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Graded Knitted Membranes Workshop 11

Dates _ 03.10.2022 - 14.10.2022
Tutors _ Yuliya Sinke, Sif Albrechtsen
The workshop aims to introduce the students to the digital tools for design, structural and geometrical evaluation, and material differentiation of graded CNC-knitted membranes. In the two-week of interdisciplinary activities spanning digital design and textile fabrication, students explore the relationship between digitally simulated artifacts and physically produced equivalents. They work with digital formfinding and tension analysis in order to determine the knitting pattern to be used to fabricate the graded textile membranes at the industrial CNC-knitting machine. Produced membranes are suspended, loaded with the weights for pretension and 3d scanned for the recording of the shape. Scan data is then linked back to the digital environment for further calibration of the graded simulation.

Mentoring Sessions
Mentoring sessions with renowned Danish architecture firm 3XN enable thesis students to test underlying assumptions, refine their developing design ideas, and develop presentation and communication skills around the developing work. Beyond direct project feedback, these conversations with expert practitioners provide insight into professional perspectives and opportunities.