The Ultimate Guide to Loft Conversions - CIRCL

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The UlTimaTe GUide To lofT Conversions

When it comes to converting your loft there are so many factors to take into consideration it can seem like attractive.

is yoUr lofT sUiTable for a Conversion?

Before anything begins you need to determine whether your loft is suitable to be converted in the first place. So what do you need to consider? • Is your loft big enough for a loft conversion? • Are there important elements such as chimneys or lift areas that pass through your roof? • How much room will a completed loft conversion offer you? • Is your roof felted?

lofT Conversion Types

• Roofs come in all shapes and sizes. • From the lofts of the traditional offer different options for loft conversions, providing their own benefits and weaknesses. • In most cases a dormer loft conversion is carried out. • The roof does not have to be removed and replaced, and are simply an enhancement of the existing structure, extending vertically from the roof.

sinGle dormer

• With a single dormer conversion, you can create a little more space in the loft, but gain a great deal more in light. • In conservation areas, single (or double) dormer conversions are most likely to gain approval as long as the final visual is in keeping with the rest of the property.

l- shaped dormer

• The L-shaped dormer loft conversion is only applicable to properties of a certain structure. • These structures without doubt offer the maximum amount of space and can often be used to create separate rooms.

hip To Gable

A hip-to-gable loft conversion is created when you take the hips (the sloped edges of the roof) and convert them into a gable wall instead. These types of loft conversions add a considerable amount of headroom to a loft as well as functional floor space.


• When headroom is a serious concern a mansard loft conversion is the go-to solution. • This will require the removal of one side of your roof and incur considerable costs. • With a mansard conversion, the roof’s slope has to be 72 degrees or over.

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