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b.1951, France

Lives in Chazé sur Argos, France

“My goal is to utilize the ancestral techniques of trompe-l’oeil to showcase contemporary and ordinary objects, elevating them through the magic of light and shadow. My favorite subjects are packaging, plastic bags, and other tissue papers that, when placed under my projector, reveal magnificent colorful and translucent reflections. Then begins the laborious process of drawing and painting.”

Marie-Françoise Martin is a self-taught painter who specializes in hyperrealistic trompe-l’oeil techniques. Her unique and highly soughtafter works have been exhibited internationally, captivating audiences.

Brian McClear is a passionate representational artist who finds joy in the process of painting. Whether he delves into portraiture or everyday objects, his work showcases a profound appreciation for form and texture. Primarily working with oil, Brian’s paintings offer perceptive insights and sometimes whimsical connections that capture moods, tell stories, express opinions, comment on trends, or simply observe something funny.

Currently residing and creating in Connecticut, Brian spent his formative years in Ohio, where he obtained his BFA from Columbus College of Art. After graduation, he ventured to New England, where he initially built a successful career as a freelance graphic illustrator. Later on, he channeled his creativity and problem-solving skills into leading the marketing technology division of a prominent advertising agency in the Nutmeg State. Throughout his 25-year tenure, Brian played a pivotal role in developing numerous interactive campaigns for renowned brands.

Recently, Brian decided to set aside his mouse (except for ordering art supplies) and dedicate himself fully to painting in his studio. There, you can find him immersed in his craft, working on two pieces simultaneously on his easels. Bold and intuitive brushstrokes allow him to explore shape, surface, color, and connections.

Brian’s artistic endeavors have garnered numerous national awards and his work can be found in private collections and museums across the United States.

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