
Pertsa ja Kilu
In their new boat, Pertsa & Kilu, two adventurous boys, encounter a shipwrecked couple. When they find out a bag of money was left behind in the wreck they go in search of it, but their search is beset by obstacles and nothing is what it seems in this exciting Finnish adventure film in which time seems to have stood still.
Multiple generations of Finns have grown up with the tales of the self-confident, inventive Pertsa and his smaller sidekick Kilu, and over the years many books and TV series have been launched featuring the boys. This film is based on Väinö Riikkilä’s first book from 1951. In the film, the class difference between the boys creates temporary distancing, yet their independence, imagination and comradeship are the central themes.
NORWAY, THE NETHERLANDS | 2020 | 90’ | 6+
Dutch title Dragon Girl Producer Petter J. Borgli, Frederick Howard, Lars Andreas Hellebust Screenwriter Lars Gudmestad, Harald Rosenløw-Eeg Editor Silje Nordseth, Anders Bergland Composer Arvid Falch, Jan P. Muchow, Michal Novinski Leading actors Anders Baasmo Christiansen, Kyrre Haugen Sydness, Isha Zainab Khan, Solveig Kloppen, Vanessa Borgli Production company Storm Films, Norway, post@stormfilms.no, www.stormfilms.no Sales company Sola Media GmbH, Germany, post@sola-media.com, www.sola-media.com Distributor In The Air
FINLAND | 2021 | 86’ | 8+
Dutch title Pelle en Kas op zoek naar het gezonken schip Producer Johanna Kunttu, Wille Lehtovaara, Taavi Vartia Screenwriter Taavi Vartia Editor Benjamin Mercer, Ada Pajari Composer Panu Aaltio Leading actors Olavi Kiiski, Oskari Mustikkaniemi, Mimosa Willamo, Elias Westerberg Production company Taavi Vartia Tuotannot, Finland, taavi@taavivartia.fi Sales company Media Move, Germany, justyna.koronkiewicz@mediamove.pl, https://mediamove.pl/ Distributor Première TV Distribution

Karmalink Mironins

In the near future, a Cambodian boy has lucid dreams about his former lives every night. The one recurring item: a golden statuette. He becomes convinced he can find the statuette in this lifetime, which would solve his financially stricken family’s problems in one fell swoop. A super young, streetwise detective joins his search. Together they discover there is a complex world behind his dreams, in which digital enlightenment proves to be the greatest good.
In this, the very first Cambodian science-fiction film, we join the two children’s complicated, exciting hunt against the background of a world full of VR technology, urban and medical progress, but also of slums where these children grew up. Both children struggle with serious issues in their lives that force them to make adult choices at an early age. Simultaneously, the children’s adventure, the wonderment and friendship shine through all the problems. Every night, after a museum closes, a yellow, a red and a blue paint drop come to life from a Joan Miró painting. The Mironins travel from painting to painting and from one surprise to the next whilst meeting unforgettable characters. They have surrealist adventures in the world of art and imagination.
This is a series of fun, dialogue-free short animations for the very youngest. Created by Mikel Mas Bilbao and Celia Rico Clavellino with the aim of raising interest in the art of the Spanish surrealist painter, sculptor, graphic artist and ceramicist, who often used primary colours in his paintings.
CAMBODIA, UNITED STATES | 2021 | 101’ | 11+
Producer Valerie Steinberg Screenwriter Jake Wachtel, Christopher Larsen Editor Harrison Atkins, Stephanie Kaznocha Composer Ariel Marx Leading actors Srey Leak Chhith, Leng Heng Prak, Sahajak Boonthanakit, Cindy Sirinya Bishop Production company Valerie Steinberg Productions, United States, valerie. steinberg@gmail.com Sales company LevelK, Denmark, tine.klint@levelk.dk, www.levelk.dk
SPAIN, BELGIUM | 2021 | 56’ | 3+
Producer Mikel Mas Bilbao Screenwriter Celia Rico Clavellino, Cristina Broquetas Composer Banjo Music Production company Cornelius Films, Spain, corneliusfilms@corneliusfilms.com, https://www.corneliusfilms.com/ Sales company Cornelius Films, Spain, corneliusfilms@corneliusfilms.com, https://www.corneliusfilms.com/

Mission Ulja Funk

German Ulja is super smart. She wants to share her astronomical knowledge with everyone, but few people want to listen in her religious village, and definitely not her pious grandma. Even when Ulja swears a meteorite will crash into Eastern Europe, no one really cares. Because Ulja doesn’t want to miss this exceptional moment she convinces a lonely schoolmate to bring her there, but as soon as the congregation notice their disappearance, they all board the bus to bring them back.
What follows is a farcical game of cat and mouse across Germany, Poland and Belarus. On their way, the children learn to appreciate each other’s idiosyncrasies and qualities. Anti-scientific members of the family realise there is a lot of good to be found in the children’s sense of discovery. Underlying family conflicts, difficulties between lovers and even countries are put right in this bonkers adventure.
Peterchens Mondfahrt
Pete has moved with his sister and mother, has to go to a new school and the neighbourhood kids are mean. Worst of all, he has to share his bedroom with his annoying kid sister. Her fantastic stories drive him nuts. Pete would send her to the moon if he could, but be careful what you wish for … Brother and sister end up in a crazy space adventure that includes talking maybugs and other folkloristic folk with special powers. However, not everyone has their best interests at heart.
This animation for the whole family is largely set in a fairy tale space universe and was inspired by a famous German fairy tale. The children have a fast-paced, exciting, educational adventure that helps them become more confident about themselves and their talents. They also discover the value of family ties: far from home big brother realises he has responsibilities.
Dutch title Missie: Ulja Funk Producer Roshanak Behesht Nedjad, Linda Kirmse Screenwriter Barbara Kronenberg Editor Rune Schweitzer, Paul Maas Composer André Dziezuk Leading actors Romy Lou Janinhoff, Hildegard Schroedter, Anja Schneider, Ivan Shvedoff Production company In Good Company, Germany, info@ingoodcompany.de, https://ingoodcompany.de Sales company Picture Tree International GmbH, Germany, pti@picturetree-international.com, www.picturetree-international.com
GERMANY, AUSTRIA | 2020 | 81’ | 6+
Dutch title Moonbound Producer Mohammad Farokhmanesh, Frank Geiger, Ali Samadi Ahadi, Armin Hofmann Screenwriter Ali Samadi Ahadi, Arne Nolting Composer Ali N. Askin Production company Brave New Work Film Productions, Germany, info@bravenewwork.de, http://www.bravenewwork.de/ Sales company Sola Media GmbH, Germany, post@sola-media.com, www.sola-media.com Distributor Paradiso Filmed Entertainment

Raspberries with Mustard

Himbeeren mit Senf
Death is nothing out of the ordinary for Meeri, a funeral home director’s daughter. She talks to the bodies like they are old friends and secretly adds notes to her deceased mother to their coffins. When her father starts dating someone new, who is also heavily pregnant, Meeri just can’t get used to the idea and she is also in love with Rocco – so much so that she is literally swept off her feet and flies into the air. In the meantime, her kid brother Luk gets into trouble, but does Meeri notice?
Warm, musical film with fun characters. For example, Meeri’s best friend wants to become a female priest and her kid brother keeps spouting romantic platitudes. Ultimately, Meeri discovers she can’t keep her father to herself and that it is good to share your worries with the living around you, not just your dead mother.
The School of Magical Animals
Die Schule der Magischen Tiere
Finding your groove after moving can be pretty stressful. Ida is finding it tricky to make friends at her new school, just like her lonely neighbour Benni, who has no friends at all. A new teacher with mysterious plans for the whole class conjures up magical animal buddies for the two children, who immediately become their best friends. The animals also prove their worth seeing as a shadowy figure keeps sabotaging all sorts of things in and around school. The two children and their magical animals investigate. It doesn’t take long for the whole class to enthusiastically start hunting the culprit.
Adventurous live-action adaptation featuring CGI reminiscent of the Harry Potter films. The locations are just as atmospheric and fairy tale-like, and even the themes parallel one another. Moreover, this musical production features songs about loneliness, bullying’s effects and friendship’s value.
Dutch title Frambozen met mosterd Producer Susanne Mann, Paul Zischler, Bady Minck, Alexander Dumreicher-Ivaneanu Screenwriter Ruth Olshan, Heike Fink Editor Isabel Meier Composer Helge Slikker Leading actors Leni Deschner, Luc Schiltz, Benedikt Jehnke, Ben Bernar, Jonas Kaufmann, Sophie Zeniti Production company zischlermann filmproduktion GmbH, Germany, kontakt@zischlermann.com, www.zischlermann.com Sales company zischlermann filmproduktion GmbH, Germany, kontakt@zischlermann.com, www.zischlermann.com
GERMANY, AUSTRIA | 2021 | 93’ | 8+
Dutch title De school van magische dieren Producer Meike Kordes, Alexandra Kordes Screenwriter John Chambers Editor Zaz Montana Composer Dominik Giesriegl Leading actors Nadja Uhl, Justus von Dohanyi, Leonard Conrads, Loris Sichrovsky, Emilia Maier Production company Kordes & Kordes Film Süd GmbH, Germany, info@kordesfilm.de Sales company Global Screen - a brand of Telepool GmbH, Germany, info@globalscreen.de, www.globalscreen.de

Stinky Dog, Happy Life in Paris!

Chien Pourri, la vie à Paris!
In this fun 2D animation, a stray dog who smells has all sorts of adventures in the streets of Paris. Together with a sometimes-wise street cat, the naive pooch inhabits a garbage can which turns up treasures every day. Leftover pizza for example. These upbeat misfits, famous from Colas Gutman’s Stinky Dog books, find a solution for everything. Stinky Dog could care less that pets with owners and a roof over their heads reject them; he already has a best friend. That a beach holiday proves a sand pit along the Seine doesn’t bother this super optimist one bit. And, in his opinion, fleas aren’t annoying itches, but voices that tell him what to do. Pretty handy right?
This compilation of several short animations provides a wide-ranging mix of compact, joyful adventures full of small life lessons, happiness and wonder. Where others see setbacks, Stinky Dog only finds beauty.
Sune - Mission Midsummer
Sune - Uppdrag: Midsommar
The Anderssons will be holidaying in the Swedish countryside with Sophie’s family. However, the day before departure, Sophie breaks up with Sune, who becomes desperate. Luckily his kid brother knows what to do about heartache. In the meantime, father Rudolf and mother Karin are having their own romantic issues. The Swedish midsummer festival is supposed to bring everyone together again, but then the village they are in proves to have abolished the festival.
This new Sune adventure again has oodles of humour and all manner of inconvenient confusions. The children are a year older and the problems are slightly more adult, but the tone remains light and the familiar slapstick style is predominant. Despite the old fashioned, rural atmosphere, modern themes such as a neighbour with diabetes and a lesbian couple with a daughter are touched on subtly.
Dutch title Een hondenleven in Parijs Producer Didier Brunner, Damien Brunner Screenwriter Jean Regnaud Editor Daniel Bertrand Composer Yan Volsy, Pablo Pico Production company Folivari, France, contact@folivari.com, www.folivari.com Sales company All Rights Entertainment, Hong Kong, sales@allrightsentertainment.com, www.allrightsentertainment.com
SWEDEN | 2021 | 86’ | 9+
Dutch title Sune 3: Missie midzomer Producer Linus Stöhr Torell, Malin Söderlund Screenwriter Sören Olsson, Tobias Hoffmén, Christoffer Sandler Editor Emanuel Nömm Composer Joel Danell, Andreas Tengblad Leading actors Sissela Benn, Fredrik Hallgren, Elis Gerdt, Baxter Renman, Tea Stjärne Production company Unlimited Stories, Sweden, info@unlimitedstories.se, www.unlimitedstories.se Sales company Global Screen, Germany, info@globalscreen.de, www.globalscreen.de