BroadcastAZ Fall Brochure

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BroadcastAZ ISSUE 14 | FALL


Video Over IP HD Broadcasts in the Cloud

From Broadcast Engineering Magazine P3

Now in Studio B

TriCaster 855 Pro Switcher P4

Live Shots in HD

On Dedicated Video Pipeline Azzurro Network Operations Center NYC P2/3




Live Stream Your Broadcast

Uncompressed HD Recording

Social Media Video Ready

We offer 11+ streaming solutions in HD to deliver your broadcast to your audience.

We deliver DVDs, broadcast video as well as provide an archival process for digital resources.

We compress video into a number of HD formats for social media video solutions.

HD Live Shots


BroadcastAZ works with over 200 Global Networks for contribution HD LIve Shots to take advantage of breaking news from Arizona as well as business updates from over 100 publicly traded companies based in Arizona. BroadcastAZ also provides Video News Releases and Satellite Media Tours. Public companies can also utilize our video services for SEC compliant video news releases for corporate filings and other material updates.

Live from Scottsdale USA Today 6/18/2012

HD Live Broadcast Studio Opens in Scottsdale Bringing Breaking News from Arizona and Arizona’s Public Companies to Global Networks with HD Video Over IP (Cloud) Technology from Azzurro HD When you are in our studio, you may as well be in New York City HD BROADCASTS

NO LONGHAUL COST With Video over IP technology, there is no additional cost for long haul transmission. Your signal is already in New York. LOWEST LATENCY Reliable and redundant Video over IP provides connectivity with less than 70 milliseconds of latency.


BroadcastAZ, a Broadcast USA company, unveils one of the country’s leading HD digital broadcast facilities in Scottsdale, AZ. This state-ofthe-art HDTV Production & Broadcast Center opens June 2012 to take advantage of the high concentration of breaking news from Arizona and nationally-ranked public companies based in Arizona. Where HD video is the medium of choice, BroadcastAZ boasts a fully equipped HD broadcast center with a dedicated video pipeline to the Azzurro HD Netword Operations Center in New York City. The signal is then available to more than 200 global networks including ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, CNN, ESPN, Bloomberg, Food Network, HBO and other major networks.

BroadcastAZ features two complete HD studios including Studio A with the Azzurro HD Camera System (used by NFL, MLB, NHL), a 70 inch HD monitor for graphics and HD images, a 24 inch Robo Teleprompter System, and more. Studio B is a 1200 sq. ft. HD studio featuring the TriCaster 855 Professional Switcher, up to eight HD cameras, green screen, custom set construction, green room, makeup/hair by licensed cosmetologists, and more. BroadcastAZ can offer simultaneous live broadcast, live streaming and live recording and then offers compression in several formats for social media platforms like YouTube and Vimeo. Search Engine Optimization via meta-tags is also available.

STUDIO A HD Live Shots One/Two Person Azzurro HD Camera System 70” HD Monitor 24” RoboPrompter Green Room Makeup/Hair

STUDIO B TriCaster 855 Professional Swiching System Up to eight (8) HD Video Cameras Greenscreen Custom Sets Control Room Green Room Hair/Makeup



Video Over IP contribution is now a reality for live remote HD Broadcasts. There is an alternative to satellite and microwave feeds. With recent advances, video over IP contribution is now a reality for live remote broadcasts. Some of the key developments to broadcastquality reliability over IP include extensive FEC, diversity, low latency, error correction, redundancy and robust encoding/decoding. Traditionally, live remote broadcasts have used microwave and satellite feeds to deliver signals from the event location to the broadcast studio. These are still highly viable methods, and they remain in the broadcaster’s toolkit for managing live events. However, with the growth and maturity of IP networks, there is a third reliable option for delivering high-quality contribution content: video over IP.

Video Over IP (CLOUD)

high-quality contribution feeds that are reasonably priced and can be established quickly. Cost is always a consideration. Fortunately, because most commercial buildings now have Ethernet cabling, IP links are easier than ever to use. Even if cabling has to be added, the components and skills needed to create the links are low-cost and readily available. A suitable Internet connection can be provided by the local telco, cable company or other commercial IP bandwidth provider. In addition, because these links are more or less standard commercial IP networks and not a dedicated video-only network, no special installation skills are required, which helps keep installation costs low.


Live Shots

The Azzurro Network ......Operations Center 32 Avenue of the Americas - 24th Floor, New York, NY

Satellite feeds and microwave trucks will remain necessary for many live news and event feeds. However, in those instances where programming originates on a regular basis, redundant IP-based video networks combined with JPEG 2000 and MPEG-4 codecs can provide a simple and affordable path for high-quality contribution signals.

Broadcast-quality reliability over IP include extensive FEC, diversity, low latency, error correction, redundancy and robust encoding/decoding.

With the much improved speed and reliability of IP networks, careful planning can result in

Extensive FEC: Improvements in Forward Error Correction play a big role in the ability of IP Networks to deliver reliable, high-quality HD Video. Redundancy is also a big part of a successful IP contribution networks.



New Equipment

TriCaster 855 AZ OPTION: Major Network Shows can setup remote broadcast operations at BroadcastAZ Studios A & B TriCaster 855

Features Web & TV Streaming / Live Productions 24 Channels / 8 camera Inputs Built-In Multi-Track ISO Recording CG / Vector Graphics Software Integrated Customizable Visuals Push-Button Live Streaming

The NewTek TriCaster 855 is an 8-camera


TriCaster 855 hosts the most powerful

input, tightly integrated hardware and

With the 24 channel, multi-camera

integrated effects engine in live produc-

software solution for streaming video online and producing live events.

TriCaster 855, you can have up to 8 cameras, plus 5 digital media players

tion. Choose from full-color, animated transitions with alpha channel and

for video clips, graphics and titles, and 2 network channels for sharing computer screens and displays from wireless iOS devices. 8 M/E-style virtual inputs let you stage live virtual sets, and create custom picture effects and presets, when you need to give your big show even bigger impact.

embedded audio; deliver a cohesive presentation with imaginative, branded elements, like real-time cloth dynamics, 3D video warping and transformations with TransWarp effects and motion overlays.

LIVE STREAMING & RECORDING Digital and analog outputs are available for streaming to broadcast machines, to live projectors, and to video routers. And very importantly, you can connect to a network by Ethernet and stream videos directly to the web. At the same time, you can store files to high-capacity internal and external drives. The 855 is a 4RU device designed for big live productions in native full-resolution High Definition.

TRICASTER SPECIAL EFFECTS Customizing your signature look-even for multiple shows-requires a style that makes an impression on your audience.


Live Network Shows can be easily accommodated with our control room, TriCaster 855 Professional Switcher, up to eight (8) HD cameras, greenscreen, HD set monitors, pro sound and lighting, green room, and makeup and hair design by licensed cosmetologists.

PERIPHERALS: You can drive a TriCaster 855 from your iPAD.

Live Shots in High Definition Broadcast, Stream, Record and Compress.


01 Record & Stream Live

02 Network Style Studios

When both Web streaming and program recording are built right into your production operation, you can do these functions simultaneously.

BroadcastAZ presents a Network-style environment for HD Live Shots and full remote show production.


70”HD Studio Monitor

BroadcastAZ has a 70” HD Studio Monitor to display hundreds of background images, looping videos, and other graphic content. The monitor can also function as a green screen. With our return feed from our NOC, we can roll in graphics and other network video feeds.



The RoboPrompter is the new standard for studio teleprompters. With a 24” monitor, our production team can provide easily read text, insert prompts and format the text so that you can add the dynamics you desire.

Questions & Answers OUR RATING

Greenscreen Studio B


Azzurro HD Camera System HDVideo Over IP

BroadcastAZ is greenscreen capable in both Studio A and in Studio B. Our editing team uses Adobe Premiere and AVID for our post production. The TriCaster 855 can be preloaded with graphics, lower thirds, HD videos and logos for dynamic production.

Mark Lowden, Azzurro HD vice president of sales, said “the robotic-camera system has been employed for a variety of sportsbroadcasting uses. The NFL Network has 48 systems in use at all of the team training facilities, including for the Arizona Cardinals, and at the homes of its football analysts.”


Broadcas tAZ does Live Shot s i n HD and tranmits those signals back to a Net work Operations Ce nter in New York Cit y. What technology are you using for Connec tivi t y ?


Broadcas tAZ is using a hi ghdefinition broadcast system that l i n k s t h e s t u d i o n e a r Cac t u s R o a d and 108th Street to global television net works via a dedicated hi gh- sp e e d, Video O ver IP connec tion to Ne w Yor k . “ Th i s i s b a s i c a l l y t h e w i n d ow that connec ts Arizona to th e wor l d vi a broadcas t,” s aid D oug Collin s.


Has the A zzurro HD Ca me r a Sys tem been widely us e d for HD Live S hots ? A z z u r ro H D ro b o t i c - c a m e r a system that has been used by t h e N F L N e t wor k , M a j o r Le a g u e Baseball, NHL Produc tions a nd t he Fo o d N e t wor k .



“Brad Dick, Broadcast Engineering magazine editor, said “the robotic-camera systems are increasingly in use and vastly improved, with faster and more precise controls of the cameras.”


S ounds fast. How fast is this co n n e c t i v i t y to N e w Yo r k ?

Th e d i re c t l i n k to N e w Yor k c u t s the time delay to 70 mil l i se cond s, eliminating the lag seen on a satellite broadcast. I t ’s like real time.




BroadcastAZ A Broadcast USA Company 10755 East Cactus Road Scottsdale, Arizona 85259 To Book A Live Shot: 888.451.1763 Ext. 1 Cell: 602.592.9407 Website: Twitter: @BroadcastAZ

| HD Live Shots | Satellite Media Tours | |Video News Releases | Corporate Video Filings - SEC Compliant | 6

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