II Living Labs Summer School's Programme

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final II Summer School of Living Labs

The programme is structured in following groups of activities:

1 2 3 4 5 6 Workshops

“Meet your coach� sessions

Networking sessions

Special sessions

Happenings and visits

Pechakucha sessions

7 8 Plenary sessions

Social events

Workshops The Summer School will include three different kind of workshops: - Core workshops - Domain workshops - Case Study workshops The first ones are related with fundamental issues of the Living Lab movement: what LLs are about, role in the new innovation systems, the creation of PPP, management and sustainability, role of LLs in innovation societies, LLs methodologies,... The “Special Sessions”, organized by ENoLL, will complement the core workshops. The second ones are related with specific topics where LLs can

have a direct impact, like energy, media and culture, manufacturing, tourism and hospitality, learning, entrepreneurship and job creation, active aging and wellness, smart cities, ... A case study workshop is a workshop centered in the study of an specific user case living lab project. All the workshops are designed to help the participants in advancing their own projects. Complementary “Meet Your Coach sessions” are personalized mechanisms where each participant, individually or in small groups, will have the possibility to discuss doubts and problems with their own assistant. Finally, the “Networking sessions” are designed to meet partnerships and future relationships with other participants.

a) Core Workshops (CW) CW 1. State of the Art of Living Lab and its role in the innovation systems

development and job creation

Marc Pallot/Marco Ferruza

Living Labs are begining to show their potential in the creation of jobs and companies. People, private and public partnerships are transforming the way we think about unemployment. Instead of “searching for a job”, Living Labs are fostering the entrepreneurial mindset helping youngsters “to invent their own job” instead. A new kind of entrepreneurship is possible through Living Labs. CW3. Living Lab methodologies: Learning to innovate

The study of current Living Labs structures will help to understand how this new ecosystems works and evolves. This workshop is based in an empirical analysis of the reality of LLs after several years of existence. It also includes the emerging relationship between Living Labs and other actors in the innovation systems like science parks, technology centers, ... An special attention will be devoted to the building of sustainable people, private and public partnerships. CW2. Living Labs, economic

Roberto Santoro/ Jordi Colobrans

Brigitte Trousse/Esteve Almirall/Artur Serra

From the traditional approach of what methodologies can facilitate user engagement we are moving to a more practical approach training users how to innovate. Learning by development, co-creation, programming for all, Personal Learning Environments (PLEs), ... are some of the new ways we are exploring to solve the key issue of user involvement in the innovation processes. This new approach is forcing Living Labs to blend the innovation system with the education and training system. Is user involvement in innovation a learning process?.

CW4. Sustainable management models for LLs ATOS Origin/Carlos Bezos

Living Labs need continuity, sustainability. It is important to know how some LLs experiences are giving duration to the work. Beyond initial funding from European or national projects, Living Labs need to develop service models and strategic alliances evolving into persistent structures in their own respective domain or territory.

b) Domain Workshops (DW) DW1. Innovative experiences for active aging and well-being Carlos Bezos/Tuija Hirvikoski

Seniorlab is a civic project recognising the value of the applied experience and ideas of seniors for health, employment and social integration within the framework of the knowledge society. It is a work team of people over 50, both professionals and researchers. Other successful projects in the area of active aging like Caring TV will be also presented and discussed. We arrange a workshop as a civic laboratory, where users can find innovative tools to conceive, design and develop their own projects, locally sharing with Summer School participants, international backgrounds, innovation cases, stories and experiencies. DW2. Smart Regions, Smart Cities, Smart Homes Jesse Marsh/Marta Continente

Local and regional administrations are incresingly interested in using technologies like Internet of Things in order to

manage more efficiently the public infrastructures providing better services to the citizens. ICT local infrastructures are helping to design smart energy networks, smart buildings, smart transport, ... What is the role that Living Labs can have in helping to design these smart cities and regions? Smart Cities are possible without smart citizens? How about Smart Homes where citizens can manage their own personal home and transport infrastructures? DW3. Learning to innovate, innovate in learning Ricardo Torres, Minna Katariina

Reforming the educational systems with innovative methodologies is a permanent goals of our governments. This workshop is dedicated to the exploration of some of the methodologies that are helping leaders of living labs to work with secondary school teachers, professionals, university managers and tecnicians, in order to help them to innovate in the

classroom, to transform the classrom and the school in a living lab. DW4. Living Labs, Tourism and Hospitality Nahida Habbash, Miia-Maija Vakkuri

Living Labs are helping to introduce innovation culture in traditional service sectors like tourism and hospitality. Projects like BarLaurea show the possibility to change gradually the food culture with the collaboration of the users. Other experiences like Colònia Guell are opening innovation with users to traditional cultural heritage places. Finally, we are wondering if a new tourism of knowledge is possible considering Living Labs as new touristic destinations. DW5. Rural and Social Inclusion ATOS Origin

Through the analisis of different European projects on rural inclusion (CISVI, C@R, COCKPIT, ...), the workshop will focus on reduction of administrative burdens between Public Administrations and SMEs in rural areas (http://www.rural-inclusion.eu/)

and in different countries: Martinica, France, Latvia, Spain, Greece. A round-table discussion will focus on the lessons learnt from the new sustanability strategies. DW5. Rural and Social Inclusion ATOS Origin

Through the analisis of different European projects on rural inclusion (CISVI, C@R, COCKPIT, ...), the workshop will focus on reduction of administrative burdens between Public Administrations and SMEs in rural areas (http://www.rural-inclusion.eu/) and in different countries: Martinica, France, Latvia, Spain, Greece. A round-table discussion will focus on the lessons learnt from the new sustanability strategies. DW6. Energy Efficiency and Living Labs Alvaro de Oliveira

Living Labs are actively participating in the European PPP initiative on Energy Efficiency. Through the analysis of different projects, this workshop will introduce the participants in this field.

Case Study Workshop (csw) CSW1. Learning Scratch & Arduino: Computational Thinking and Living Labs Jordi Delgado

The message that the citizen may be able to innovate in this new knowledge society is being widely disseminated from all Living Labs across Europe. But not the citizen as such, we need a citizen that is able to deal comfortably with new technologies, since these are the tools that make the citizen capable of such innovative new practices. In this sense, Computational Thinking (CT, aka procedural epistemology, aka algorithmic thinking) is a new mindset required for a full understanding of how this innovation may take place through the use of computers. Thus, people working in Living Labs should know, teach and disseminate this new way of thinking. One way to reasoning computationally is learning to program computers (not

the only way, though). This workshop will show some tools designed and/or modified here at Citilab in order to get people (particularly children) an easy start in this fascinating computational world. We do not want to crowd the world with computer programmers, we want people doing whatever they like to do taking into account this new computational way of seeing the world. CSW2. Laborlab: Invent new skills and new jobs through LLs Jordi Colobrans

Laborlab is an ongoing project in Citilab that encourages innovation in job creation and self-employment strategies. Laborlab does not help people to find work. Instead, it helps them to develop drives, ideas and initiatives to create their own work, facilitates the creation of groups of workers-entrepreneurs, and provides tools and coaching for such groups

addressed to innovation projects. In this workshop we will share our model and experiences. CSW3. Beyond Facebook: Social networks and Living Labs Luis A. Fernández Hermana/Isabel Troytiño

How current social networks and Living Labs interact with each other? Do the Living Labs need a new kind of social networks? How to build them? The concept of social networks for innovation will be presented. The workshop will work with particular experiences of training professionals in the new area of innovative social networks. CSW4. Funding for Living Labs before and after a European project Anna Kivilenko/Jose Antonio Galaso

Model of business and succesful experiences of Living Lab projects. In this workshop we could share knowledge about new strategies, marketing and communication skills

and budget approach oriented to create sustainable models for Living Labs. New activities like service design, innovative training, and incubation of new businesses and jobs will be presented. CSW5. Rings of Innovation: How Living Labs can benefit from the Research Infrastructures Artur Serra/Francisco Iglesias/Emili Hernández/Gonçal Bonhomme

This workshop will explain a new digital infrastructure called Rings of Innovation in Catalonia opening the Research Infrastructures to the world of innovation. The i2cat Foundation, in collaboration with Citilab is pushing this new innovation infrastructure called Anellas de Innovation (Innovation Rings). The Catalan Government, the City of Barcelona and several companies are also supporting the initiative.

Happenings & Visits (H,V) H1. How to do living labbing for kids Laia Sanchez/Jordi Delgado/Jose Yeste

Experiencing how to involve teachers, trainers, and students from different schools and non-formal learning organizations in producing their own stories and prototyping ideas in multimedia formats. In this activity we will introduce InvenTV, an interactive media literacy experience, and we will mix it with Scratch, a platform for learning computational thinking. Summer School participants will create short videos based on real or fictional facts from their lifes or on the issues that the new community of livinglabbers care about. We will mix voices, news, old photos, home videos or videos recorded during

the course, drawings, texts, and other powerful expressive resources that motivate children and adults. At the end, a video per participant will be published online so that they will share and spread their stories, creations and prototypes. H2. Interactive Music Session Alex Serra/Sergio Ramos/Sant Boi Altaveu Festival

Based in the Musiclab project, this happening will invite participants to join an Open Music Community with musicians, artists and citizens from the city of Sant Boi. This living experience is committed to innovation and musical experimentation. Through the development of creative tools as well as new formats of cultural contents, this

community will be local and global at the time. Creativity and innovation can go hand by hand. Participants in this event will experiment how artistic community and technical people are blending in new kind of innovative Living Labs, contributing to social and cultural inclusion. They will be involved in a musical network experience with local youngsters. They will experiment the Cultural Ring innovative infrastructure. V1. Visiting 22@ and BCN Fablab Participants will come to dowtown Barcelona where they will visit the IAAC, Institut of Advanced Architecture of Barcelona and BCN Fablab discovering a

different kind of Living Lab, followed by a walk through the underground technical infrastructures of the 22@, the innovation district of the city where they will see a current smart city project. V2. Visiting the Colònia Güell: the community and Gaudi's laboratory A new model of cultural tourism, the tourism of knowledge, is under construction in collaboration with the community of Colònia Güell. This is an UNESCO cultural heritage site and at the same time a lively community of 800 inhabitants in the municipality of Santa Coloma de Cervelló. How to make compatible cultural tourism, community development and knowledge society is the goal of such experiment.

Special Sessions (ss) SS1. What can ENoLL (European Network of Living Labs) do for you? The European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) is the international federation of benchmarked Living Labs in Europe and worldwide. Founded in November 2006 under the auspices of the Finnish European Presidency, the network has grown in ‘waves’ up to this day. To this date, 5 Waves have been launched, resulting in 274 accepted Living Labs. The ENoLL international non-profit association, as the legal representative entity of the network, is headquartered in Brussels, at the heart of Europe. Aim: What is the European Network of Living Labs and what can ENoLL do for your organization?

Structure, Speakers and Presentations What is ENoLL?

ENoLL Office and ENoLL in Projects

ENoLL Thematic Domains: the Apollon project*

ENoLL history up to this day

What are the opportunities for Living Labs

Marc Pallot, Tuija Hirvikovsky, Roberto Santoro, Sebastian Levy, Pieter Ballon, Alvaro Oliveira

Alvaro Oliveira, ENoLL Anna Kivilehto, ENoLL Ana Garcia, ENoLL

*Apollon project (www.apollon-pilot.eu <http://www.apollon-pilot.eu/>) is an EU project mapping the Living labs domain networks to suport SMEs in cross border activities.The results of this project will be discussed in a panel with the following ENoLL participants:

Special Sessions (ss) SS2. - The Challenge of Global Social Innovation: an EnoLL initiative of the Public-Private Partnership with People The session aims to gather the members and other stakeholders input for the preparation of the ENoLL PPP whitepaper on Global Social Innovation and will be done through a workshop session and it will be focused on presenting the overview of the ENoLL PPP(P)-programme, its instruments and impact. The session will include few (2-3) case studies from the different ENoLL Living Labs, followed by an interactive session and a summarizing session aimed to feed into the programme preparations. The intention is that these sessions will include decision-makers from the local, regional, and European level. A consultation will also be published online (www.openlivinglabs.eu), through which all stakeholders are invited to contribute to the preparations of the programme.

Structure, Speakers and Presentations ENoLL led public private partnership with People Alvaro Oliveira, ENoLL ENoLL PPP presentation and announcing the opening of the consultation

How is the EC supporting the Living Labs? JP Euzen, EC

Panel on Living Labs addressing societal problems (speakers with short presentations) Moderation Jesse Marsh Tuija Hirvikoski, Roberto Santoro, Pieter Ballon, Artur Serra, Bram Lievens (tbc)

Interactive session with the audience based on the following questions: Q: What can Living Labs do for us - in contributing to the innovation and business systems, member states, civic societies, and most of all the quality of life of citizens? -Thematic, regional, methodological, theoretical development impact. - Raise awareness, ownership and transformation - Discover the bottlenecks and opportunities related to external innovation and business ecosystem Q: What have Living Labs learned that can feed into the ENoLL PPP(P)? - Business models, partnerships, financing, EU-funding mechanisms, mental models - Technologies, institutions, collaboration etc... Q: What would support the replication of the best practices? -Mentoring, funding, one-stop-shops, education, bench-marking etc. Q: How to increase the impact of the ENoLL PPP? Su mmary and Wrap up Alvaro Oliveira, ENoLL President

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