Citizenship Magazine - The Transition Issue

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CITIZENSHIP The Police Community Clubs

September 2012 The Transition Issue

magazine for schools

Transferring from

Year 6 to Year 7 Talking Point – Websites Pupils’ Corner Grow Your Own - Lettuce

Contents FEATURES News The latest education news Transferring From Year 6 to Year 7 Advice for parents, children and teachers Talking Point – Websites Should adult websites be automatically be blocked?

Welcome from the Editor Hello and welcome to the latest edition of Citizenship Magazine as we look ahead to the academic year. 6



Introduction to Shakespeare 37 Tom Jackson provides a guide on how to introduce pupils to Shakespeare REGULAR ITEMS Police Community Clubs of Great Britain: News Pupils’ Corner Moving from primary school to high school A guide to growing your own: Lettuce

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LESSON IDEAS Ten tips for behaviour management 17 Learning Activities – Transition 34 Notice to Advertisers Whilst every care is taken to ensure that the contents including advertisements are accurate, the publisher cannot assume responsibility for errors.


I trust all our readers enjoyed the summer break and are now raring to go as we begin the school year. For many teachers this will involve taking on a new class of children who have just left primary school. Other teachers may be looking forward to preparing their class for when they leave primary school. Either way, we look to cover all the bases when it comes to the transition period between primary and secondary education. As well as offering hints and tips for secondary teachers welcoming a new intake of pupils, we will also take a look at the work of primary teachers in delivering positive citizenship skills to young learners. These skills such as decision making and knowing their responsibilities can become essential tools in helping pupils bed into primary education. In this issue we will also look to provide an insight into what are pupils go through in those early days of secondary education in our Pupils’ Corner feature and we also discuss what teachers look for in a pupil beginning high school and the positive citizenship skills that can help them adapt to a new learning environment. Alongside these informative features are a number of lesson plans and ideas which can be used in your class and our popular ‘Grow Your Own’ feature provides another opportunity to get the children in your class involved in growing their own food. With the Community Education Awards fast approaching, we are looking forward to The Awards and the winners are announced in November. Please take a moment to check out our website for our latest blogs, follow our Twitter updates (@Citizenship_Mag) and apply for our free subscription service. And if you have any suggestions on how to help develop citizenship and PSHE teachers, email me at Andrew Davies, Editor

Andrew Davies


Community Initiatives Associates 0800 783 5805

Contributors Tom Jackson Design

Joanne Hewitt

Advertising 01244 316629

Police Community Clubs of Great Britain Barry Jones MBE Po Box 160, Bideford, Devon, EX39 9DL 01237 474 869

© All rights reserved. No part of The Citizenship Magazine for Schools may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the editor. Copyright2009 ISSN Applied For.

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The Police Community Clubs of Great Britain NEWS

Since our last publication the Police Clubs have seen a huge interest in clubs wishing to affiliate to us. Whilst we welcome this continued interest in all we do we do not have unlimited resources and it is felt that we cannot sacrifice quality for quantity. For this reason, we are seeking to retain the membership at its current level. After delivering the very successful coaching programme to Doncaster Prison, we now await the outcome of discussions with the Ministry of Justice before formally establishing the Boxing Academy within that prison. On a broader sports front I am delighted to be able to inform you that The Clubs have formed a subsidiary company called ‘British Sports Academies’. This organisation, managed by a sub Board of the Police Clubs will oversee all our ‘Academy’ activities. These will include all our FE & HE College Academies both current and future together with our prison based academies. I am also delighted to announce that we have been awarded the contract to form and manage a sport academy in four sporting disciplines in Doncaster Prison. The sports to be commissioned are Association Football, Rugby League, Basketball and, in due course, Amateur Boxing. This very exciting development will be managed by our British Sports Academies group and will result in the employment of the very best coaches available to us. The first academy in the programme is to be Association Football and we have entered into a partnership with Doncaster Rovers FC which I am confident will add greatly to the quality and outcomes. A number of other prisons have now expressed an interest and we are in the process of discussions with them. Our consultant in Citizenship is now in the process

Barry Jones MBE

of compiling a series of brand new programmes which will be aimed at schools, colleges, faith groups, community and sports clubs and local authorities. The first four individually branded packs that can be delivered by teachers, youth workers, coaches and police officers to mention only a few will address citizenship issues in Gun, Knife & Gang Crime, Alcohol Abuse, Anti-Social Behaviour and Safety on the Internet. Anyone interested in discovering more about these and other innovative programmes should contact our office or email: Due to the popularity of its content, as previously reported, our business partners, Community Initiatives Associates in Chester have developed an ‘App’ which features a game around our ‘Barney & Echo’ characters called Dizzy Heights. To download the game for free visit dizzyheights Our new Police Clubs exclusive citizenship programme aligned to non-contact Olympic-style boxing called The Contender Plus+ Coaches course continues to be rolled out throughout the country. This delivers instruction in all the skills elements of the sport together with material to deliver our citizenship programmes to any group in any suitable environment. All successful coaches are free to deliver their own Contender Am-Box programme whilst being fully insured by The Clubs. Anyone interested in discovering more about this programme should contact our office or email: In closing, I would like to thank all of our sponsors, partners, clubs and volunteers for their hard work and continuing support. Barry T Jones MBE Founder of the Police Community Clubs of Great Britain The Citizenship Magazine for Schools 5

Website and Charity join forces to raise money for hungry children Members of the public have been encouraged to donate old mobile phones to help raise money to feed London children. The parenting website Netmums and the charity Kids Company have joined forces to try to raise more than £1m to feed hungry and vulnerable children. They say each phone donated will provide a month’s worth of meals for an at-risk child helped by Kids Company. In a survey, it was reported that of 1,116 parents, Netmums found one in four (24%) knew of a child in their area who may be going hungry. Just under a third (29%) said they had seen a rise in children suffering “food insecurity” over the past two years. Over the past 12 months, Kids Company, which works in deprived areas of the capital, has reported an increase of more than 200% in the number of vulnerable children using its services. The average age of the 17,000 children going to its centre is 10. By coming together to launch the Mobiles for Meals campaign, the two organisations hope to raise extra funds for vulnerable children who may be going hungry. However, official figures released last month showed

the number of children living in poverty in the UK fell by 300,000 in 2010-11 to 2.3 million. A total of 18% of children were living in households classed as below the poverty line - a 2% drop. This was because the measure is based on median incomes which also went down. In May a report by children’s charity Unicef warned government spending cuts would reverse progress made on tackling child poverty. The report on 35 wealthy countries says the UK did better than many others at protecting children from the impact of the global financial crisis. Camila Batmanghelidjh, Kids Company founder, commented: “We are seeing a lot more children struggling to get hold of food. We have kids who were so starving they stole frozen meat from a flat they visited and they ate it raw. We’re seeing effectively responsible parents who are just not managing to have food in the house. “Children don’t have a public voice so they can’t tell us. We have a collective responsibility to make sure every child has enough to eat.” Household names who are supporting the campaign include television’s Alan Yentob, Eamonn Holmes, ex-EastEnders actress Natalie Cassidy and Jeremy Kyle. Old mobiles can be taken to T-Mobile or Orange shops.

Homophobic bullying ‘a daily nightmare’ for over half of Britain’s gay school pupils New research carried out by the University of Cambridge for Stonewall’s School Report 2012 has found that 55 per cent of lesbian, gay and bisexual pupils in Britain’s secondary schools experience homophobic bullying. The research, based on a national survey of 1,614 young people, also found that nearly a quarter (23 per cent) of gay young people have attempted to take their own life, and more than half (56 per cent) deliberately harm themselves. The School Report 2012 reveals that 99 per cent of gay young people hear homophobic language – like ‘that’s so gay’ and ‘you’re so gay’. However, a quarter of gay young people – rising to over a third in faith schools – report that teachers never challenge homophobic language. In schools where teaching staff never challenge homophobic remarks, the rate of homophobic bullying is far higher than in schools where such language is always challenged (71 per cent compared to 43 per cent). Stonewall Chief Executive Ben Summerskill said: “It’s unacceptable that over half of gay young people face a daily nightmare of homophobic bullying, and deeply worrying that many schools and teachers still fail to challenge it effectively. Thankfully Stonewall’s years of work with thousands of schools and local authorities has reduced the overall level of homophobic bullying significantly. But we won’t rest until every single gay young person in this country can walk through their school gates every morning without fear of being bullied 6

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just because of the way they were born.” Schools Minister Nick Gibb said: “Homophobic bullying, of any kind and of any child, is completely unacceptable. No child should have to suffer fear, victimisation or disruption as a result of bullying, either on or off school premises. Tackling poor behaviour and bullying are top priorities for the Coalition Government. Working with Stonewall and other groups, we are supporting schools to take a zero tolerance approach to all forms of bullying. We are also clear that homophobic language should become as unacceptable as racial slurs.” Shadow Education Secretary Stephen Twigg, speaking at Stonewall’s Education for All Conference in London recently, paid tribute to Stonewall for making a ‘vital contribution’ to discussions about homophobic bullying. “Every school and college must be a safe environment for everyone learning and working there,” he said. “Stonewall’s School Report sets out challenges for schools, the Department for Education and Ofsted. It also makes recommendations for local authorities and academy chains - it’s vital that these are adopted.” The report which was released in June, updates Stonewall’s 2007 School Report, which found that nearly two thirds of young people were being homophobically bullied. Homophobic language remains as prevalent today as it was in 2007, although twice as many young people today report their schools say homophobic bullying is wrong (50 per cent, up from 25 per cent in 2007).

EDUCATION NEWS Trainee teachers to get a better grip on managing behaviour

Trainee teachers need better training in managing pupils’ behaviour and ensuring discipline according to Charlie Taylor, the Government’s expert adviser on behaviour. Highlighting that there are some cases where trainees receive little more than a single lecture, Charlie Taylor calls for more practical training for trainees. This includes knowing how to vary the tone and volume of their voice to teach effectively and manage behaviour, as well as how to use posture in order to be an authoritative presence in the classroom. The headteacher of The Willows, a special school for children with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties in West London, published the document Improving Teacher Training for Behaviour in June. It sets out the knowledge, skills and understanding that trainees will need in order to be able to manage children’s behaviour. Charlie Taylor said: “The greatest fear trainee teachers have is that they won’t be able to manage behaviour. It also remains one of the main reasons why teachers leave the profession. “There are essential skills – including some which are underestimated, such as body language and posture – that all teachers need in order to manage behaviour effectively. “There are some great training providers but too often trainees aren’t taught the skills they need to ensure discipline in the classroom. We must spread best practice because without strong discipline and good behaviour children can’t learn.” Charlie Taylor, who from September 2012 becomes the chief executive of the Teaching Agency, has carried out a review of what trainees are currently taught. It found differences in the quality of training on behaviour management. The best ITT providers take considerable time and thought to produce programmes that mean

trainees leave with a range of practical skills, knowledge and understanding. It allows them to feel confident to manage behaviour when they begin to teach. However, there are some cases where trainees receive little more than a single lecture and limited support from a tutor if things start to go wrong. Some providers are not always aware of what is good training on behaviour and this means they continue to train inadequately. A survey, published in June, revealed how more than two-fifths (41 per cent) of teachers rated their initial teacher training (ITT) in managing behaviour as ‘poor’ or ‘very poor’. This includes teachers who may have been in the profession for a number of years. Improving Teacher Training for Behaviour has been developed to complement the new Teachers’ Standards that all teachers have to demonstrate from September 2012. It also reflects the new Ofsted inspection framework for ITT providers, which will come into effect at the same time. It has been produced taking on board the practice from some of the outstanding teacher training providers, Ofsted and some of the best schools who train teachers. Jo Palmer-Tweed, course director at teacher training provider Thames Primary Consortium, said: “The importance of coherent high-quality training for behaviour management in teacher training cannot be underestimated. With a wide range of routes into teaching available and training programmes that are growing in diversity these guidelines will be essential to ensure the provision of high quality training. “Crucially they do not tell providers how to structure their training programmes, but they do set high expectations in terms of what a trainee teacher should expect to receive. This will have a positive impact on the quality of teacher training and subsequently on children’s behaviour for learning.” The Citizenship Magazine for Schools 7

EDUCATION NEWS £10 million literacy catch-up programme for disadvantaged pupils

Children from poorer backgrounds who are behind in reading and writing at the end of primary school will have the chance to get extra catch-up lessons. This comes as part of the Government’s drive to narrow the attainment gap between pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds and their peers. Results from last year’s Key Stage 2 tests show that around 100,000 pupils in England failed to reach the expected standard in English. This means that: around one in six pupils (16 per cent) fail to master the basics of reading at the end of primary school; and around one in four pupils (25 per cent) fail to master the basics of writing at the end of primary school. As part of a £10 million programme, projects will be set up across England to help disadvantaged pupils who fail to reach the expected level of English by the end of primary school (level 4 at Key Stage 2). Some projects will be fast-tracked through the bidding process to start from this September, while other projects 8

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will start in 2013. Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said: “Reading with confidence is the basis of a good education and to unlocking everything the school curriculum has to offer. Every child should start secondary school with a head start – not a false start. “I’m determined that the Government does everything it can, through the Pupil Premium, to bring children up to speed in literacy as they make the transition from primary to secondary school. This money will be a huge boost to schools in giving extra support the children who need it.” Children’s Minister Sarah Teather said: “Improving reading standards in schools is central to the Coalition Government’s education reforms. “Being able to read fluently by the end of primary school is essential. Without these skills children fall further behind in their education. This programme, funded by the Pupil Premium, will help struggling pupils catch up. “It will also help close the gulf in achievement, where the poorest children are less likely to leave school with five good GCSEs than their less disadvantaged classmates.” The programme will be run by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) and forms part of the Coalition Government’s drive to improve standards for all. It will help disadvantaged children make the difficult transition from primary to secondary school effectively, as it is one of the key stumbling blocks to improving social mobility in this country. The EEF will run a competitive bidding process to fund innovative projects that build on either robust evidence or a strong and practical theory. It is expected that schools themselves, along with charities, local authorities and universities, will bid for the programme. Projects could start at the end of Year 6, in the summer between Year 6 and Year 7, and in Year 7 itself. The Foundation will also consider some projects which include mathematics. Sir Peter Lampl, Chairman of the EEF, said: “We very much welcome the Minister’s announcement that the Government is providing £10 million for the EEF to fund and rigorously evaluate projects to find out what works in helping disadvantaged children make the difficult transition from primary to secondary school. “The challenge of navigating this transition successfully is one of the key barriers to improving social mobility in this country.” Each successful project will be evaluated by independent research teams drawn from the EEF panel of evaluators. This will help make sure that through robust evaluations the best projects can be made available to all schools to use. (This relates to England only)

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EDUCATION NEWS Record numbers of men teaching in primary schools - but more still needed The latest data from the Teaching Agency (TA) shows more men are becoming primary school teachers. The number of male trainee primary teachers has increased by more than 50 per cent in the last four years and has grown at five times the rate of women. More top male graduates are being encouraged to follow suit and take advantage of the great opportunities a primary teaching career provides. The same pay scales apply to all teachers, regardless of whether they teach primary or secondary, and career progression opportunities are excellent. Teachers are twice as likely to be in management positions, than graduates in comparable professions. The average starting salary for teachers now stands at £23,010 and the current average after four years is 30 per cent higher. Training bursaries of £5,000 are available for those with a 2:1 degree applying to primary teaching, and £9,000 for those with a First. The TA is launching two new services to assist men to train to teach primary. Firstly, a new Primary Experience programme will be available to male graduates who register their interest in primary teacher training with the TA and meet eligibility requirements. It gives men 10 days’

work experience in a school. The TA is also able to put male graduates in touch with a range of inspirational male primary teachers, to get an insight into teachers’ motivations, career choices, challenges and the rewards of day-to-day life in a classroom. Lin Hinnigan, Interim Chief Executive of the Teaching Agency said: “Primary teaching is increasingly a career for the most able graduates. It offers the opportunity to earn a good salary and progress quickly. “Our aim in joining forces with talented male teachers from primary schools across England is to show the reality of life in a classroom and why there’s never been a better time to join the profession.” Darren McCann, who was promoted to deputy head of St Ambrose Barlow primary school after teaching for seven years, said: “I’d always done well at school and initially thought I’d want to be a doctor or a lawyer. This all changed after I visited a school for work experience.A career in teaching shot to the top of my list. It was my ambition that directed me to primary teaching specifically – there are great opportunities for progression – and I’ve reaped the benefits of that decision.”

Summer school fund to help disadvantaged children A £50 million summer schools fund to help the most disadvantaged pupils opened earlier this year. The money will help up to 100,000 pupils making the transition from primary to secondary school, a time when Ofsted research shows performance can take a significant dip. Since March, secondary schools were given the opportunity to sign up for £500 for every disadvantaged pupil who took part in a two-week summer school. The money applied to all pupils transferring in to Year 7 who were on Free School Meals or had been in care for six months or more. Headteachers were able to design and run summer schools, targeting pupils who would benefit the most. The funding could have been used for activities such as: • Transitional activities such as meeting teachers, having a tour of the school or learning more about their new curriculum, to build on schools’ own induction arrangements. This would help pupils familiarise themselves with their new environment and give them a flying start. • Additional intensive support in English and mathematics to enable pupils who need it to make progress in these key areas before the start of the autumn term, both as catch up and preparation for the secondary curriculum.

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• Wider enrichment activities such as arts, music and sports activities, trips to theatres and museums, visits to local higher education institutions and employers etc. Commenting on the scheme, Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, said: “As any parent knows, the move from primary to secondary school can sometimes be tough. For those who struggle to make the jump, there can be a dip in performance that can last for years. We know that those who struggle most are often among the poorest in society, but we also know that just two weeks’ activities and education can help them at this tricky time in their lives. “Summer schools will give some of the most disadvantaged pupils the chance to swim rather than sink in those first critical weeks of secondary school.” Children’s Minister Sarah Teather added: “For too long social background has been a deciding factor in a child’s achievement and future prospects. In a fair society, it is the coalition Government’s responsibility to close the gulf in achievement between the poorest children and their classmates. “Evidence shows that disadvantaged children can slip further behind as they move into secondary school, so we know that heads and governors will be keen to build on their own induction arrangements and support these children.”

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Transferring from

Year 6 to Year 7 Advice for parents The transfer from primary to secondary school can be a stressful time in a child’s life, and particularly for vulnerable children and those with special educational needs. They will have to adjust to the larger, less personal environment of the secondary school. Any problems need to be tackled early with the school, for example if your child feels overwhelmed with the work, does not find the work challenging enough or is having difficulty making friends. Secondary schools will have at least one member of staff who is responsible for new children coming into their school. It can also be a difficult time for you as your child reaches a new stage in growth and approaches adulthood. Try and be positive and upbeat about the change and try not to pass on any anxiety to your child.

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Advice for children Transferring to secondary school can be an exciting time, full of new opportunities, challenges and greater independence. Some children may be a little nervous about starting at a new school, this is quite natural and you will not be alone. Secondary schools are aware of the worries that new students have and there will be lots of people to help you if you need it; your tutor, head of year, teaching assistants and many others. You have probably been on an induction visit to your new school and may already know other children who go there. All secondary schools have homework clubs where you can get extra help if necessary.

Advice for teachers: Common anxieties for children

Some of the most common anxieties faced by children starting secondary school revolve around friendships, bullying, getting lost, the journey to school and forgetting or losing bus/ lunch money. They may be worried about homework, finding the work too difficult, forgetting equipment and books, not getting on with the teachers or getting in to trouble. As a parent/carer you can help to ease some of these anxieties. Learning to be organised for school

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does not come easily to many children. Be patient and expect to spend weeks or even months helping them to be responsible for themselves. Change in the school environment can make the individual have major “wobbles” and make them anxious. Anxiety about lack of control of his/ her environment can lead to the individual feeling ‘panicky’ all of the time and this has a knock-on effect on their performance. They may lash out at others or withdraw into

themselves in a form of selfprotection. The move to secondary school exposes the child at key times in the school day such as coping alone in the playground at break and lunchtimes. They can no longer cover up their difficulties by looking as if helping the younger children. Teachers may not be present all of the time to supervise in the same way as in the primary school playground and not all teachers in a large school will be aware of the child’s difficulties.

FEATURE BY ANDREW DAVIES So what is different about a secondary school? • Classes may be larger • Bigger school environment • No personal desks and the use of lockers to store belongings • Subject specific teachers • Independent travel to school • Homework – greater volume and expectation • The need for greater organisational skills and meeting deadlines • Career choices at a time when the child may not see he/she has any strengths

How you can help as a parent: • It is important to communicate with your child’s school. Make sure you know who to contact if you have any questions or concerns. Attend any meetings and parents evenings. • Make sure that the correct uniform is ready for your child and encourage your child to pack his/her bag the night before. • Your child will probably get quite tired, so make sure that he/she has early nights. Tiredness can have an adverse affect on concentration and behaviour. • Check and sign your child’s planner regularly and check his/her bag for letters. • Familiarise yourself with your child’s timetable, maybe post it in an accessible place in the home. • Make sure you’re aware of the school rules, expectations and behaviour policy. • Try and make time each day to talk to your child about his/her school day. Discuss homework and if necessary encourage your child to attend the homework club. Your child will need a quiet place to study at home and will need to learn to organise his/her own time. Make sure that the school has information on any services involved with your child, e.g. social, physical, speech and language, etc. • Be aware of the emotional pressure of transferring to a new school and the larger environment.

How children can help themselves: • Get off to a good start! • Make sure you have some early nights. With so many new things to get used to, you will be surprised how tired you become. • Make sure you have the correct uniform and if you have to wear a tie, learn to tie it. • Pack your bag the day before so you can check that you have the correct equipment for the next day. This is a good habit to get into once you have your school timetable. • Know how long it takes to get to school – leave in plenty of time. If you walk to school, try to go with a friend, brother or sister. • Use your planner/diary to help you get organised. You will probably be given a map to help you find your way around. • Listen to the instructions that the staff give you and make sure you’re aware of school rules and expectations. • Look out for clubs/activities that you may like to join; there will be plenty on offer. • Talk to your parents/carers about your new experiences at school. • All this information can become a little confusing so don’t be afraid to ask if you need help. You won’t be the only one feeling this way.

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A new term will mean a new intake of pupils for many teachers across the country. Here, we compile 10 tips to make sure you start the year as you mean to go on in the classroom.


As the teacher, and the adult, you are ‘in charge’. It is your classroom and you must actively and consciously make the rules and decisions, rather than letting them happen out of habit, poor organisation or at the whim of the pupils. Demonstrate your authority by the position you take in the room; keep on your feet as much as possible and be where you can watch everything that is going on. Remember that the pupils need to feel safe; they can only do this if you are in charge.


Pupils need to know what is expected of them in your classroom. Establish a set of rules, no more than 4 or 5, which make desired behaviour explicit; display them prominently in the room and refer to them frequently so that they don’t disappear into the wallpaper! Praise good behaviour and refer to the rule being followed. Use the rules to point out inappropriate behaviour, “Remember our rule about …”


Give pupils relevant rewards for desirable behaviours, starting tasks, completing tasks, following class rules, etc. The goal is to establish the HABIT of co-operation. Standards can be subtly raised once the habit has been established. The easiest, quickest and most appreciated reward is descriptive praise.


Praise is the most powerful motivator there is. Praise the tiniest steps in the right direction. Praise often, using descriptive praise, for example, ‘It can be annoying having to look up words in the dictionary. I can see you are getting impatient but the dictionary is still open in front of you. You haven’t given up.’ Or, ‘I can see you don’t want to come in from break, but you are facing the right direction for coming in.’ Be willing to appreciate the smallest of effort and explain why it pleases you.


Get a pupil’s full attention before giving instructions. Make sure everyone is looking at you and not fiddling with a pencil, turning around, looking at a book, etc. Only give instructions once; repeating can unwittingly train a pupil to not bother to listen properly the first time. Smile as you give instructions. Be very clear in all your instructions and expectations. Have a pupil repeat them back to you.

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Low level, or minor, behaviour infringements will escalate if they are not dealt with quickly and consistently. A pupil’s behaviour is reinforced when he/she gets attention for it, but don’t be tempted to ignore it. Find a calm and quiet way to let the child know that you see exactly what he is doing and that there is a consequence, without making a fuss, getting upset or sounding annoyed.


Help the pupil to do whatever you’ve asked them to do. If they have thrown pencils on the floor, help them to pick them up. If a pupil does not obey instructions straight away, do not give up. Keep waiting. Praise every little step in the right direction, even the absence of the wrong thing. For example, if you’ve just asked a pupil to stand up and they’re not doing it, you could say, ‘You’re not swearing now, thank you.’ Do not protect the pupil from the consequences of his/her action or lack of action. The pupil is making a choice and you will have told him/her this, and given a clear warning of the consequence.


Avoid confrontational situations where you or the pupil has to back down. Talk to the pupil in terms of his/her choices and the consequences of the choices, and then give them ‘take up’ time.


Never attempt to start teaching a lesson until the pupils are ready. It’s a waste of everyone’s energy, giving the impression it’s the teacher’s job to force pupils to work and their job to resist, delay, distract, wind up, etc. Often this task avoidance is a ‘smoke screen’ hiding worries about what you are going to ask them to do. Have a routine way of starting a lesson; a quiet activity that pupils can get right down to, without needing any explanation. If you take the time to establish this, lessons will start themselves! You won’t have that battle at the beginning of every lesson to get yourself heard.


Do not run your lesson right up to the last minute and then have to rush because the next class is waiting. Allow time to wind down, answer questions and put equipment away. Have a short, educational game up your sleeve if there is time to spare.

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r e n r o C ’ s l i p u P

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PUPILS’ CORNER In our latest instalment of Pupils’ Corner, editor Andrew Davies sat down with brother and sister Josh and Emily to discuss the transition from primary to secondary school.

Having joined high school last year, 12 year-old Josh has been through the process of adjusting to a new school environment. His younger sister Emily (aged 10) has all that to look forward to as she enters her final year of primary school and begins preparations for ‘big school’. I asked Josh what help he received from teachers before joining high school. “The teachers got us ready for high school by pushing us more and helping us in the right direction to our goals in life. They also started giving us homework 24-7!” was his (I hope) exaggerated response. Aside from the increase in homework, there were other things Josh found when he joined his new school. He said: “I found it quite scary as I was going from the oldest in the school to the youngest. I didn’t really know what to expect and the school was much harder to adapt to.” Emily is starting to prepare for the transition to high school and she had already been given advice in school on what to expect. “I have been told that I have to work hard all the time and I can not be silly or I will be sent to the quiet room.” With the time when she will have to leave Year 6 still some time away, Emily admits to looking forward to joining high school but said: “I feel quite upset leaving my friends behind and I am a bit nervous about moving up to high school.”

So what did Josh think was the biggest difference between primary and secondary? “I would say it was the size of the school and the people around you. I found it quite difficult to find my lessons because in primary you would stay in one classroom for the whole day,” he said. Although induction and ‘taster’ days try to offer children the opportunity to familiarise themselves with their new surroundings, there is still that apprehensiveness of the first day of high school. For Josh, it was part of the experience of growing up and he believes there’s little more his primary teacher could have done for him and his classmates leaving Year 6. He commented: “No, I don’t think they could have done more. I think they prepared us well for high school and wished us luck but we had our friends to support one another. “I would say it doesn’t take long to settle in and find your way around. Getting used to your new class mates and making new friends is what I found to be the best bit about starting high school.” With a new high school comes the chance to study new subjects and this is something Emily is both nervous and excited about. She explained: “I am looking forward to meeting new friends, getting my merits so I can win things and I’m also looking forward to drama. I’m not looking

forward to having new teachers or having a German or French lesson and having a big school around me.” Luckily for Emily, she has the advantage of following her brother to high school so she will be able to gain a better understanding of what high school life entails. Finally, I asked Josh what advice he had not just for his sister, but for anyone who will be starting high school either in September or in the future. “I think it can be difficult knowing you will have to try a lot harder in class (once you’re in high school) and knowing that you will have to get used to the new surroundings and new people, teachers, etc; but it’s exciting and you soon get used to it. You just have to enjoy it and make friends and that way you’re all together and it can make you more confident both in and out of school,” Josh said. Perhaps that is where it can prove to be most difficult for teachers and parents; trying to balance preparing children for high school life but not denying them the chance to find out for themselves. As intimidating an environment high school can seem in those first few days, with good citizenship skills gained through primary education, young learners should be equipped to deal with the situations they face when they complete the transition to secondary education.

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Should adult websites be automatically blocked? The transition between primary and secondary school is likely to see many children using the internet more as the amount of homework they are given increases. We look at how children could be protected from ‘harmful’ sites.

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arents and businesses are being asked whether automatic online blocks should be introduced to protect children from adult and harmful websites, in a discussion paper published on June 28 by ministers. It asks for views on the best way to shield children effectively from internet pornography and other adult and potentially harmful content - including websites promoting suicide, anorexia, gambling, self-harm and violence, as well as those exposing them to online sexual grooming or cyber-bullying. And it asks which approaches are effective and technically practical; what improvements are already in development; and what more could be done to build on the industry’s progress in the last year in better protecting young people and helping parents manage what their children access online. It was published at a UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) conference where over 150 organisations discussed the central issues with Children’s Minister Tim Loughton and Home Office Minister Lynne Featherstone. The 10-week call for evidence will help to inform policy and future practical steps. Ministers will set out next steps later this year after discussions with UKCCIS – which brings together businesses, parents groups, children’s charities and academics.

The discussion paper asks for views on three broad options for the best approach in keeping children safest online, in a rapidly changing digital industry: A system, known as default-on or opt-in, where people’s home Internet Service Provider or each internet-enabled device (laptop and desktop computers; mobile phones; tablets and television) blocks harmful content automatically before any customer purchases it. They can later choose to adjust or remove the blocks if parents want to access the blocked websites. A system where customers are always presented with an unavoidable choice about whether or not they want filters and blocks installed either on their home internet service and/or each internet-enabled device they are buying – an approach known as “active choice”. This applies at either the ‘point of purchase’, either online, telephone or over the counter or when a customer first switches on a new device or internet subscription. A system that combines features of both systems, where customers are presented with a list of online content that will be blocked automatically unless they choose to unblock them – or active choice plus. The move came after the Prime Minister said earlier this summer that there was a clear case to look at whether internet services or devices might come with a filter on as their default setting or having a combination of filter on and active choice. Ministers think that such a system could only work if there was a clear prompt for the user, telling them about the settings and giving them a chance to

change them. No current filter, on its own, is 100 per cent effective in blocking ageinappropriate web content so ministers think the most robust way forward is combining parental controls with better education and information for families on what they can do to protect their children from harmful content. It follows work over the last year led by Government working with UKCCIS members to strengthen practical steps to improve child internet safety, following last year’s independent Letting Children Be Children report by Reg Bailey, Chief Executive of Mothers’ Union. The Bailey report argued that parents are best placed to manage what their children’s access online – but while many want to take control, all too often they do not know how. And it was clear that answer lay in businesses – manufacturers of internet-enabled devices; internet service providers; and public wifi providers – raising their game radically in helping families protect their children. Progress to date includes: All four main internet service providers BT, TalkTalk, Virgin Media and Sky signing up to the first ever code of practice last October, to give all new customers an active choice of whether or not to apply controls and filters to block harmful content – with the aim that eventually it would be extended to all existing customers as the norm, as TalkTalk has with its free HomeSafe service. Ongoing work with major laptop and hardware manufacturers to sell new products with active choice prompts at first switch-on. UKCCIS has also been working with mobile phone manufacturers and public wifi providers to block access to adult material in public

TALKING POINT – BY ANDREW DAVIES places – for instance Virgin Media’s forthcoming service on the London Underground network and O2’s wifi links in McDonalds restaurants.

nor should we, in making sure our children are protected. We have always been clear we would turn up the heat on industry if it did not make fast enough progress. There is no silver bullet to solve this. No Major high street retailers such as filter can ever be 100 per cent Tesco, John Lewis, Dixons and PC foolproof. World piloting or introducing new “There is a cottage industry of schemes so staff ask all customers people, mostly operating outside if they want parental controls the UK, continually creating and activating, when they buy new proliferating proxy websites that products. provide links to adult and harmful content. Automatic But ministers have always been filtering on its own risks lulling clear that if industry did not go parents into a false sense of far enough or fast enough, the security and there can never be government would consider any substitute for parents taking further action – including responsibility for how, when and potentially regulation. where their children use the Children’s Minister Tim Loughton internet. The answer lies in said: “We have been clear that the finding ways to combine technical internet industry needs to raise solutions with better education, its game to equip families better information and, if necessary in being able to block what their regulation further down the line.” children access on the internet. Home Office Minister Lynne There has been some good Featherstone added: “The nature progress to date but just as technology does not stand still,

and complexity of the changes initiated by the internet and new technologies is a huge challenge to us as a society. “We should continue to encourage young people to use technology but it’s important that they are made aware of the dangers involved too. We all have a role to play. “In addition to the encouraging work of UKCCIS, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) has developed a specific educational resource to tackle this very issue through its Education Awareness and Skills workstream.” What do you think should be done? Let us know by emailing the Editor at: or contact us via Twitter: @Citizenship_Mag

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GrowYour Own

Lettuce Our latest grow your own lesson plan is provided by is a website set up to offer tips on how to grow vegetables and fruit. Their features and articles are written by experts who have experience, or a particular interest in this area.

Growing your own lettuce can give you a crop, with very careful planning, throughout the year. Lettuce is amongst the most popular of salad vegetables and is easily grown. Here, we will outline the tips and techniques for growing your own lettuce. There are many types of lettuce but the three main ones are; cabbage varieties, which because they are hearted, look like cabbages hence the name, the Cos varieties which are taller and crisper and then the frizzy-headed loose leaf American varieties. Since the 1960’s there have been many developments in producing varieties of lettuce that will grow at different times of the year, so it is now possible with care to grow lettuce throughout the year. Further more there are dwarf varieties of lettuce that can be grown in single pots on a sunny windowsill. It is therefore very important that you select the correct variety if you intend to grow outside of the “normal” growing season. Soil Preparation Although lettuces prefer a rich light soil that is well drained, they will grow well on most garden soils. In the autumn an application of farmyard manure, green manure or rich compost, at the rate of 6kg per sq m (13 lb per sq yd) is an absolute must for growing your own lettuces, as this increases the humus content of the soil and helps to retain water, which is very important as lettuces are 90% water. Lettuces also need a soil pH of about 7.5 so a soil test before sowing is a good idea and if necessary apply lime to adjust the pH. If the soil is poor or ill-prepared then the lettuces will produce floppy leaves and will not heart-up. Providing the soil has been properly prepared then lettuces are a good vegetable to intercrop between rows of other vegetables that take longer to grow, an example would be between tall varieties of peas. Planning your crop As already stated it is possible to grow your own

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lettuces throughout the year, this is done by successional sowings different varieties, i.e. sowing a small number of seeds at fortnightly (every two weeks) intervals. It will also be necessary to have the ability to maintain a temperature of 15°C (60°F) during the winter. Lettuce is classified by the season it is harvested, and not by the season of sowing, so pick your variety according to your needs at harvest time. The classification is really simple basically the four seasons, summer, autumn, winter and spring. Lettuce - Care and Cultivation As previously stated the soil must be well prepared and have plenty of humus to retain water. Lettuces also need warmth, moisture and a weed free environment. They also need protection from garden pests. Do not try to force the growth by overwatering. It is a good idea to place a mulch of well rotted organic matter to help keep moisture in the soil, or placing strips of black plastic near the plants will do the same thing especially if put down after rain. It is important to keep weeds down so regular hoeing between rows is needed to stop any weeds from taking hold. If you are growing a ‘cos’ lettuce variety that is not self-blanching it may be that you would like to blanch

the plants to increase their crispness. If this is the case then about two weeks before you are ready to harvest place a rubber band around the thickest part of the plant, then a week later put another one 15cm (6¨) further up. Harvesting Your Lettuce Once lettuce plants are ready for harvesting they need to be cut as the quality will very quickly fall away. If the heart starts to form a point and push upwards the plant is beginning to bolt (go to seed). A lettuce is ready to harvest when the heart feels firm, test this by pressing with the back of your hand and not your fingers to avoid bruising. Cut the lettuce with a sharp knife just above the lowest leaves, or pull out by the roots. If you are going to store the lettuce it is best to pull the whole plant and leave the roots on, cover the roots in a plastic bag and chill. The lettuce will keep fresh for about a week. The American varieties are harvested in a different manner by pulling off individual leaves from the outside of the plant. These leaves should be firm but still young and tender.

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Learning Activities -

Tr a nsi ti on How do you feel?

One strategy is to organise small groups and hand out a variety of quotes on ‘feelings’ for the groups to discuss – asking them to decide which quotes they agree or disagree with. Then, bring the whole class together, and draw a spider diagram on the board, identifying common feelings. Children may also like to make pictures and collages, or to create a mime or act out a short play that expresses their feelings.

Pass the ball After the discussion above, or another you might initiate, ask children to sit in a circle and tell them to pass a ball around the circle. As each child receives the ball, he/she says something about his/her feelings about changing school (either positive or negative). Note that the ‘rules’ of an activity like this should be that anyone is allowed to say nothing at all and ‘pass’ and that no one is allowed to make a put-down comment about what another child says.

What can I expect? Give children a questionnaire before they have had any contact with a secondary school on visits or taster days. The questionnaire can be devised to give children the chance to think about, and discuss with their teachers and other pupils, their concerns and hopes, and to start thinking about how they will take advantage of new opportunities at secondary school. Apart from the obvious work on feelings, the activity could be extended to include maths work. Children could sort, code and collate the answers and work them out as fractions or percentages, and draw up charts to show the results. It would be interesting, for example, to know what children are most worried about and which facilities they are most looking forward to. If your primary school is big enough to have more than one Year 6 class, the charts could be put onto the wall and the results of different classes compared. The questionnaire could be given out again at the very end of term or after taster days so that children can evaluate the extent to which their feelings may have changed. If appropriate, encourage children to ask each other the questions.

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LEARNING ACTIVITIES A letter to myself This activity requires the participation of secondary school teachers. A critical issue is getting a confidentiality agreement between the primary and secondary teachers involved. The last thing many children want is for their new teachers to know about their fears. While it can be therapeutic for children to write down their feelings, they must be the ones who have the right to decide who sees the letter, and they need assurances that the letter will be in the safe hands of people who understand this. Ask children to write a letter addressed to themselves, spelling out their hopes and fears, definite plans, aims and specific targets for the next year. The use of quality writing paper and envelopes can add significance to this exercise. Tell children not to worry too much about style, spelling and punctuation – the letter is only for them. Ask them to write their name on the envelope and seal their letter inside it. Tell the children that secondary school teachers will hold, but not open or read the letters. The letters can be passed to them and kept until the summer term of Year 7, when they are opened and read, to see which fears and hopes were realised. Students can then be asked to write what their impressions are now about what they had written: Did their ideas match what happened? Where did they succeed? Where did they not do so well? If appropriate, some of these now Year 7 children could then read out their letters to upcoming Year 6 children.

A moving on diary

At the beginning of the summer term, suggest to pupils that they write a diary, called ‘Moving On’ to keep a record of what is happening to them and how they feel throughout the transition. This could be done in a hardback notebook with a cover that children can decorate themselves. Each day (or week), ask children to write a little about how they are feeling about the coming school transfer. They could include what they like about primary school, what they dislike, what they will be sorry or glad to leave. Encourage them to draw pictures of school activities and to paste in photographs of their friends, copies of certificates and so on. A section of the book can be given up to a list of things children need to know and to organise before they go to their new school. If children go on a taster day to a school, they can include an account of what the day was like. Did it sort out any questions they had? What questions were left unanswered? Children could also list any stories they hear about the new school and discuss what things they think will be different and possibly difficult. Pages at the back can include information about the new school, such as timetables, maps, telephone numbers and names of teachers.

These learning activities were adapted from the book ‘Moving to Secondary School - Advice and Activities to Support Transition’. For more information or further resources, visit, a teachers’ website with original high quality classroom resources and training for all ages and subjects created by Mike Fleetham. A number of the resources have been published in partnership with LDA (Learning Development Aids) who specialise in educational resources to support parents, teachers and pupils, especially if they have special educational needs. LDA resources cover conditions including: Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia, Autism, ADHD, SLCN, Handwriting and Fine Motor skills, Gross Motor Skills.

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An Introduction to

Shakespeare When the new intake of high school pupils settle down into the new term, they will be soon be introduced to the works of William Shakespeare. With this being the first time many of the pupils would have read these plays and poems, Tom Jackson provides a breakdown which teachers can use to introduce children to two famous plays.

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“Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.” Macbeth Quote (Act IV, Scene I).

5 steps to Macbeth: James I from Scotland became England’s king in 1603. His mother was Mary, Queen of Scots, a cousin of Elizabeth I, England’s recently deceased monarch and a Shakespeare benefactor. Mary, Queen of Scots had been executed in 1587. James I was England’s first king born in Scotland; the play first performed in his honour. Three mysterious witches tell Macbeth “that thou shall be king.” They tell Banquo that “thou shalt get kings, though thou be none.” Macbeth and Banquo are military heroes. Macbeth receives a promotion, now in line to be king. The current king, Duncan, appoints his son, Malcolm, as first in line to succeed him. King Duncan visits the Macbeths at their castle at Inverness. Led by Lady Macbeth, the Macbeths decide to assassinate Duncan, ambitious as she is for her husband. Lady Macbeth supplies the guards with wine; they soon fall asleep.

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Macbeth works his way to Duncan’s chambers. He fatally stabs the king. He returns to his wife with the bloody daggers, saying “I’ll go no more.” Lady Macbeth takes the daggers and kills the guards, leaving the daggers on their pillows. Macduff arrives at dawn to awaken the king. Finding the king murdered, he awakens everybody. Fear and commotion overtake the castle. Malcolm and his brother Donalbain, fearing for their lives, quickly leave the premises. Malcolm leaves for England. With Malcolm nowhere to be found, Macduff announces that Macbeth will be crowned king. Macduff leaves for his castle at Fife. Consumed with fear, Macbeth has Banquo murdered. The Macbeths throw a dinner party. When Macbeth goes to the door, the ghost of Banquo takes a seat at the banquet table. On his return, Macbeth shouts at the ghost, seen only by him, to “quit my sight. Let the earth hide thee.” The lords are alarmed. The banquet ends. Lady Macbeth tells

them that the king needs sleep. In the morning Macbeth visits the witches. They tell him he has nothing to fear from “any man of woman born” or until “Birnam Wood goes to Dunsinane.” Macbeth is comforted. Macduff leaves Scotland for England. Murderers hired by Macbeth murder Macduff’s family at Fife. Macduff meets with Malcolm, unaware of the murder of his family. He passes Malcolm’s loyalty test. The two of them along with Siward and English troops begin their plan to overthrow Macbeth. Macduff learns of the slaughter at Fife. Malcolm asks him to “dispute it like a man.” He responds “I shall do so, but I must also feel it as a man.” They leave for Scotland. The Macbeths are at their castle at Dunsinane. Lady Macbeth is totally depressed, walking and talking in her sleep. Macduff, Malcolm and Siward have gathered outside the castle in Birnam Wood. Lady Macbeth dies. Using tree branches as shields, Macduff’s forces attack the castle. Macbeth learns that Macduff’s mother died just before he was born. Macduff slays Macbeth. Macduff proclaims Malcolm to be Scotland’s king.


“It is the east, and Juliet is the sun” Romeo and Juliet (Quote Act II, Scene II). 5 steps to Romeo and Juliet:

dismisses the issue.

The Montagues and Capulets are two of the world’s most famous families, made famous by Shakespeare. Romeo was a Montague and Juliet a Capulet. For unknown reasons, the two families were enemies, but that’s how it was in 1595 Verona.

Romeo leaves the party and heads for the orchard beneath Juliet’s bedroom balcony. Swooning over thoughts of Romeo, Juliet comes out on her balcony. They have quite the romantic conversation. They decide to get married. Romeo plans to make the arrangements. Friar Lawrence agrees to marry them that afternoon. He does. Only the Nurse is in on the secret.

Montague and Capulet family members are feuding in public. The Prince of Verona intervenes. Romeo’s mother believes Romeo to be despondent; his cousin Benvolio lets her know he’ll find out why. Romeo’s late girlfriend, Rosaline, has dropped him. Capulet has a masquerade dinner party planned for that evening. Benvolio and Romeo plan to attend, masked. Lady Capulet wants her daughter to marry the County Paris, Juliet not yet fourteen. Romeo talks with Juliet at the party. They both fall for each other. An angry Tybalt, Capulet’s nephew, tells Capulet that he knows the mystery guest talking to Juliet is a Montague. Capulet

A still angry Tybalt runs into a just married Romeo. Romeo and Tybalt fight. Tybalt is killed. An upset Prince enters, banishing Romeo to Mantua. Romeo spends the night with Juliet, leaving for Mantua in the morning. On Monday, Capulet tells the County Paris that he may marry Juliet on Thursday. Juliet is distraught. Her father is demanding. She balks. She visits Friar Lawrence, looking for a solution. On Tuesday, Friar Lawrence tells Juliet

that he has a “potion” that can make her temporarily appear to be dead. She buys into the scheme. She tells her dad that she repents. He moves the wedding up to Wednesday. She drinks the potion and falls to sleep. In the morning, the Nurse finds her “dead.” She is taken to the family crypt. In Mantua, Romeo learns of Juliet’s “death.” He buys a poison. County Paris quietly enters the crypt. Romeo soon enters. They fight. Paris is killed. Romeo opens the casket, kisses Juliet, drinks his poison and dies. Friar Lawrence enters, finds the bodies of the two men, and exits. Juliet wakens and asks for Romeo. Seeing that Romeo is dead, she stabs herself. Lady Montague had died overnight over grief of her son’s banishment. Capulet, Montague and the Prince enter. Friar Lawrence spells out his role in the sordid affair. Capulet and Montague shake hands. The prince says “A glooming peace this morning with it brings.”

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The Police Community Clubs of Great Britain in partnership with Community Initiatives Associates helps to educate children on environmental issues by delivering the Barney & Echo Citizenship Project to schools.

Sparky's Big Idea poster set


Sparky’s Big Idea: Barney Says Let’s Talk about The Environment is the latest title in the range of Barney and Echo educational resources for schools. The book was developed to help teachers and parents introduce primary school children to the topic of the environment in an ageappropriate manner, enabling pupils to understand both the nature of the problems the environment faces and also the importance of sustainability. With the environment under threat, it is incumbent of schools to encourage children to make responsible choices and develop a sustainable lifestyle. Aimed at pupils in key stage 1-2, Sparky’s Big Idea aims to educate children on the importance of protecting the environment and using sustainable energy. Sparky’s Big Idea is the sixth book in the series. Living in a forest, there appears to be an endless supply of wood but as the animals use it up without planting new trees the forest starts to die. Sparky Fox tries to tell everyone to recycle and save energy but nobody will listen until the Treetop Forest

Council announce that they will need to cut down an area of forest to supply wood for the winter. This includes cutting down Echo Squirrel’s home. It’s time for change and with Sparky’s help, Echo starts an Eco Club. The mixture of puzzles and activities that punctuate the narrative then offer them the chance to consider their own thoughts on the issues raised which they can then discuss with others in the group. In addition to the resource itself, all schools will benefit from the Sparky’s Big Idea schools programme pack including colourful and informative posters, a dramatisation of the book and extra lesson plans to be found online on our dedicated website There are also five other books in the series. The Magic Mirror addresses the dangers of drugs, tobacco and alcohol in a fun but informative way by looking at how a group of friends cope with harmful substances. A Friendship Made tackles issues relating to bullying and vandalism, and examines what life would be like

For more information please go to To see additional projects that The Police Community Clubs of Great Britain are involved in visit

in a society where people have no respect for each other or the environment. Echo’s New Watch approaches the dangers of knife crime within the social environment of children. Caught in the Web tackles internet safety and The Bad Apples looks at anti-social behaviour. These stories are intended to not only warn children about the dangers that they might be confronted with in everyday life, but also to educate children and their carers on numerous subjects relating to the promotion of life skills. Included with each title is a play based upon the narrative of the book which pupils can use as part of their lesson plan, and posters which convey the message of each resource booklet. As part of promoting the citizenship programme, The Police Community Clubs of Great Britain and Community Initiatives Associates hold instructive conferences at which schools and organisations involved in sponsorship and support of the programme can come together and share ideas.

AWARDS2011 In association with The Police Community Clubs of Great Britain For more information on the Community Education Awards 2011 winners and for pictures and highlights from the ceremony hosted by Esther Rantzen CBE, visit The Awards were a major success and plans are now already underway for

The Community Education Awards 2012 AWARDS2011 Friday 2nd November 2012 In association with The Police Community Clubs of Great Britain

We know that this years event will be even better with a wider range of awards categories opening up this prestigious occasion to every single school in the British Isles, enabling the schools and teachers to showcase their achievements at a ceremony dedicated to rewarding those who go that extra mile. Nominations are currently being accepted for next year’s awards categories. The list of award categories plus details of how to make a nomination will be available on The Awards website.

2012 ChildLine founder Esther Rantzen CBE and former sports minister Richard Caborn are proud to act as brand ambassadors for the Community Education Awards

Esther Rantzen CBE has campaigned tirelessly for children's rights for more than 20 years. Having first found fame as the presenter of That's Life! - the BBC's long-running consumer programme she went on to set up ChildLine, the first 24-hour confidential helpline for children. After it was merged with the NSPCC she went on to serve as the charity's trustee and continues to work for child welfare.

THE COMMUNITY EDUCATION AWARDS 2012 Award Categories Environment Health & Lifestyle Community Internet/Technology Finance Mentor/Individual Awards

We look forward to another night of celebration at

The Community Education Awards 2012 CL U








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