CITE Transportation Talk - Fall 2021

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ANNA (BAUDITZ) SNOOK P.Eng., PTOE Current Employment Transportation System Engineer, City of St. John’s City of Residence: St. John’s, Newfoundland Education: BSc in Civil Engineering, University of Alberta First job in transportation: Summer student at Genivar What positions have you taken on as a member of ITE? CITE Training Committee Member (2017/18), Vice-Chair (2019/20), Chair (present) Family: Married to Brandon, mother of our new son Miles Things I like to do: Being outside including hiking, camping, and downhill skiing

CITE INVOLVEMENT What was the first ITE event you attended? My first ITE event that started it all was a student mixer

What do you value most about ITE membership? The people I have met through this organization are

at the University of Alberta in the basement of a local

without question the most valuable part of membership.

campus pub. It was there that I realized I was not only

I have met colleagues and friends across the country and

interested in transportation but that I had also found a

I have a network of peers I can reach out to with ideas

community of amazing professionals I wanted to

and questions.

become a part of. That event helped me network to get my first interview and full time job after university.


What is your ITE involvement (past and present)?

What is the most daring thing you’ve done in your

I am currently the chair of CITE’s Training Committee. In 2017, I joined the committee in its early days. Over the past four years, we have facilitated in-person and virtual training workshops on current topics of interest.

lifetime? Ski racing as a kid. I wasn’t amazing so I’m pretty lucky I didn’t end up with a bad injury. What is the last book that you read? The last book I read was The Very Cranky Bear by Nick Bland. I also recently finished All the Devils are Here by Louise Penny.



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