WMN Energy Revolution

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Energy Revolution WMN

Carbon-zero battle is one we must win T

here is no doubt we are facing a Climate Emergency. The evidence is compelling that urgent action is required to tackle climate change. Unless we act now, future generations will condemn us for our failure to respond to the biggest challenge of the age. Vital to that response is how we generate energy. Unless we create a low carbon energy future we have no hope of hitting the UK target of a net zero carbon economy by 2050 as we attempt to head off a tipping point in global warming. In Cornwall we are being more ambitious. Having formally declared a Climate Emergency, we are working towards being net zero carbon by 2030, a full 20 years ahead of the UK. That’s a huge challenge but also a tre-

Photo: Øyvind Gravås Woldcam - Statoil

Mark Duddridge

Chair of the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership

mendous opportunity, and one where Cornwall and the wider South West can become a global leader in the transition to a low carbon economy, especially when it comes to renewable energy. This isn’t fanciful thinking. In the last eight years, Cornwall has cut its carbon footprint by almost a fifth, and twothirds of emissions reductions have been achieved by decarbonising electricity. We are the sunniest place in the UK with one of the best wind climates in »»Turn to page 2


Thursday, August 1, 2019  WESTERN MORNING NEWS


WESTERN MORNING NEWS Thursday, August 1, 2019

Floating Offshore Wind

Floating Offshore Wind


ORNWALL and the Great South West could become a centre of excellence for the development of a global floating offshore wind industry, supporting thousands of potential jobs. That’s the ambition of the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), which is promoting the region as an ideal location for floating windfarms that would generate clean, green energy miles offshore and not be visible from land. The UK Government’s target is for one third of the UK’s electricity to come from offshore wind by 2030. It wants to develop the UK’s offshore wind supply chain and increase exports fivefold to £2.6 billion by 2030, and triple the number of UK jobs employed by the industry to 27,000. The Celtic Sea off the coast of the South West and South Wales has one of the best wind resources in Europe, but the water is too deep to install conventional offshore wind turbines which rest on the seabed. But new floating wind technology could be the answer. Using turbines on floating foundations which are anchored to the seabed could see wind farms deployed in depths of up to 800 metres, opening up huge areas of the sea for wind energy.

The scale of the opportunity is potentially huge STEVE JERMY The UK’s first floating windfarm opened in 2017 off the coast of Aberdeenshire and consists of five 175m high turbines, anchored by chains weighting 1,200 tonnes. It’s that type of technology which could in the future be deployed far offshore from Cornwall and the South West, using local companies and ports. The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly LEP is working closely with the offshore industry, regulators and Government to investigate how the region can be a world leader in floating offshore wind. Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly are already at the forefront of marine technology with the local supply chain providing products and services to offshore renewable energy clients throughout Britain and across the globe. Parts of Falmouth, Hayle and Tolvaddon have Enterprise Zone status, offering incentives to inward inves-


Floating offshore wind industry could support thousands of SW jobs tors in the sector, and the EU-funded Marine-i project has been set up to help the marine technology sector in Cornwall and Scilly to grow through research, development and innovation. Wave Hub, off Hayle, is being repurposed to support floating offshore wind technology demonstration. These and other capabilities can provide the basis for a floating offshore wind cluster, with a centreof-gravity in Hayle and Falmouth, but extending across the Great South West and into Wales. Steve Jermy, an offshore renewables professional who sits on the LEP Board, and has recently been appointed as Chair at Wave Hub

said: “The scale of the opportunity is potentially huge and the offshore wind market is growing extremely quickly. Floating offshore wind at the moment is a very small percentage of that market, but we’d like to think that in the not too distant future we can gain world leadership in this sector, and that’s what we’re after. “The LEP has been working very hard on this. We’ve hosted three national seminars in Cornwall with industry, regulators and Government, and we have had the opportunity to meet the Energy Minister to start mapping out this opportunity and what we need to do to secure world leadership within it. “To make all this work we need to

attract a floating offshore wind project to the South West Approaches, and some revenue support from the Government. We will need to secure the relevant project and leasing consents, and we’ll need some investment in infrastructure. We expect floating wind to feature prominently in our emerging Local Industrial Strategy and believe our region can make a significant contribution to the UK’s low carbon ambitions. “Essentially what we’re doing is following the same path the east of England did with fixed offshore wind, which has been a terrific industrial success for them. We’d be doing the same in the South West, but for floating offshore wind.”

Matt Hodson, Marine Hub Operations Director and part of the Marine-i team, said: “Offshore wind is a crucial part of the energy mix. It provides low cost, high security, low

Offshore wind provides low cost, high security, low carbon energy MATT HODSON carbon energy, and Government wants a third of all electricity to come from offshore wind by 2030. To achieve that we have to look at deep-


Western Europe, so we are ideal for solar and wind power. That has helped Cornwall meet 37% of its electricity demand from renewables, up from just 6% in 2009. Now we are looking at how floating wind turbines, anchored miles offshore, could deliver power, jobs and prosperity to our coastal communities. Our geography means we have more geothermal energy resourc-

es deep underground than any other part of Britain, which we are only just starting to tap. The minerals and metals of Cornwall and Devon that powered the first industrial revolution will power the next. Burgeoning battery technology for electric vehicles is driving global demand

for lithium, cobalt, tin and copper. That’s why the prospectors are back. Our universities and businesses boast world-leading renewables expertise onshore, offshore and underground. Technology is being harnessed to decarbonise our economy and tackle fuel poverty, from local electricity grids on the Isles of Scilly, to capturing methane from cattle near Truro. And we are looking to space to provide the vital earth observa-

tion we need to make essential decisions about tackling climate change and global warming. By combining our natural assets with our centuries-old spirit of discovery and invention, we will drive innovation, create jobs and tackle some of the most pressing social and environmental challenges of our age. At the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership we are putting green energy at the heart of our economic plans.

Clean growth is not a contradiction. By generating our own heat and power from renewable sources we can drive our economy, secure our supply, tackle energy inequality in our communities and respond to climate change. This publication highlights some of that groundbreaking work in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. ■■ Mark Duddridge is Chair of the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership

>>Statoil - Hywind windfarm

Illustration - Statoil

er water where there are better wind resources, and that’s where floating wind comes in. “When you look at the facilities that are already in place like Wave Hub, the expertise of our universities and the supply chain, there are some real opportunities for our region and we’re incredibly well-placed to take advantage of the global growth in the market.” Gavin Smart, Head of Analysis and Insights for the Government-funded Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult, added: “The demand for green energy has never been greater and in the UK we now have a proven track record of developing offshore wind. If you want to get significant volumes out there then floating wind is going to unlock that energy opportunity. “In the South West there are companies on the ground that can operate the types of vessels that are needed to deploy and service turbines, and you’ve got the skills on land as well to manage that. There’s also port infrastructure, a lot of which needs upgrading. There’s a huge investment opportunity there – if you get the ports right then that’s the natural staging opportunity for these projects. No-one’s got the lead in floating offshore wind yet so there is still an element of first mover advantage and there is an opportunity – if it grasped in the South West – to have world-leading technology.”

Roar Lindefjeld Woldcam - Statoil

Roar Lindefjeld Woldcam - Statoil

WHY is the UK’s new Offshore Wind Sector Deal – which will see £250 million being invested into the sector – so important to the development of floating offshore wind in the SW? “We expect this promise of investment into the offshore sector to stimulate growth and confidence in floating offshore wind development and provide opportunities for the South West economy. “Here in Falmouth, A&P Group is part of the Local Enterprise Zone initiative and we have been working closely with Cornwall and Isle of Scilly (CIOS) LEP to consider and promote the opportunities for floating offshore wind development across the region. “The government’s renewed commitment provides an important catalyst for real innovation and collaboration between the industry, regulators, government and businesses like ours, which is vital for the South West to play its part in the National Energy Strategy and for Cornwall Council to achieve its goal of being net zero carbon by 2030. It will also help to create new and important economic opportunities for the region.” How can A&P support the floating offshore wind sector? “Our vision is simple – to make Falmouth a prime hub for the offshore wind sector by offering fabrication, construction, maintenance, port and marine services to developers and service companies. “Falmouth is ideally located to support renewable activity off the South West coast of England. The combination of our port facilities, fabrication and engineering capabilities and marine service facilities make A&P an ideal partner for developers and contractors in the offshore market. Our longstanding experience working with the oil and gas sector and our fabrication expertise has particular value here, as we have the technical expertise needed to combine fixed engineering infrastructure with floating offshore wind devices. “As home to one of the world’s largest natural deep-water harbours and a busy port operator, we see real opportunity for A&P Group and are already supporting many clients in offshore wind with mobilisation, maintenance and engineering support for their vessels. Our offshore services include engineering support, jack up vessel mobilisation and demobilisation, fabrication and assembly of offshore wind jackets and substations, O&M support including crew transfer pontoons and walk to work system installation, manufacture of offshore steel foundations and components as well as blade rack and cable laying carousel fabrication and installation. “Offshore wind developers and contractors require support throughout the complete lifecycle

of a floating offshore wind farm, and we have the services and expertise to do that. We can fabricate and construct devices during both the initial demonstrator and commercial phases and provide ongoing maintenance and engineering support for those devices in situ. “A&P’s port and marine structures division also serves the offshore wind sector. With a successful 10-year track record, Marine Designs is the contractor of choice for crew transfer pontoons and operations and maintenance facilities for offshore wind farms. The team has recently completed the design, build and installation of crew transfer pontoons for the UK’s largest offshore wind farms.” How is A&P looking to the future? “A&P is committed to working collaboratively with CIOS LEP to make the UK Government and offshore wind community aware of the opportunities here in the South West and to put Falmouth on the map as a prime hub for the sector. “As part of this we are particularly committed to developing fabrication, electronics and maintenance skills through our apprenticeships and to training a new generation of engineers to service the offshore wind sector. All of this is further aided by our ongoing focus on HSEQ and investing in our facilities. “Our commitment to renewables and offshore wind is a companywide priority and our facilities in Tyne, Tees and Great Yarmouth are ideally located to serve projects in the UK and Europe. Combined with a highly experienced project management team, which comprises designers, fabricators and port operations specialists, large-scale fabrication capabilities and experience delivering complex and technically challenging projects, we can deliver a worldclass service to the offshore wind sector.” Can your business act quickly enough to support the zero carbon 2030 objectives? “A&P Group is already playing its part in this national objective by supporting industry with our engineering skills and facilities, but we recognise that nationallysignificant offshore generation projects will need the correct facilities to provide the efficient processes required to drive down the construction and operation costs. We are working with the LEP and Council to determine how best we can support this objective and provide economic security to the region. The objective is so large that it will require a multistakeholder response and we are ready to work with industry and local government to achieve it.” ■■ For further information on A&P’s support of the floating offshore market please contact Drystan Jones, Port Operations Director at Drystan.jones@ap-group.co.uk.


Thursday, August 1, 2019  WESTERN MORNING NEWS


WESTERN MORNING NEWS Thursday, August 1, 2019

Floating offshore wind WE MUST SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY OFFSHORE renewable energy project developer Simply Blue Energy believes that floating wind farms will be the next thing in renewable power, and that Cornwall and the South West can be at the heart of a new offshore industry. The Irish business, which established an office near Truro in 2015, is focused on developing offshore floating wind projects in the UK, including potentially being a partner with the Wave Hub marine energy test site 10 miles off the coast of Cornwall which is being reconsented to be used as a floating wind demonstrator project. For Christoph Harwood, Simply Blue Energy’s Director of Policy and Strategy, floating wind is a real opportunity for the region. He said: “In a very short time the offshore wind industry has moved from being a niche technology to a mainstream supplier of low carbon electricity, and the Government wants 30GW of our power to come from offshore wind by 2030. “The constraint is that fixed offshore wind becomes uneconomic in water depths greater than 50-60m, and around 80% of Europe’s offshore wind resource is located in water 60m or deeper. “The beauty of floating foundations is that turbines can be installed in much deeper waters where there is more wind, enabling access to locations that were previously inaccessible, including the Celtic Sea off the South West and South Wales coast, and the coast of Ireland. “The wind farms will be barely visible from land because they would be so far out, and there is potential to create a new industry by building on the maritime and offshore renewables expertise in the South West region.” But Christoph believes the UK risks losing its lead in the floating offshore wind energy sector if it does not act quickly to seize the opportunity presented by this new approach, even though the need to decarbonise energy production has been given added impetus by the Government’s pledge to achieve a net zero carbon economy by 2050. Christoph said: “We want the innovation and lessons-learned in floating offshore wind to happen in the UK so that we can develop and then export our expertise around the world, and there’s no reason why that innovation can’t happen in Cornwall and the South West. “That’s exactly what the Danish did with wind turbines to become world leaders, and what the Cornish did with mining. There currently aren’t any working mines in Cornwall but there are plenty of Cornish companies offering mining expertise to a global industry, in the same way that Cornish expertise is already supporting marine renewable projects around the world. “What we don’t want Government to say is that we’ll buy the technology when it’s ready, because that means it will go elsewhere for development and the UK will be inactive in the early stages, which is where companies learn by doing for local benefit and the development of their export capabilities..” Christoph believes the answer to developing the local industry is to secure Government commitment to provide revenue support for a series of small consented demonstration projects in the Celtic Sea over the next few years, and to involve local supply chains now in supporting those projects so that the UK ‘content’ in offshore wind energy projects can grow to meet the Government’s Industrial Strategy Sector Deal target of 60% by 2030, compared to 48% now. “We believe there is no doubt that in the 2030s there will be a lot of floating wind projects happening in the Celtic Sea but the issue is how much of that activity will have UK let alone local Celtic Sea content? The best way to achieve that is to start in the 2020s so that local coastal economies like Cornwall and the South West reap the benefit. We can’t afford to hang around.”

Local energy markets

Exporting knowledge around the world From Penryn to China, the University of Exeter’s expertise is powering the offshore renewable energy sector

A pioneering energy trial is set to revolutionise Cornwall’s energy future. Following the successful installation of solar panels and batteries in 100 homes around the county, Centrica, which is responsible for the trial, is now calling on more local businesses to join the renewables revolution


HE offshore renewable energy (ORE) sector has seen rapid national and global growth over recent years and that growth is set to continue. In many parts of the world, renewable power technologies now offer the lowest cost source of new power generation, a position ORE technologies strive for. Innovation and global market uptake have driven the competitive markets for onshore wind and solar, and the offshore renewables sector is in the process of following this trend. The Government’s target is to achieve 30GW of offshore wind by 2030 as the UK strives to meet its obligations of the 2015 Paris Agreement, to reduce carbon emissions and transition to a low carbon economy. The industry believes that floating offshore wind can be cost competitive with fixed offshore wind by 2031, and thereafter contribute at least 10GW of offshore wind capacity by 2050. The UK is a global leader in the research, development, innovation and engineering training in offshore renewable technologies and services; and the University of Exeter plays a leading role in the development of innovation and education of the next generation. World leading research includes: ■■ Oceanography – applying state-of-theart field equipment and software to predict the available resource and assess impacts of offshore development. ■■ Hydrodynamics – studying load-structure interaction of fixed and floating offshore platforms, such as floating offshore wind structures and station keeping systems. ■■ Offshore Reliability – applying methods to assess, model, demonstrate, test and improve the reliability of offshore components and systems, having developed world leading research facilities allowing simulations and accelerated testing. ■■ Marine Operations – developing predictive maintenance tools that reduce operation and maintenance costs, and unlock improved performance. The pioneering research in ocean energy taking place at the University of Exeter has already been recognised through prestigious awards such the IMechE Thomas Lowe Gray prize, the international ocean energy Yoshio Masuda prize, and the South West Green Energy award. As a leading research university, Exeter has always been a core member of the academic Supergen hub in offshore renewable energy. Fundamental research led to a sophisticated new type of mooring component, a mooring shock absorber, that has been successfully deployed during demonstration of an offshore energy device at the BiMEP test site in the Bay of Biscay, on the northern coast of Spain. The University of Exeter’s Penryn campus in Cornwall is ideal to support the local

Cornwall’s energy future is local – and it starts with you

>>Principle Power’s WindFloat platform awaiting turbines in the harbour of Ferrol, Portugal

Industrial Strategy of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership to pioneer a floating offshore wind revolution, enabling the realisation of carbon neutral energy generation by 2030, and generating regional jobs and export benefits that this exciting technology offers. There is an expectation that as the regional offshore energy industry grows, the commercial and academic infrastructure will grow in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly through smart innovations benefiting from the expertise and skills within the local supply chain and academia. To date, the University of Exeter has already played a signifi-

The UK is a global leader in offshore renewable energy research, development and innovation LARS JOHANNING cant role in the development of skills and innovation, but also in the development of world leading research facilities. The establishment of the award winning Falmouth Bay Demonstration site FabTest, in close collaboration with the Falmouth Harbour Commissioners (FHC), has enabled many companies to demonstrate their innovative technology in a real offshore environment. Other companies have taken full advantage of the University’s Dynamic Marine Component test facility at Falmouth Docks, a purpose built test rig that aims to replicate the forces and motions experienced by marine components in offshore applications. The benefits to the South West are predicted to be significant. The offshore floating wind sector holds significant benefits for UK plc, carbon emission reduction, energy security

for the future, as well as playing a considerable role in increasing overall economic GVA. The current GVA to the UK per GW of installed offshore wind technology (at 32% UK content) is £1.8bn and estimates suggest a possible increase to £2.9bn by 2030. The South West has the offshore wind resource, water depth, sea space, universities, capabilities, skills and port infrastructure that could support the commercial deployment of floating wind farms by 2030, building a strong base for market growth through local delivery, and for broader export to the rest of the UK and internationally. The University of Exeter has been working closely with industry in the development of innovative technology to enable growth. The University leads the £6.8m European Regional Development Funding (ERDF) funded project, Marine-i, stimulating and supporting business-led and market-driven research, development and innovation to drive productivity and the exploitation of new market products in the offshore sector. Marine-i enables businesses to gain access to the region’s key expertise and research and innovation assets to develop new and improved products, improve business processes and create skilled well paid jobs in the South West. Furthermore, the university has the capability to provide world leading facilities free of charge to industry through the European project Marinet. Joint industry partnerships have already resulted in the development of several innovative products and services. The University of Exeter is also a core partner of the industry focused Centre for Doctoral Training in Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE), designed to train worldclass, industrially-focused researchers who will pioneer new approaches to integrating offshore renewable energy initiatives to meet the UK’s future energy targets.

CORNWALL has long been a green energy pioneer. Our sunny and windy weather has prompted a widespread uptake of solar and wind generation over the years. However, if we want to make the most of our renewable energy resource, we need to find solutions for when the wind isn’t blowing, and the sun has stopped shining – a solution that does not rely on fossil fuels to fill the gap. This is one of biggest challenges that stands in the way of Cornwall’s climate emergency ambitions, and Centrica’s Cornwall Local Energy Market (LEM) aims to address it. The trials, which are happening across the county, offer a unique glimpse into a greener future; one where we can find a truly decentralised energy THE Isles of Scilly’s Smart Islands Programme is delivering smart solutions to energy, waste, water and sewerage services on the Isles of Scilly and Hitachi Europe Ltd has been working with the Smart Islands Partnership since 2015. Together with the Council of the Isles of Scilly, the Duchy of Cornwall, Tresco and the Islands’ Partnership, the first aim of a set of interconnected projects is to deliver more efficient use of locallyproduced energy on the islands. The Isles of Scilly Smart Islands Programme aims to increase energy from renewables on the islands to 40%, reduce electricity bills by 40% and replace 40% of vehicles with low carbon or electric alternatives by 2025. Eighty-two homes have been fitted with renewable energy generation and energy efficiency equipment since July 2018 on the Isles of Scilly – including 70 homes with solar PV panels on roofs. Five other sites also have solar PV panels and a solar garden has been built at St. Mary’s Airport. Together with new air source heat pumps in some homes, this represents around

landscape and where potentially thousands of homes and businesses play their part in regional energy markets. And that future is already underway. Centrica is seeking more local businesses to join their trials. Participating businesses will receive financial incentives to reduce or increase their electricity use, or ‘flex’ their onsite energy generation assets to meet demand. Centrica is also providing grants of up to £1,000 to businesses to pay for energy monitoring equipment and support, which will help them reduce energy consumption by providing greater transparency of their energy usage. The innovative LEM platform, which is partly funded by the Euro-

>>Greg at home in front of his solar PV installation

pean Regional Development Fund, features Centrica’s pioneering ‘virtual marketplace’ for flexibly trading locally generated energy to help manage the grid. The domestic side of the trials represents one of the most ambitious residential energy storage projects ever in the UK, with Centrica installing batteries and solar panels into 100 homes across Cornwall earlier this year. These batteries are being aggregated and connected to the LEM platform – making it the UK’s largest residential ‘virtual power plant’. For participants, these technologies optimise energy usage and maximise the productivity of onsite renewable generation. Penponds

local Greg, who is a Sales Director of a chocolate company and an LEM participant, said “It’s also increased our awareness of what we are using, which is making us more economic consumers of electricity. There is a huge personal impact for us.” This market for energy flexibility is essential if we are to achieve the necessary widespread adoption of renewables and meet our environmental targets. The LEM’s residential participants join over 125 of Cornwall’s most iconic businesses including Carbis Bay Hotel, The Olde House and Goonhilly Earth Station which have already had flexible, low carbon energy technologies and monitoring equipment installed.

Carbis Bay Hotel had two combined heat and power (CHP) units installed. The CHP units will help the site to keep its carbon footprint and energy costs down, as well as generate electricity, helping to relieve the pressure on the local grid. This is where the LEM comes in. The platform will enable businesses to sell their flexibility to the grid, creating an additional income. If you’re a business in Cornwall, there’s still time to join the 58 local businesses that have already benefited from the Energy Monitoring Grant under the LEM programme and continue Centrica’s renewable revolution. To find out about how your business can participate, please contact Cornwall@centrica.com.

THE ISLES OF SCILLY’S SMART ISLANDS PROGRAMME 460kW of new renewable energy generation installed on the islands since 2018. To make most efficient use of the new renewable energy generated on the islands, Hitachi Europe, working with Moixa Technology and PassivSystems and part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, has created a new energy management platform. Harnessing the power of the Internet of Things, it controls residential heat pumps, hot water cylinders, batteries and an EV charger to balance local energy generation and consumption. The technology solution ensures consumers’ needs, such as heating comfort levels, are not compromised. The system: ■■ Learns consumption patterns and uses preferences set by the householders. The primary objective is to ensure they have the required level of comfort, hot water, heating and electricity when required. ■■ Forecasts when power is generated, stored and used at the sites and homes.

■■ Optimises the islands’ new renewable generation within the constraints of the national energy grid by using and storing energy locally. The project now has about five months to fully test and analyse the data from the systems under different conditions and simulated scenarios. Teams from Hitachi Europe and the delivery partners – PassivSystems and Moixa Technology – are working closely with Western Power Distribution (WPD), the Council and the Isles of Scilly Community Venture. The next stage is to introduce electric vehicles to the islands’ new energy system. Electric vehicles, to be used for transport by local residents and businesses, can also be used as batteries, which can feed electricity back into the grid when needed. The systems tells the electric vehicles to top-up when renewable power is in plentiful supply, which allows them to support green energy delivery later during periods of peak electricity demand in homes and businesses.

Known as vehicle-to grid (or V2G), electric cars or vans can help the community switch to cleaner energy because they will be charged using solar power generated locally, they will reduce transport air pollution and support the delivery of green energy. It is hoped that additional renewable energy generation and innovative ways to manage water and waste will follow in 2020. What is the Internet of Things? The World Wide Web is 30 years old in 2019 and over four billion people are connected to it using computers, smart phones and tablets. A world without Internet is unthinkable for Western societies and especially for people under 25, who have never known a world without this technology. Everyday things – like thermostats, lights, cars and TVs – are being connecting together over networks and to the Internet. These devices not only send data to the Internet but can also be controlled over the Internet using apps and web sites. On Scilly, the combination of data collection and analysis from solar panels and energy storage

using the Internet of Things will help the islands meet their goals to increase use of renewable energy, while cutting energy costs for residents. Homes In homes on the islands, the smart devices installed by PassivSystems and Moixa Technology are interconnected, so that energy can be directed into storage in the heating and hot water in a way that maximises the benefits to the home owner. The system uses the 3G and 4G mobile phone network and WiFi to transfer data, and does not use the Government’s national smart meter scheme. ■■ Electric Vehicles (EVs) Hitachi and project partner, Moixa Technology, have been designing, testing and connecting an Electric Vehicle Energy Management System (EV-EMS) to the islands’ Internet of Things platform. A Nissan eNV200 electric van is connected to the islands’ energy system and testing the use of EVs for local energy storage. See www. smartenergyislands.net


Thursday, August 1, 2019  WESTERN MORNING NEWS


WESTERN MORNING NEWS Thursday, August 1, 2019

Geothermal, tech metals and biomethane

Geothermal, tech metals and biomethane

Harnessing geothermal energy stored below us T

HE United Downs Deep Geothermal Power (UDDGP) project aims to harness the enormous amount of geothermal energy stored in rocks deep beneath Cornwall. In 2017 Geothermal Engineering Ltd (GEL) secured £10.6m of funding from the European Regional Development Fund which, together with £2.4m support from Cornwall Council and £5m raised privately, has allowed it to drill two deep holes (or wells) from its site within the United Downs Industrial Estate, near Redruth. The wells intersect a target geological structure – The Porthtowan Fault Zone – which should contain enough natural fractures, and therefore permeability, to allow water to be circulated to extract the heat from the granite at depths between 3,000m and 5,000m below the surface. At 5,000m the temperature of the rocks is above 190OC. If testing of the wells later this year proves successful, the GEL team will build the first commercial geothermal power plant in the UK on the same site, producing between 1 and 3MWe of electricity; enough to supply up to 3,000 homes. There will also be a significant amount of renewable heat produced that could potentially be used close to the site. It has been known for decades that the rocks beneath Cornwall are unusually hot. Tin and copper miners had first-hand experience of the high geothermal gradients; the rate at which temperature increases with depth. The deeper levels of the mines were uncomfortably hot and

humid. In fact the heat flow in parts of Cornwall is double the UK average thanks to the heat-producing nature of the granite that underlies most of the county. The practical result is that useful temperatures can be reached with shallower drilling, which is a significant benefit in terms of development costs for any project. A Hot Dry Rock (HDR) geothermal research project was initiated by Camborne School of Mines in the late 1970s at a site near Penryn and continued until the early 1990s when European funding was withdrawn. Although the UDDGP concept is different, it builds on the knowledge and experience gained at that time, and some of the same engineers and scientists are involved now. In the previous project the aim was to learn how to create an artificial geothermal ‘reservoir’ with no help from the geology. If such systems could be created then geothermal energy could be harnessed anywhere in the world. Up to now, power has only been produced in countries which have natural reservoirs and extremely high heat flows; almost exclusively along tectonic plate boundaries and in volcanic regions. In particular, many countries around the Pacific ocean have significant geothermal generation. At United Downs the aim is to get a leg-up from nature and exploit the natural fracture systems that are related to ancient faults that run across the county. Following a study in 2009 the Porthtowan Fault Zone was chosen as the target for the first project but, if the concept is suc-

cessful, there are other similar structures throughout the county that offer similar potential. A site was chosen, and planning permission obtained, in 2010 but it proved impossible to raise the money required to begin drilling from industrial investors. Many expressed interest in the project but none was willing to take the financial risk of drilling expensive wells in an unproven area. Therefore GEL, in common with other potential developers, lobbied for public funding to support a demonstration project and UDDGP was, eventually, the result. It is hoped that a successful outcome will encourage the necessary private investment to develop further, larger projects elsewhere in the county and build a significant geothermal industry here. Funding agreements were signed in May 2017 and preparation began immediately to make the site ready for the drilling operation and to procure the key equipment, services and suppliers required. The rig was constructed at the site in November 2018 to start drilling the wells. Nine months on, both wells have been completed and the rig has left the site to drill another geothermal site in Finland. The initial test results from the United Downs wells look positive and further testing will be carried out with results expected to be published in the autumn. The GEL team recognised from the outset that community engagement was as important to the success of the project as the technical activities. Community outreach and

Farm manure is playing an energy role

education programmes were initiated as soon as the funding was agreed and they have continued, indeed grown, as the project has progressed. Dozens of visits, classroom sessions and lectures have been given to students from Primary School age to post-graduate university level, with particular attention given to the schools closest to the project. The project team have taken a mobile exhibition to numerous local and countywide events, held public open days at the site and given lectures to a wide variety of interested public groups. There is widespread interest and enthusiasm for the project specifically, and the concept of geothermal energy in general, among the community. Initial public concerns about the potential noise nuisance from 24-hour-per-day drilling activity have been addressed firstly by selecting the quietest drilling rig available and, secondly, by undertaking continuous noise monitoring around the site. Local residents have easy access to project staff to raise any issues related to the project, either directly or through a Community Liaison Group. The project has reached one of its major milestones; completion of the drilling of the two deep wells. And as it looks forward to the next important testing phase of the project, the team remains optimistic about the opportunities ahead for harnessing the geothermal resources beneath our feet for the long term benefit of everyone living in Cornwall.

>>Peter Ledingham (project manager) and Lucy Cotton (project geologist)

>>The Innovarig


CORNWALL’S MINERALS RESERVES COULD POWER ELECTRIC CAR REVOLUTION GLOBAL demand for lithium is forecast to triple by 2025 – thanks to the electric car revolution – and the answer could lie in Cornwall’s mineral reserves. Increasing need for battery storage is driving demand for lithium, which is a vital component of many battery technologies, especially powering electric vehicles and storing renewable power. The UK is currently reliant on imported lithium compounds – mostly from China – but Cornwall is home to one of the world’s greatest “metallogenic provinces”. Now a Cornish company is undertaking the largest single unified exploration programme in Cornwall’s history, with the potential to create a new lithium extraction industry to supply battery raw materials. Cornish Lithium is focusing on exploring for lithium within the hot

springs that naturally occur beneath the surface in and around Cornish granites. The aim is to create a new high-tech, environmentally responsible mining industry in the region. The company, which recently launched a £1m crowdfunding campaign on Crowdcube, has secured the rights to explore for and commercially extract lithium and develop geothermal energy contained in the hot springs. Jeremy Wrathall, Founder & CEO of Cornish Lithium Ltd said: “This is an historic opportunity for Cornwall to participate in the development of a possible source of lithium for the UK. “We are delighted to have the opportunity to re-evaluate the geological potential of Cornwall in light of the ‘Battery Revolution’ that is going to transform all our lives over the coming decades. “The presence of lithium in

geothermal brines offers significant transformational potential for the Cornish economy. Using modern technology, we can also see the great potential that remains in Cornwall for other metals which are vital in today’s society.” Cornwall has long been associated with tin and copper mining, and lithium was first discovered in the county in hot springs in 1864. Cornish Lithium was founded in 2016 and now employs a team of seven geologists and a digital archivist to evaluate lithium potential over 300 square kilometres of the county. The company is compiling and digitising various sources of historic data to evaluate the optimal locations for extraction boreholes to be drilled. Last month the Government granted funding for a new study to assess the feasibility of developing a

UK supply of lithium. The project, Lithium for the UK (“Li4UK”), aims to help meet the huge increase in demand for the battery metal anticipated and will be run by a consortium of Cornish Lithium, mining consultancy firm Wardell Armstrong and the Natural History Museum. The funding is part of the Faraday Battery Challenge, designed to develop safe and efficient batteries in the UK to power the next generation of electric vehicles as part of a push for innovative energy solutions. It forms part of the government’s drive to ‘maintain the UK as a world-leader in the latest technologies and emerging markets, through its modern Industrial Strategy.’ The Consortium will assess the feasibility of extracting and converting a supply of lithium from the UK in to battery-grade material.

The Faraday Battery Challenge brings together world-leading research and business to accelerate the research needed to develop battery technologies – a crucial move towards a net zero emissions economy in the UK, and a key contributor to all new cars and vans being zero emission by 2040. The Consortium believes this feasibility study is a vital first step in securing a domestic supply of lithium for the UK battery and automotive industries. The potential for Cornwall to be a global resource for mining operations, including hightechnology metals, has been highlighted internationally as one of the UK’s ‘High Potential Opportunities’. High Potential Opportunities, or HPOs, are part of the Government’s drive to attract more overseas investment and trade opportunities

>>Used 24” drill bit – made of steel with Tungsten Carbide ‘teeth’

>>Recharging an electric car

to the UK by showcasing national sector strengths and skills to global investors. The HPO means Cornwall’s abundance of tech metals and

mineral deposits, including tin, tungsten, lithium and silver, will be promoted as a globally significant resource with huge investment potential.

■■ Lithium is an essential component of modern batteries for environmentally friendly electric vehicles and for the storage of renewable power. ■■ The rapid adoption of electric vehicles has seen demand for lithium increase dramatically over recent years; a trend that is expected to accelerate in the coming decades. It has been called the “new gasoline”. ■■ Global demand for lithium is predicted to increase to 785,000 tonnes LCE (Roskill) by 2025, from 217,000 tonnes LCE in 2017 (Reuters). The mining industry needs to discover new sources of lithium to ensure supply can keep up with demand. ■■ Cornish Lithium believes

that Cornwall potentially contains a very significant quantity of lithium in geothermal brines, making it a priority target for exploration. ■■ In Cornwall lithium is contained within geothermal fluids which circulate deep within sub-surface rocks. ■■ Cornish Lithium is using modern digital mapping and 3D modelling tools to assemble historic data into a model which can be easily interrogated and analysed. ■■ The potential for new discoveries in Cornwall has not been assessed for decades. Cornish Lithium is using cutting-edge techniques to better define lithium prospectivity across Cornwall.

NESTLING in the heart of the Cornish countryside near Truro, Bennamann Ltd is a small company aiming to drive a radical shake-up of the world’s energy markets by introducing a highly disruptive, commercially viable way of sourcing and distributing zero carbon sustainable fuel locally. But rather than using wind, sun or underground rocks as a starting point for heating, cooking or vehicle fuel, they will be using something most of us prefer not to think about too much, farmyard manure. The company, which was established in 2011 by two local surfers with an ambition to transform the economics of renewable energy, has been researching and developing a suite of business models and innovative, IP-protected hardware and software technologies that enable the local production, marketing and distribution of net-zero carbon biomethane. That is biomethane sustainably derived from the anaerobic digestion of organic waste materials, such as manure slurry, at the farm or country estate scale, which will be delivered as a compressed gas or liquid fuel to power lorries and tractors, heat households and businesses, provide hot water and gas for cooking, and even charge electric vehicles. Bennamann’s innovations include patented fuel tanks for storage, transport and use of liquid biomethane; fuel delivery systems; equipment to process and liquify biomethane on the farm; and techniques for capturing the biogas that would otherwise escape from slurry lagoons and contribute to global warming and climate change. The company has until recently been funded by small investors and UK innovation grants, but is about to embark upon a £1.2 million project to establish a groundbreaking example of an energy independent farm in Cornwall, having been awarded nearly £1 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to part-fund the work. In collaboration with St Allen-based Chynoweth Farm Partners and a team at the Environment and Sustainability Institute (ESI) on the Penryn campus of Exeter University, Bennamann will use the funding to research and develop its ideas for a revolutionary approach to maximise the use of on-site renewable energy resources, in combination with animal waste, to supply all the energy needed for a dairy farm, including powering the tractor, taking the site off-grid and dramatically reducing the operational costs for the business. The project will also demonstrate how biomethane surplus to the farm’s needs can be made available in gas and liquid form for local sale and distribution to create an additional income stream for the farmer, and how the company’s process can improve the sustainability of land management through the minimisation of artificial inputs such as manufactured fertiliser. The project aims to provide a proven business model for a roll-out of this radical new approach across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, the UK and the rest of the world. Bennamann CEO and Co-Founder Dr Chris Mann said: “There are around 2,000 dairy farms in the South West alone, and beyond these the company’s game-changing technology and business models could be similarly used with manure from pig and chicken farming operations, as well as with other forms of organic waste commonly found on farms and country estates, such as grass cuttings. We believe the opportunity for Bennamann to transform the economics of local renewable energy sourcing across the world is substantial, and we want to demonstrate that in Cornwall.”


Thursday, August 1, 2019  WESTERN MORNING NEWS


Taking a lead role in tackling climate EDWINA HANNAFORD

Cornwall Council Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Neighbourhoods


HEN Cornwall Council passed the ‘Urgency on Climate Change’ motion last January we were tasked to come up with a plan to enable Cornwall to cut its carbon emissions and help slow global warming. But we went one step further – amending the motion to declare a climate emergency and calling on Westminster to give us the powers and resources necessary to enable Cornwall to strive towards becoming carbon neutral by 2030. Last week our Cabinet gave unanimous backing to our emerging and ambitious climate change plan - the culmination of conversations with thousands of residents, businesses, community groups and partners and tireless work by a devoted team of council officers. With crossparty support and applause from the public gallery, it marked a significant moment in the start of our journey to lead Cornwall in this vital cause. Climate change is one of the greatest challenges that humanity has faced. Throughout modern history we have strived for progress in science, exploration, society and the economy that can support our fast-evolving lifestyles. Much of this progress is to be applauded, but our current trajectory of a global economy that relies on fossil fuels and unending growth cannot continue. The evidence of climate change is irrefutable. Extreme weather events are now becoming commonplace. The impact of human activity on global warming is leading to an accelerated warming of the atmosphere that, if remained unchecked, could lead to unprecedented catastrophes in many parts of the world. We must act now. Cornwall is not immune to these changes. Climatic systems are interlinked; we are all vulnerable to the impacts of climate change; equally, we all have a responsibility and an opportunity to make a difference. We are fortunate to live in a beautiful part of the world where our natural environment is breath-taking and part of our cultural identity; but we cannot take this for granted. We must treat climate change as an emergency to create the foundations of environmental stewardship for our beloved Cornwall for future generations. In compiling the plan we spoke to over 3,000 residents, engaged with a multitude of stakeholders, listened to young people who have made the strength of their feelings very clear; we have sought academic rigour in our calculations. What comes

over loud and clear is that people in Cornwall want to know how to play their part – and small steps can make a big difference helping us to tackle climate change as encapsulated in the Climate Vision top ten pledges. We have started and will continue a Cornwall conversation, as meeting our aspiration is not something we can do alone. Every organisation, resident, community group, town and parish council has a shared responsibility to embark on a journey to find solutions that will reduce our impact on the planet and show that Cornwall is leading on this issue, building on the tremendous work that we have already undertaken through our Green Cornwall programme and Environmental Growth Strategy. It will not be easy; 2030 will be extremely challenging and may well prove impossible; but that does not mean we should back away from the challenge to start this journey now. If other parts of the world choose not to act, that should not define what we do. We are going to lead. We have announced many exciting projects; the Forest for Cornwall, energy efficiency improvements to existing Council-owned homes, transforming our fleet to ultra-low emission vehicles, changing our planning policies to encourage the switch to more renewable energy generation and considering climate change in all our decisions. But there are complex systems changes required from a wide range of stakeholders. The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Leadership Board recently agreed to support our work; but we all need to work together to change the way we live, travel, work and define success in a rapidly changing world. New technologies, natural climate solutions, behavioural change, local action and Government support will all be crucial in helping us achieve our ambitions. Our commitment to climate change should always be symbiotic with the

needs of our most vulnerable residents. Retrofitting homes may well save carbon, but also leads to lower heating bills which reduces fuel poverty. Electric transportation should reduce running costs and improve air quality. A low carbon economy will provide new jobs and the Forest for Cornwall will provide better access to nature for all. There will almost certainly be difficult decisions in the future about prioritising scarce Council resources; some socially beneficial projects may have a high carbon intensity, but we will always aim for the overall goal of reducing emissions and include mitigations where possible. There are many pillars to the work that we need to collectively deliver on to help combat climate change. In this supplement, you will see a variety of examples of what companies are delivering here in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly to transform our energy systems. Much of this work is world-leading and offers the potential to decarbonise the energy that we use, making it cleaner and more sustainable. There are many other examples not mentioned here, but taken alongside the other approaches these provide an example of how Cornwall is approaching this emergency. While there is a need for urgency, I also strongly believe there is hope. The process of pulling our plan together has galvanised action, bringing people together from diverse backgrounds for a common cause that is high in the public consciousness. We cannot afford to fail, and Cornwall will build on its leading role to become an exemplar for what regional leadership can do in combatting climate change. I want to thank our communities already taking positive climate change action and I call on everyone in Cornwall to join us in fighting the climate emergency. I hope over the following months to highlight other areas of work that will also contribute to this challenge that affects us all.

POWERING THE GREEN INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION INVESTMENT in renewable energy has the potential to transform not just our environment but also our economy. That’s why the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), along with our neighbouring LEPs covering Devon, Somerset and Dorset, have agreed to make energy and ‘clean growth’ an economic priority for our area. Research from the Carbon Trust jointly commissioned by the LEPs suggests that by 2030 we can achieve a future where 80% of electricity is low carbon. We have potential to be self-sufficient or even a net exporter of electricity in the same period, whereas at the moment we import almost 88% of the energy we use. By generating more electricity locally we can cut bills, tackle fuel poverty and retain in the region much more of the £9 billion spent on energy by people in the South West every year. For the UK Government, so-called ‘clean growth’ is a priority, and it’s our priority too. Clean growth means growing our national income while cutting greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring we have a secure and affordable energy supply. According to Office for National Statistics figures, the growth in the environmental goods and services sector was 27% between 2010 and 2015, contributing £30.5 billion to the UK economy, and employing 335,000 people. Forecasts show that the UK’s clean growth sector could grow by an estimated 11% per year between 2015 and 2030 – four times faster than the rest of the economy – and could deliver between £60 billion and £170 billion of export sales of goods and services by 2030. The Carbon Trusts estimates that transforming our energy future could add £10 billion to our economy by 2030 and support tens of thousands of jobs. That’s why clean growth is at the heart of our emerging Local Industrial Strategy, which is the blueprint to drive our economy over the next 10 years. As a LEP we have already invested more than £30 million in public transport in Cornwall to enable more people to travel by rail and by bus. We are putting £1 million into the Smart Islands project on the Isles of Scilly, which could be a global exemplar of how to harness technology to

GLENN CAPLIN Chief Executive of the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership create a local low carbon energy network. And we are investing in growing Cornwall’s space sector, recognising that earth observation and data derived from space play a critical part in informing climate science and recording changes to our planet. But we will need help on our low carbon journey, which includes Government giving greater priority to addressing the Climate Emergency by putting it at the heart of policy. We would like to see a Green New Deal for the UK to help us achieve our carbon neutral ambitions as soon as possible. This needs to include investment in grid infrastructure to meet growing renewable energy generation and the increased electrification of heat and transport. Road transport accounts for 22% of Cornwall’s carbon footprint. There needs to be a ‘whole house’ retrofit system to make every home warm, dry, healthy and cheap to run, supported by skills and apprenticeships programmes. At the moment residential properties account for 21% of Cornwall’s carbon emissions. Agriculture, which makes up 19% of our area’s carbon footprint, needs support to develop and embrace new technologies that reduce emissions, boost the quality and productivity of food, and improve the environment. The LEP is united in its desire to help drive this positive change. We need new approaches, new measures of success and a more sophisticated approach to economic growth which values our precious environment. Future generations demand nothing less.

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