Definition Of Linear Equation

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Definition Of Linear Equation Definition Of Linear Equation Algebraic equations are the part of mathematical concept to solve the queries of students to find out the value of unknown variables. The algebraic equations can be defined as a collection of numbers and variables. Numbers that are used in the expression are known as constant. In the mathematics variable is an important part of the algebraic equation. In the algebraic equations here we illustrate the concept of linear equation for the better understanding about the algebraic equations. As we know that Linear Equations are the part of algebraic equations. So, linear equations can contain one or more variables. Linear equations have a wide area of application with better regularity in applied mathematics. Linear Equations are the expressions that have plain old variables. In the more precise form linear equations can be defined as mathematical expressions that have an equal sign and linear equations.

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In the linear equations for finding any unknown value we use the variable instead of particular values. There are some points that we have to remember at the time of variable declaration in the linear equation. a) In the linear equation variables should not contain any exponent. b) In the linear equation variables should not perform the operation with each other like multiplication and division. c) In the linear equation variables should not be initialized with the square root symbol. At the time of solving linear equations we need to focus on the above points that are related to variables. Now we are going to show you the process of solving the linear equations. At the time of solving linear equations we need to find out the value of unknown variables. In this process we perform the reverse process. In the mathematical term solving the linear equation process, we need to isolate the unknown variables into the expressions. Let’s show you below in the example: Example: solve for z: z– 5 = 14 solution: In the above expression we can see that there is a linear equation which has the unknown variable z and constant value 5 and 14. In this we can see that variable do not contain any exponent, any square root and multiplication and division operation. Now we show you how to isolate the unknown variables and how to solve them.

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In the solving process we need to focus the constant value with the variable. In above we can see that with the z variable there is constant -5. In the solving process we need to isolate the variable and that can be performed by adding 5 with them. This process makes a wrong impact on solving process. So to overcome form this problem we also add the 5 with the other constant 14. Let's show below: given that z– 5 = 14 z – 5 + 5 = 14 ( adding 5 to isolate the unknown variable) z- 5 + 5 = 14 + 5 ( to overcome the error we add 5 with 14) In above we can see that this will isolate the unknown variable at the left hand side of equal sign. Now we are doing the further process to solving the equation. z- 5 + 5 = 14 + 5 ( here -5 and +5 give the result zero) z = 14 + 5 z = 19

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