The Middle East:
A market with vision In the context of emerging markets, few are embracing cinema as keenly as is the Middle East. Melissa Cogavin explores the rapid growth of the sector in a burgeoning — and premium — region
WENTY YEARS AGO, pre-internet and
structural reform, something unimaginable only a few years
Whatsapp, researching cinema activity
ago; each state — mainly constitutional monarchies — has
in the Middle East would have been
laid out aggressive plans which have seen cultural barriers
complex, possibly quite inaccurate and
lifted, rules relaxed and an embracing of consumerism on
certainly decidedly vague, buoyed up
unprecedented levels. Across the seven member countries,
by anecdotes and conjecture over hard
investment on education, infrastructure, retail and leisure is
facts. The region was difficult to navigate as a westerner,
being executed on a colossal scale. As a result of this more
mired in political tension and tradition and, in the case of
liberal agenda, opportunities are opening up and this is good
Saudi Arabia, cinema as an art form was until recently subject
news for the workforce, education, young people, women,
to a 35-year ban entirely.
technology, retail and each members’ GDP. The effects are
In a radical shake up, and facing some hard truths about
being felt right down to the kind of film you can go and see
reducing its reliance on declining oil reserves (the official line
at your local cinema in the region, and who was involved in
being ‘lower oil prices prompting fiscal tightening and
making it and who serves you the popcorn.
diminished government accounts’), the Gulf Cooperation
The trickle-down effect of Vision 2030 on the region (see
Council (GCC) member states are ushering in unprecedented
panel overleaf) has seen unrivalled and rapid development
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