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Hempcrete home in Serbia. Photo Courtesy of Marko Milovanovic

Welcome to Your Greenbuilt Revolution! As publishers of HempBuildMag. com, we have enjoyed compiling and providing this comprehensive directory of the international hemp building industry in 2022 – and our industry is growing every day!


If you’re interested in building with hemp, you’ll find everything you need in one convenient place: Hemp and lime suppliers, green builders, architects, engineers, plasterers and equipment are all here. Plus, you’ll find a list of academic resources, and suppliers of hemp building products, from hemp blocks to plasters, stains, flooring, batt insulation and wallpaper.

If you are a professional builder looking to expand into the hemp space, you’ll find the connections and contacts you need here.


Some developments that make 2022 look promising for hemp building materials and construction: n Certification in US Building Codes: Hemp+lime (hempcrete) was submitted by the US Hemp Building Association into the US International Residential Code Appendix. This will open the doors for hempcrete builders across the country to work with local building and permitting officials. n Hemp insulation a superstar at COP26, Glasgow: Skidmore Owings Merrill, (SOM), one

of the world’s most respected architecture firms, presented a prototype “hempcrete high-rise,” the Urban Sequoia as a model for carbon sequestration in the built environment. n Industrial hemp legalized in 65 new countries: Globally, the supply of industrial hemp raw materials for building products will increase to meet demand, as dozens of countries come online to grow and process industrial hemp. n Decarbonization a focus: Global focus on reducing embodied carbon in the built environment puts the spotlight on hemp building materials, from hempcrete to hemp batt insulation to hemp OSB. We predict carbon credits and offsets will expand to construction soon. Editor: Jean L. Lotus n Big Tech takes a look at hemp: Microsoft is exploring using hempcrete building materials for new data centers, paving the way for more commercial uses of hemp materials. n Hemp and climate extremes: Hempcrete insulation is both fire-resistant and mold proof and keeps thermal environments regulated, lowering cooling and heating bills. Hemp building materials are increasingly the answer to climate extremes and natural disasters. We are excited for the future of hemp building and construction, and we think you will be too. Jean Lotus, Publisher, HempBuildMag.com.

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