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IP Futures – Pub Quiz

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Lindsay Pike Cambridge Regional Sec Hi all! I’m Lindsay and I’m the new regional secretary for Cambridge. I started training as a patent attorney in January (2020) with D Young & Co in London but I live in Cambridge – yes this means a long commute! During my PhD I was a social secretary for graduate students and after a few months at DYC realised I was missing this element from my life – as luck would have it, the Informals Committee had a vacancy for a Cambridge rep.

I’m really looking forward to meeting other trainees in Cambridge – I’ve been sent an old mailing list from last year that I will soon send a message to, but if you don’t think you’ll be on it or you want to get in touch with me before then please email me – my email address is in the Informals contact list below.


At the moment it will be difficult to host any face-to-face events but I’m hoping to organise a virtual coffee morning or after-work meeting, so hopefully speak to some of you soon!

The Informals Committee for 2019–2020. If you have any questions and would like to get in contact with your local Informals secretary, then all the contact details are below:

Honorary Secretary, Carolyn Palmer, cipainformalshonsec@gmail.com Treasurer, Khushbu Solanki, k.solanki@csy-ip.com Yellow Sheet Editor, Jonathan Foster, Jonathan.Foster@appleyardlees.com Blog, Website & Social Media Editor, Joel David Briscoe, informalsyellowsheet@gmail.com Foundation Lecture Organiser, Jack Wheating, JWheating@marks-clerk.com Tutorial and Mentoring Coordinator, Waseem Aldeek, W.Aldeek@csy-ip.com IPO Visit Coordinator, Suzanne Gregson, suzanne.gregson@wynne-jones.com

Inclusivity Officer, Rachel Bell, RBell@marks-clerk.com Immediate Past Hon. Sec, Matthew Veale, matthew.veale@wynne-jones.com REGIONAL SECRETARIES: Birmingham, Mark Kelly, mkelly@hgf.com Cambridge, Lindsay Pike, lxp@dyoung.com East Midlands, Helen Bartlett, Helen.Bartlett@potterclarkson.com London, Gregory Aroutiunian, GAroutiunian@jakemp.com Northern Ireland, Helen Lavery, Helen.Lavery@murgitroyd.com

North East, Elliot Stephens, estephens@hgf.com North West, Cassie Smith, csmith@hgf.com Oxford, Jayne Parle, jparle@marks-cleark.com South Coast, Jess Steven-Fountain, JSF@dyoung.com South West & Wales, Ozgur Aydin, Ozgur.Aydin@wynne-jones.com Sheffield, Nick Jenkins, njenkins@hgf.com Yorkshire and Humber, Amelia Barton, amelia.barton@appleyardlees.com

It’s Pub Quiz Time!

We hope you can join us on 18 June, from 7:30 - 8.30 pm. IP Futures is happy to announce our first virtual pub quiz, hosted by Finnegan. The quiz will consist of 40 questions over five rounds, including food, literature & art, pop culture, movies & music, and science & technology. We are using the Kahoot platform, so players join individually, and there are prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place! Please sign up below to reserve your spot: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/its-pub-quiz-time-tickets-107602291350 Instructions for joining the quiz will be sent to confirmed participants. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come and first-served basis. Make sure to sign up quickly! We hope you can join us!

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