Tech 8: Creative Commons Group Project Design Problem: A solution is needed for introducing 4th and 5th graders to Creative Commons and how to properly attribute Creative Commons work. Working in teams and following the design cycle, you will develop a product that will solve this problem. Project Requirements: ● Group must produce a product that is aimed at solving the stated problem. ● Group must consider the design cycle in developing the product. ● Group must record their process in a shared document or webpage, as they are working on the product (shared with each member of the group and teacher). ● Everyone in the group must contribute to the design process and the finished project. ● Each individual in the group must have an expert understanding of Creative Commons and correct photo attribution by the time the product is finished. ● Each individual must add completed work for this project to their process journal website. Deadline: Thursday November 13 Online resources: Client resources: Ms. Cathy will provide client information to you for this project in one interview session.
Assessment Rubric
The product does not solve the original design problem.
The product addresses the original design problem in some respects. The product does not adequately address the audience, content or method of delivery.
The product solves the original design problem with some consideration for the audience and method of delivery.
The product solves the original design problem very effectively, taking into account the audience, content and method of delivery.
Design Cycle
The group did not The group gave follow the design some consideration cycle. for the design cycle and recorded their process in a shared document.
There is evidence that the group followed the design cycle in producing the product. Some areas are not described in detail in the shared document.
There is clear evidence that the group considered the design cycle throughout the development of the product. The shared document is clear and highly detailed, including a design brief, specifications, planning information, details about the product production and an evaluation of the finished product.
Individual Contribution
The individual contributed minimally to the group work or actively detracted from the overall group cooperation.
The individual contributed inconsistently to the project.
The individual contributed cooperatively throughout most of the project.
The individual contributed effectively and consistently to the design process and final product.
Individual Website Update
The individual did not update their website to reflect this project.
The individual updated their website but did not add the product or the design cycle information.
The individual added the final product to their process journal website.
The individual added the final product and design cycle information to their process journal website, in detail.
Total possible: 200