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Keeping Your Edge:
The Protector App
So we've been working behind the scenes on an exciting new launch! By the time Issue 57 of the Circuit Magazine gets in your hands, you might be among a handful of early adopters reading this article inside the brand new app developed by the North American Bodyguard Association! Keeping Your Edge:
Action vs. Reaction
By: Elijah Shaw
That's right, we are finally live and have launched the NABA: Protector App! When I tell you I feel great about it, that’s not an understatement. So it’s at this point I’m going to need to split the audience into two.
1. Those that have it, and are using the app, even in its infancy. 2. Those I have no idea what I’m talking about.
So the first group, I say welcome and thank you! I hope the experience has been a great one in terms, of information, ease of use, and yes, enjoyment. Just like all new tech, I imagine there will be a few wrinkles to iron out keep improving
it. Of course, I would love to hear your feedback on what we can do to make it even better for you. And if you are already loving it, please take a moment to leave a review in the Apple or Android store.
It helps us get out in front of other protectors that could benefit from it. Regarding the resources, what we did was take things that were in frequent use by professional in our industry, we then combined them with other assets that were in demand, but maybe not as readily available. We then put them all in one place and made it user-friendly no matter what type of mobile device you use.
To those who have not yet tried out the app, this is the part where I say, now that you know about it, what are you waiting for? If I had to summarize it, I'd say the value of the the Protector app comes down to two things. The first is resources. The second is community. And both work to support you to keep your edge and be a top notch protector in our industry. Now ask yourself, how many times a client or a teammate ever asked you a question andexpected you to have the answer off the top of your head? Well, having the Protector App at your fingertips is your secret weapon and the next best thing to knowing the answer right away.
You will have access to a wealth of knowledge and experience from

working CPOs in your back pocket, literally!
Personally speaking, I couldn’t even begin to add up all the times I’ve had someone new to the business ask me, what’s a good checklist for go-bag components, or if I had any additional tips for conducting a thorough hotel advance? Try as I might, I can’t answer them all. But now we have a solution that allows members access to templates, checklist, form letters, surveys and more. An additional benefit of gathering industry specific resources, means we get to save time and aggravation searching for things around the web, like an interesting tutorial or article.
News, information, even digital access to this magazine, is all in one place, all in the palm of your hand.
The second part, which, in my opinion is actually the most valuable, is community. We as

professionals always use the word brotherhood (and sisterhood) often, but once we get outside our immediate circle, we more and more have to rely on social media to connect. The problem is the major providers, have audiences so broad, that we get bombarded with distractions from the time we log on, until the time we sign off. I can speak first-hand about logging on to Facebook to catch up on posts in the North American Bodyguard Association’s members-only group, only to get side tracked looking at a funny video of a goat getting his head stuck in a So just imagine-I'm scrolling through a college friend’s timeline. 15 minutes later, I might get back on track, but just think about how productive I would be if I had a week’s worth of those 15 minutes back? What about a month? Now the industry can interact peer-to-peer, no matter what subsection of the craft you are in. In addition to the general discussion room, we have sectorspecific rooms for topics that relate more closely to the worlds of Corporate Protection, Celebrity Protection, High Risk/PSD, as well as the Protection of the Clergy. If you are a Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter user, you’ll immediately feel at home, with the functionality and layout.
Then there’s the videos, case studies, access to podcast, members-only events, and training modules. In short: Community, Resources, and Support. So do me a favor, don’t take my word for it, read the reviews, then take a look around the site, and you’ll see what I’m talking about. The NABA and our sister organization the BBA, have always been channeling our efforts to unite Protectors worldwide. The NABA: Protector App, is our newest innovation and vehicle to do so.
Learn more at www.TheProtectorApp.com or find it in your Apple or Google app stores.
Elijah Shaw is the National Director of the North American Bodyguard Association and the CEO of ICON Global, and International Executive Protection Consulting Firm. Elijah, who has been featured in international publications such as Inc. Magazine, Entrepreneur, and Portfolio, runs the ICON Academy, an EP Training Program specializing in Celebrity & VIP Protection. He also currently sits on the Board of Directors of Executive Security International (ESI), the United States oldest Executive Protection Training School. His book, An Introduction to Executive Protection & Touring: A Guide to Mastering the Business of VIP Security, hit the Amazon best sellers list, and is available now worldwide.