Cinema Technology Magazine - September 2019

Page 76


The Northampton Filmhouse, born from a successful redevelopment of two established arts venues

Medialease: Helping you pay the price of success CT often focuses on innovation, but that comes at a price. We meet Paul Robson, MD of Medialease, a finance specialist helping cinemas fund technological ambitions.



prospect of further industry-wide financial support now that

movie-going experience: is the goal of

the Virtual Print Fee has run its course. So alternative funding

those on the technical side of cinema.

options are needed — and Paul’s model is based on arranging

Indeed, Cinema Technology magazine

finance from a panel of approved funders.

extols the virtues of new systems and

“We’ve provided finance for many projector upgrades

products that hit the market — but less

and digital cinema projects across the UK,” Paul explained.

often do we discuss how cinemas can expect to pay for it.

“Whether that’s to a chain, an independent or simply for a

Medialease is an asset finance company offering a range

screening room, our technical knowledge and experience in

of options for those looking to provide audiences with the

the sector helps us to provide appropriate finance deals that

benefit of the latest technologies. These include medium

fit the demands of the industry.”

and long-term rental, on and off-balance sheet leasing and

Many cinemas used the VPF to upgrade to digital but no

hire purchase. It has financed technology in the broadcast,

projector lasts forever. A lot of the projectors were installed

post-production and live events sectors for nearly 20 years

using the scheme a decade ago will soon need upgrading —

and in recent years has also specialised in finance for cinemas.

and Medialease can provide affordable solutions to allow

As well as providing cinemas with projectors, media servers

cinemas to change their projectors before they reach the

and other kit, the company works with broadcasters, post-

end of their shelf life. Monthly payments provide certainty

production houses and events companies, supplying editing,

and transparency in terms of cost. Suppliers often have

grading and audio equipment, and 4K cameras and location

special leasing offers only available through certain channels

playout equipment for major sports broadcasters.

and offered through finance providers such as Medialease.

Founder and MD of Medialease, Paul Robson started in

Significantly, for cinema operators at whatever scale, is the

his first finance job in 1994, working for a captive manufacturer,

realisation that access to technology is not necessarily

which led to him working as a broker in the VFG Video Film

restricted by cost but can be enabled by finance. The

and Grip rental house. Paul then set up Medialease in 2003,

practical case studies outlined on the page opposite show

recognising the demands placed on cinema operators as

examples of different venues achieving their goals with

they face an array of new technology but with seemingly little

affordable and realistic financial support

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01/08/2019 15:04

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