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Network & Service Website & newsletter

The online presence of Creative Industries Styria is literally the fir st address for the Styrian creative scene when it comes to networking – both digitally and analogously.

Networking, both online and offline, has always played a major role in the creative economy. The COVID-19 pandemic in particular, however, has pushed digital connectivity to new levels. This trend has continued unabated ever since –and Creative Industries Styria has taken this into account and has responded by continuously expanding its digital offerings. Online, Creative Industries Styria acts as a digital information hub, where the creative scene and companies can connect. At the core of this is the website, which was upgraded with a new database system. In addition to the domain www.cis.at, Creative Industries Styria also operates a number of other websites, including www.erlebniswelt-wirtschaft.at, www. designmonat.at, www.designforum.at/st and www.designcities.net.


You will not only find leading projects such as the Design Month Graz, Experience Economy, Design Transfer, Styrian Products or individual exhibitions in the Designforum Steiermark on the website, but also a gallery of member profiles: On the page, all members of Creative Industries Styria are represented with a profile, ensuring visibility as well as a strong online presence for Styrian creative industries. A calendar including an event preview rounds off the digital space.

In addition, Creative Industries Styria sends out a newsletter once or twice a week that reaches around 2,400 subscribers. In 2022, 67 newsletters with 578 articles were mailed. National and international calls for proposals –valuable information for all creative companies – are a core component of the regular mailings. In total, 54 invitations to participate in calls and competitions were issued in 2022.

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