Cinema Technology Magazine - September 2019

Page 17


N E W S R E E L :



Community matters…

IN WHAT IS PROVING to be an incredibly exciting year and

now developing a range of advanced courses to provide

transitional period for the film industry, CTC is rising to meet

further education.

the challenge of supporting cinematic excellence globally ,

At CineEurope, we welcomed on board our first

helping the exhibition sector provide moviegoers with the

Sustaining Members (RealD, Harkness Screens and QSC),

best experience possible, writes Richard Mitchell, president

released our report in to the causes of 3D ghosting and

of CTC; the global cinema technology community.

recorded our first podcast taking our popular “In The Pub

In March, CTC supported the UKCA to deliver its two-day

With Mike Bradbury” seminar session and turning it in to a

conference in London and released a critically acclaimed

bar side chat on all things cinema (see above). If that wasn’t

“Exhibitors Guide to Premium Formats”, helping exhibitors to

enough, CTC partnered with Celluloid

crystallise the differences between various formats around

Join our cause

Junkie to continue to enable a focus on

only web content providing its growing community with

Behind everything we do at

interview series with 12 of the leading

exclusive videos, white papers and test content. Education



women in cinema, learning about their

remains core to CTC’s vision and in early May, we hosted a

Community is a passion for

careers to date, the challenges they’ve

one-day “Creating The Best Movie-Going Experience” training

ensuring that moviegoers — in

faced and how we make the industry

course with 40 delegates. The course provided attendees

fact cinema-goers — have the

more diverse and inclusive in the future.

with useful guidance on achieving picture and sound

best experience that it is

In latter half of the year, CTC is

perfection, the importance of testing, screen brightness,

possible to achieve. If you

continuing its partnership with the

understanding digital naming conventions, keys, TMS’,

share that ambition, you can

growing BigCineExpo conference in

accessibility, event cinema and auditorium cleanliness.

please join our community

Mumbai, providing expertise to the

Based on feedback, the CTC’s learning and education team is

today by heading over to our

important Indian market and also


partnering with ExpoCine in Sao Paulo,

the world. Following this, CTC then launched its members-


diversity conducting a landmark video

Brazil providing educational sessions. CTC EXECUTIVE TEAM Richard Mitchell (President), Graham Lodge (Vice President), Denis Kelly (Secretary), Mike Bradbury, Sandie Caffelle, Michael Denner, Danny Jeremiah, Peter Knight, Sarah Lewthwaite, Adam MacDonald, James MacFarlane, Andre Mort, Mark Nice, David Norris, Ngozi Okali, Kevin Phelan, David Pope, Toni Purvis, Steve Rance, Jim Slater, Simon Tandy, Patrick von Sychowski, Paul Willmott.

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CTC ADVISORY COUNCIL Tom Bert (Barco), Mark Christiansen (Paramount Pictures), Laurence Claydon (Consultant), Brian Claypool (Christie Digital), Theresa English (TK Architects), Nicolas Hamon (Kinepolis), Roland Jones (Vue International), Dominic Simmons (BFI), Russell Smith (Motion Picture Solutions), Debbie Stanford Kristiansen (Novo Cinemas), Alexey Vinokurov (RealD)

We are hosting our third annual awards night in London, addressing the key topic of what exhibitors should do with their ageing Series 1 and early Series 2 projection equipment and publishing a range of standardised test materials for event cinema. 0 9 / 1 9


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31/07/2019 11:11

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