o p e r at i o n s
Cinema with[out] the personal touch? Though it may sound counter-intuitive, cinema literally without the personal touch is the current order of the day. Movio’s head of marketing Holly Jones highlights how exhibitors can maintain great service and communication in a socially distanced world.
way we will consider the impacts on staff and moviegoers.
of Palace Cinemas in Australia recently
When cinemas plan to reopen a strong emphasis will be
said “People are more into storytelling
on adapting. This isn’t business as usual — almost every
now than ever. And the greatest
element of the cinema will need to be adapted, from booking
storytelling form is cinema. From what
tickets and seats to ordering concessions and the experience
people are saying to us on social media
once inside the auditorium. The guidance below considers
and email, they just can’t wait to come back to the cinema.”
The advent of contactless technology hasn’t come a moment too soon for cinemas — instilling confidence in customers is the central to success
first steps to take and tools to help streamline the process.
There’s no denying that in the past few weeks there has been a noticeable increase in conversation around cinemas
Booking: an emphasis on self-service
reopening, how they plan to do so and whether moviegoers
When it comes to tickets, much prominence should be given
will confidently return straight away. Managing a cinema
to a self-serve experience, to keep both moviegoers and staff
business is complex. Reopening after the CV19 lockdown
safe and comfortable when you reopen. Self-serve can start
makes it doubly so. There are so many elements that need to
at home, by encouraging moviegoers to book tickets through
be considered carefully — and technology plays an essential
your website or app, meaning less contact at the site. The
role in ensuring a successful and safe reopening. The tips and
online booking process is also a great opportunity for contact
best practices on these pages come from Vista Cinema and
tracing as required by some authorities. However, collecting
Movio — significantly, our expertise covers two key areas of
your moviegoers’ details may be mandatory across all your
reopening; operations and guest communication. Along the
sales channels, from web, app, kiosk and POS.
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