1 minute read

Meet the team

Dorà Matè, Events and Professional Development Officer

What are your present duties at CIPA?


Providing support to committees focusing on education and professional development (Education Committee, IP Paralegal Committee).

• Full administrative support and running of the IPPC (Introductory Patent Paralegal Course).

• Development, full administrative support and running of the APPC (Advanced Patent Paralegal Course).

• Planning and delivery of CIPA’s events, including seminars, webinars, regional and other educational and social events.

• Assist the Membership team as and when needed.

When did you join the Institute? May 2022.

What do you like most and least about the job?

I really enjoy the variety, no two days are the same in this role. This is also the most challenging aspect of my job, but very rewarding.

How do you like to spend your time outside work?

I started Hungarian folk dance when I was three, and I have continued practising it in London.

What is your favourite food?

Hungarian layered potato casserole. (Happy to send a recipe!)

What is your favourite drink? Coffee.

What is your favourite place you’ve visited? Istanbul and Rome.

What place would you most like to visit? Cuba.

The person you most admire or would like to meet, and why?

Mark Hamill – he is an incredibly talented and humble person.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Do or do not, there is no try.

What would you do if you won the Lottery?

I would fund research on green energy, and I would probably buy a villa somewhere nice and hot.

What would you do if you became Prime Minister? I would introduce mixer taps to all households.

What is your favourite film and/or book?

Film: The Lord of the Rings

Book: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

What are three words you’d use to describe yourself? Creative, organised and communicative.

Where would you like to be in five years? In the villa I bought with the Lottery money.

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