若您喜歡分析電影、探索電影創作人的動機和拍攝手法,以及提升觀眾欣賞電影的水平,機會來了。戀愛.電影館推出「電影評論人計劃」,邀請香港資深影評人馮家明擔任導師,為有志於電影評論的人士提供學習和研究機會,希望完成所有課程後,能夠成為影評KOL (Key Opinion Leader),升級為影響電影和觀眾的影評達人。
招生日期: 即日起至5月16日
導師: 家明 (全名「馮家明」,《明報》特約影評人,文章見於《星期日明報》的副刊等媒體;亦是香港電影評論學會會員)
活動時間:為期9個月,共6堂課 。以粵語進行。
If you enjoy analysing a film, exploring the shooting methods of the film-makers as well as enhancing the appreciation level of audience. Now a golden opportunity for you to join the “Film Critics Programme” held by the Cinematheque.Passion. A veteran film critic from Hong Kong will provide training to let you become a film’s KOL (Key Opinion Leader). Look forward to seeing you.
Entry period: From today to 16 May
Instructor: Ka Ming (A veteran film critic from Hong Kong. His articles appeared in Ming Pao Daily News, also a member of Hong Kong Film Critics Society)
Programme: 9 months, with 6classes. In Cantonese.