Construction Economist Journal - Summer 2014

Page 4

Chair’s Message

So much more to do


s summer has finally arrived in Canada, it would be fitting to keep my final Chair’s Message light. The next Chair’s Message will be delivered by the incoming CIQS Chair, Dave Burns, following our AGM meeting in September. Where did the time go? It seems like only yesterday I volunteered to sit on the CIQS Maritimes Board, and that was in 2005. But time flies when you are having fun and it has been quite enjoyable to see the Institute grow and evolve over the past nine years knowing I was part of the force driving change. How lucky to have worked with such great people over the years – truly remarkable people who give their time and energy for the ‘Good of the Institute.’ During this past year, everyone on the Board contributed immensely and this fostered an environment of creativity and positivity allowing a great deal of work to be done. No words can express my appreciation to our Executive Director (of 36 years) Lois Metcalfe, for navigating me through an exciting first year under our new governance structure. Through it all, we did it while having fun and sharing many laughs. This year was highlighted by the inaugural CIQS Congress in Calgary, hosted by CIQS Prairies. The organizing committee did an amazing job and the two days of events ran smoothly and efficiently. I would like to extend a special thank you to Tanya Doran and Wendy Hobbs for their efforts and dedication. I would also like to thank the sponsors who contributed in making the event so great. This year’s Gordon Pattison Award of Merit was presented to Past Chair, Roy

Mark Gardin, PQS(F)

I encourage everyone to become involved in whatever small way possible with your local chapter or affiliate. You never know where it could take you or the opportunities that present themselves along the way. Lewis of Newfoundland and Labrador. Roy exemplifies what it means to give back to the Institute through his dedication and longevity on the national Board and is so deserving of this prestigious award. Congratulations Roy. CIQS continues to work on a few big initiatives in the coming year. The marketing initiative is now into high gear and by the fall, we will have two videos to help promote quantity surveying and recruit new members. The Board and Parcel (the marketing firm hired to assist CIQS) are very excited with the concepts of the videos and look forward to the final products. These videos will be used when visiting colleges and high schools to recruit, or meeting with industry to raise awareness of what skills a quantity surveyor brings to the table. The other major initiative involves providing adequate staffing for the head office. This entails hiring a new education/ membership director, a new marketing / communications resource, new support staff, and a new executive director to succeed Lois in the next few years. If you have not done so, please read the article in the past Construction Economist by Mark Russell (pg 11) outlining the staffing plan and budgetary planning to achieve this initiative.


A small pain now will result in huge gains in the years to come for the Institute. And although I leave knowing much was accomplished, there is always so much more to do. I encourage everyone to become involved in whatever small way possible with your local chapter or affiliate. You never know where it could take you or the opportunities that present themselves along the way. I have always said and truly believe that I have received more from participating with CIQS than I ever have given. I wish to acknowledge a few wonderful leaders I have encountered along my journey who have influenced me in a positive way. My gratitude goes to Past CIQS Chairs: Allen Willcocks, Joe Landry, Ian Duncan, Roy Lewis, and Mark Russell; Past CIQS Maritimes President, Brian Chappell; and of course, my professional mentor and friend, Archie Thibault. The incoming Chair, Dave Burns exudes all the qualities and traits of a great leader and I have complete confidence he will continue to steer CIQS in the right direction as he takes the helm in September. I wish him and the new Board a productive and successful year ahead.

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