Executive Director’s Message
Remembering our colleague, mentor and friend Lois Metcalfe, CIQS Executive Director IQS mourns the loss of one of its founding fathers, Gordon D. Pattison, PQS(F) on June 28, 2011. I had the privilege of meeting Gordon when I joined the Institute in 1978. My training for the position at the time consisted of one week with the former Executive Director. Not a lot of time to learn all the ‘ins and outs’ of the Institute and the position. I was fortunate, however, to receive assistance from a small group of members, but Gordon was certainly my primary mentor. Gordon was not only a founding father of the CIQS but he also served as Executive Secretary for the first 10 years from the Institute’s inception in 1959. He knew all the answers. He called regularly to see if I needed help with anything. I also felt very comfortable to call him if I had a question. He was approachable, knowledgeable and always had the best interests of the Institute at heart. It was in those early days that Gordon became not only a mentor but a good friend. Gordon was dedicated and had an impeccable record of attendance at our AGMs. He helped organize many of these meetings and I remember how he made the 25th anniversary
of the CIQS so memorable. We were very fortunate that he was able to attend the 50th anniversary in 2009. Gordon presented numerous recipients of the CIQS Award of Merit at AGMs until his health was compromised and he was no longer able to attend. Many members will recall Gordon’s keen sense of humour and style. He was described as ‘the Energizer bunny that just kept going.’ I received many emails from members upon learning of Gordon’s passing. From Past President, George Evans of BC: “Gordon has been an inspiration to me for my entire career. He will be missed by everyone that ever met him.” From Past President, Guy Smith of Alberta: “Gordon was an amazing character and the Institute will be the lesser for his loss. I will certainly miss him, although his presence will, like that of Frank Helyar, continue to be felt at AGMs of the Institute for many years to come.” Joe Landry, CIQS Past President from Nova Scotia wrote, “I was saddened to hear about Gordon and that he had been in failing health. I was fortunate to serve on Council during the period when Gordon was always there providing input and
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6 | Construction Economist | www.ciqs.org | Summer 2011
guidance. He was one of the constants that we relied on. To borrow from the obituary; Gordon was semiworking or semi-retired...and always effective.” Ontario President, Jeff Logan, wrote “Gordon was a great ambassador for the institute and a better friend to those that knew him. We all have many fond memories of him to cherish.” From Past President, Hervé Couture of Quebec: “A Nassau en 2006, Gordon nous a bien fait rire en gagnant grâce a son imitation de Michael Jackson, le concours de l’Hôtel Riu. Bien qu’il soit vénéré de ses collègues, il n’eu pas peur du ridicule. La simplicité de l’homme n’est nullement l’antonyme de grandeur d’âme. Un homme remarquable. Un ami.” - “In Nassau in 2006, we had a good laugh with Gordon’s imitation of Michael Jackson at the Hotel Riu. Although revered by his colleagues, he had no fear of ridicule. The simplicity of the man is not the antonym of magnanimity. A remarkable man. A friend.” And from our current President, Roy Lewis from Newfoundland: “The Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors owes its very existence to the aspirations and hopes of Gordon and his colleagues of more than 50 years ago. Like each President since those early days, I have been inspired by Gordon’s example and I pledge to continue to forward the mandate which he left for us. May he rest in peace - although deep down I think heaven will be a little more lively now that Gordon is there.” And my favourite is from current CIQS Vice President, Mark Russell on the day Gordon passed away: “Terry Fox died 30 years ago on the same day. I guess that’s the day when the ‘big man’ takes all the good ones.”
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