Magazine Voices of Mexico issue 109

Page 94

Astrid Velasco Montante* Illustrated by Gina Fuentes**

Roberto Lopez Moreno Was born in 1942 in Huixtla, Chiapas. With

ta National Poetry Competition (second place, 1978),

a ba­chelor’s in journalism and as a poet, nar-

and the Rosario Castellanos Chiapas Prize for the Arts

rator, and essayist, he is considered one of


the writers who is most representative of Mexican artistic avant-gardes of the second half of the twentieth century. He is even recognized as the creator of a current: poemuralism.1 He

I met Roberto López Moreno a couple of years ago

has been a contributor to important daily papers, a

because he authored an essay about poemuralism and

professor at the Carlos Septién García School and the

literary magazines over the last 50 years for a book I

Acatlán campus of the unam National School of Profes-

was editing. I soon discovered his incredible prose and

sional Studies (enep), and has participated in different

generous wisdom, and later, that he was a prolific

radio programs. His impressive body of work consists

writer of poetry, narrative, and essays. When reading

of more than 30 works published by different publish-

him, you discover that there are few like him who play

ers. He has written children’s books, film and televi-

and make their own the different literary forms, the

sion scripts, essays, short stories, and poetry. Some of

rhythms, and the word in its entirety. What are his

his most outstanding books are Décimas lezámicas

themes, his interests? It is difficult to say in such a brief

(Decimas in the Lezama Mode) (unam); De saurios,

exposition. His work is full of beauty, spaces, persons,

itinerarios y adioses (Of Sauria, Itineraries, and Fare-

feelings, and all human experience.

wells) (Autonomous University of Chiapas); Verbario

López Moreno is not only one of the most impor-

de varia hoguera (Verbs of Different Infernos) (Chiapas

tant living poets of Chiapas, but he has been one of

Institute of Culture); Sinfonía de los salmos (Symphony

those who has most experimented with genres, rang-

of Psalms) (unam); Ya se lo dije al president (I Already

ing from composing in verse, with strict, classical metric

Told the President) (Fondo de Cultura Económica);

stanzas —sonnets, for example— to very free compo­

Las mariposas de la Tía Nati (Aunt Nati’s Butterflies)

sition, or even using supports that are not paper, plus

(cnca); La curva de la espiral en la editorial (The

his work in prose, narrative, essays, and journalism. It

Curve of the Spiral in the Publishing House) (Claves

is an honor to have him in Voices of Mexico.

Latinoamericanas); and Cuen­tos en el recuentro (Stories in the Recounting) (unam), among many others. He has been given almost a dozen awards for his

 Notes

work and received national honors. Among them are the Rodulfo Figueroa Prize for Poetry (1969), the Tomás Martínez Prize for Short Story (1969), the Efraín Huer-

* Coordinator of publications, unam Center for Research on North Ame­­rica (cisan); ** Visual artisst;

1 “A ‘poemural’ . . . develops a theme through a long strip [of support material] in which different kinds of symbologies and verbal procedures, which does not mean —and this is, in the end, its main characteristic— that it is not fully integrated.” Its mechanism is the play and use of all expressive possibilities. Roberto López Moreno, “Poemurales: un acto ético,” https:// les_un_acto_etico.html.


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Articles inside

Náhuatl Erotica

pages 98-103

Little Flower” (Pirekua

pages 105-108

In Memoriam

page 104

Poems by

pages 95-97

Roberto López Moreno

page 94

One Huipil a Day

pages 88-93

Oaxaca, Melting Pot of Food Cultures

pages 82-87

The Milpa. Sowing the Future

pages 78-81

Indigenous Peoples in the European Cartographic Imaginary

pages 74-77

Hai quih pti immistaj xah, comcaac coi ziix quih iti cöipactoj xah, ziix quih ocoaaj coi iicp hac

pages 65-66


pages 59-62

Art and Culture

pages 67-73


pages 63-64

Poetry and Gender

pages 53-58


pages 43-46


pages 21-23


pages 29-34


pages 9-11

Amidst Borders, the Cultural Territory of the Yuman

pages 35-38

Young Mexican Indigenous University Students at Stanford

pages 24-28

Ángela, a First-People’s Struggle

pages 12-16

Our Voice

pages 7-8

A Tribute to the Other Voices

page 6
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