sec tion n ews
Greater Vancouver Section The Greater Vancouver Section (GVITE) hosted a two-day workshop in May ran by Russell Brownlee, David A. Petrucci, Alexandre Nolet and Josee Dumont from the ITE Transportation Safety Council and True North Safety Group. This workshop introduced the 1st Edition of the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) and how it assists transportation professionals in making moreinformed decisions in planning and project development and presents methodologies for quantifying safety performance. Over eight modules, the workshop gave an overview of the
HSM, introduced the crash prediction methods for urban and rural roadways and intersections, practical applications of HSM methods, and provided resources to software-based solutions. GVITE would like to thank all the presenters from the ITE Transportation Safety Council and True North Safety Group on their contributions and knowledge to the transportation industry. There will be upcoming GVITE events for the remainder of 2021 and will be detailed in our newsletters. Visit our website at
Saskatchewan Section The Saskatchewan Section hosted their annual Spring Session on May18, 2021. The virtual event was well attended with 63 participants logging in for the half day session. The session featured several presenters showcasing recent projects, including: • Dale Strawford, City of Regina - Smart Cities • Julian Petras/Ian Williamson, City of Saskatoon - University Section Plan • David Thatcher, Stantec - City of Calgary Bus Rapid Transitways • Gloria Bansah, City of Regina - Streetlight Data • Jeffrey Holland, Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways - Types of Interchanges Following the presentations, we hosted a virtual World Cafe Event on the Wonder.Me platform that allowed our participants to join conversations in different “rooms”. Members of the Saskatchewan Section helped facilitate conversations about hot topics in the transportation industry, such as: the future of transportation, transportation pet peeves, and politics at play. The Saskatchewan Section would like to thank all the presenters and
participants for making the session a success and for all of your support for our section activities. This past year has dramatically changed how our section connects with our members. It has been the perfect time to reflect on how we operate and what we could change moving forward. We are pleased to announce that the Saskatchewan Section is actively preparing a Strategic Plan that will guide our section forward over the next four years. We have created a Strategic Planning Committee with a diverse range of individuals with representatives from the public and private sector, and junior and senior professionals. The role of the committee is to ensure that the Section’s Strategic Plan reflects the vision and goals of our membership and potential membership. We expect that the Strategic Plan will be distributed to section members later this fall. We are actively planning the remaining events for 2021 so watch your emails for details about upcoming events and activities.